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User:Leifon/Leifon's Alchemy Guide![link here! mini](/skins/common/images/mw/mini.png)
This guide isn't really being updated anymore. some of the information still here is still a decent reference.
Last update is the Stardust update
Introduction to Alchemy
Alchemy can be a powerful skill set, but it requires a massive amount of AP and investment as you start making your way past mid game to end game. Many starting alchemists have trouble with alchemy just because it is EXTREMELY weak at the early ranks. It requires some time and effort.
Alchemy and You
As previously stated, Alchemy is a bit weak at the start - regardless if people tell you if it’s easy mode or not. A new player who has just started Mabinogi will have plenty of trouble with Alchemy at first, solely because of Alchemy's slow start. By persevering and sticking to the talent you will be rewarded for how quick and powerful it can be.
It currently costs 5195 AP to max out the Alchemy tab, Alchemy has huge improvements at rank 9, and rank 5, so choose wisely!!
Alchemy also scales off your hp/mp/stamina depending on the skill, with a soft cap of 2500 for each.
Alchemy Skills
Basic Alchemy
The skills here are your bread and butter. Love them, learn them.
Key Note: Alchemy itself also shows a significant change at rank 9 and rank 5
- Element: Water (Ice)
- Loading Speed: 1s
- Firing Delay: Around 1.2-1.5s
- Crystal Required: 1 Water Crystal
- Number of hits: 1
- Required AP total: (31, 62, 152) at (r9, r5, r1, respectively)
- Affected by Evasion?: Yes
- Scales off 30% of your remaining MP
Description: A very fast skill that’s considered a staple in Alchemy. It can also be considered the Ice version of Firebolt. At close range, you'll deal higher damage and knock the enemy back. Long-ranged attacks will deal less damage, but stun the enemy instead. The main drawback of water cannon is the stamina consumption upon repeated use, as you get stronger this becomes less of an issue.. Alchemists specializing in water may deal more damage in rapid succession than Flame Burst.
You can remove 1 second off the firing delay with your spirit weapon.
Water Cannon damage fall off can be reduced by wearing a revenant/perseus cylinder/guard cylinder set.
Damage can also be improved further through Advancement Test
- Element: Fire
- Loading Speed: 1.5, 1.4, 1.2s
- Crystal Required: 1 Fire Crystal
- Number of hits: 3 until Rank 5, 4 at Rank 5, 5 at Rank 1
- Number of hits can be Improved further with flameburst duration reforges at +1 hit per 5 reforge levels
- Required AP total: 40, 85, 160
- Affected by Evasion?: No
- Scales off 8% of your remaining HP
Description: It is an AoE (Area of Effect) attack in front of you. Flame Burst attacks multiple times and ignores Protection when calculating critical hits. When in use, you stand still and unleash flames in front of you. You can also cancel the attack in the middle of it to end Flame Burst early. Doing this will not grant you charges on your attribute marbles.
Unlike other alchemy skills,you have to manually cancel it before you can load another one. Example: You can combo Water Cannon into Flame Burst, but you can't load Flame Burst into Water cannon without manually cancelling it.
Flame Burst speed can be improved by wearing a Revenant/Perseus Cylinder/Guard Cylinder set, as well as through Erg.
Damage can also be improved further through Advancement Test
- Element: Wind (Lightning)
- Loading Speed: 0
- Crystal Required: 1 Wind Crystal
- Number of hits: 1
- Required AP total: 31, 62, 107
- Affected by Evasion?: Yes
- Cooldown : 7s
- Scales off 25% of your remaining Stamina
Description: A very fast loading skill that can get you out of tricky situations by launching your target far away. Keep in mind the closer your target is to you, then they may be in “Gale” range and be launched farther back than usual. Criticals will also launch targets further and combine with the “Gale” range. Many alchemists neglect wind blast, but it shouldn’t be something you should ignore using.
Wind Blast is among the few skills that you can load while knocked down.
- Element: Non-elemental
- Loading Speed: 0
- Crystal Required: 1 Earth Crystal
- Number of hits: 1
- Required AP total: 31, 62, 117
- Affected by Evasion?: Yes
- Cooldown : 3s
- Scales off 10% of your remaining stamina
Description: Sandburst gained an increase in usage after the enlightenment and vates update. It has near-instant loading speed, can blind any enemy regardless of their combat power, and drop aggro. Sand Burst is incredibly useful in building up Orbs, Heat Buster Charges, and reducing multi-aggro.
Blind Duration can also be improved further through Advancement Test
- Loading Speed: Dependent on the Water Cannon & Flame Burst
- Number of Hits: Dependent on Water Cannon & Flame Burst
- Required AP total: 3 at rank F, 33 at rank A, 75 at rank 6
- Number of Extra Charges: 2 at rank F, 3 at rank A, 4 at rank 6
- Cooldown varies on Rank
Description: This skill always activates before going on cooldown. This skill is to allow you to load in additional charges to Water Cannon and Flame Burst at once. The cooldown can be reduced through the use of the following:
- Chain Cylinder Master Title: -1 to CD
- Erg 45: -5 to CD
- Erg 50: -9 to CD
- Revenant Insight Cylinder has a -2 CD reduction to Chain Cylinder
- Perseus Tyrannus Cylinder has a -3 CD reduction to Chain Cylinder
- Erg 45 + title = -6 CD Reduction to Chain Cylinder, then plus either of the above cylinders, -8 cd or -9 cd.
- Erg 50 + title = -10 CD Reduction to Chain Cylinder [Removes the CD from Chain Cylinder]
Intermediate Alchemy
This is Alchemy which I consider a nice addition with the basics. These skills work well in a supporting role or covering your own weaknesses as an Alchemist.
- Element: Neutral
- Loading Speed: 3s
- Golem Duration: 2 ~ 6 Minutes depending on Summon Golem, Earth Alchemy, and Alchemy Mastery ranks.
- Magic Golems may last around 21 ~ 26 Minutes
- Crystal Required: 5 of each crystal
- Golem Active Skills: Smash, Stomp, Defense, Windmill, Rest
- Required AP total: 37, 99, 201
- Elemental Wave and Guard Cylinders provide extra bonuses to golems.
Description: Golems are remote controlled by the player and can be used as a melee combatant. When using a golem the user will be unable to move or speak, and can only control the golem. The golem is unable to recover Stamina or HP. Golem size increases based on Alchemy Mastery and Earth Alchemy Mastery both of these also affect all golem stats.
- Equipped with a guard cylinder: You gain access to the golem interface as well as the golem AI. Nexon nerfed the golem AI to the ground and it doesn’t use its skills or attacks properly.
- Elemental Wave Bonus: You are able to summon a shadow golem, and with the golem interface it has access to taunt. It may or may not work very well, though.
- Element: Fire
- Loading Speed: .6s
- Crystal Required: 5 Fire Crystals
- Number of hits: 1
- Required AP total: 99, 252, 392
- Affected by Evasion?: No
- Scales off of 45% of your remaining Stamina
Description: A very fast loading skill that delivers a very strong AoE hit. However, you must use 4 offensive alchemy skills before Heat Buster activates. Skills such as Flame Burst and Water Cannon, provides additional counts toward Heat Buster through higher load counts.
- Elemental Wave Bonus : Heat Buster hits 3 times as well as giving a +25% damage increase, which also splashes for each heat buster
The area of effect can be greatly improved by wearing a Revenant/Perseus Cylinder/Guard Cylinder set.
- Element: Wind and Water (Ice)
- Crystal Required: 2 Water Crystals, 1 Wind Crystal
- Loading Speed: Instant
- Number of hits 1:
- Required AP total: 85, 192 ,347
- Freeze Duration: 8, 10, 12, 15 – (Pre r9, r9,r5,r1)
- Affected by Evasion?: No
- Scales off of 6% of your remaining Stamina
- Boosted by Elemental Wave
Description: Frozen Blast Is shot in a cone in front of you and does a bit of damage. Enemy defense and protection is reduced, and all attacks made on the enemies will not let them retaliate.
- Elemental Wave Bonus: The Degree Range of Frozen Blast becomes 360 Degrees
In most end game content, most enemies are immune to frozen blast.
- Element: No Element
- Loading Speed: Dependent on the Advanced Magic Crystal
- Fireball: 11.5s before rank 5, 7.5s at rank 5, 7s at rank 1
- Thunder: 11, 7, 6.5s
- Ice Spear: 8.5, 6.5, 5s
- Number of hits: Dependent on the Advanced Magic Crystal
- Required AP total: 57, 125 ,227
Description: Mana Crystalization is part of the Construct Alchemy Talent, but allows the use of Advanced Magic Crystals. These crystals are borrowed from the spells Thunder, Ice Spear, and Fireball. To create one you either need to have learned these skills yourself or get the assistance of someone who does. What makes Advanced Magic Crystals special is that the spells they borrow from don’t actually have an element, so you can use fireball on a fire-type enemy. The drawback is that these crystals do not deal critical damage - regardless of sound effect. You do still get Critical Hit training, though..
Crafting: Early levels of crafting these crystals have a very low success rate, and increasing the success rate is dependent on titles, enchants, Alchemy Mastery, and Transmutation Mastery.
In order to create these crystals, you need to have the respective spell cast while placing a crystal of its element into the steam oven. Start casting the spell in front of a steam oven, and place a crystal of the respective element into the steam oven.Fireball uses Fire, Ice Spear uses Water, and Thunder uses Wind.
If you have a friend helping allow them to cast the spell first, then you place the crystal in and request a cast from them. However they must be 5 Charge Spells
- Element: Earth
- Crystal Required: 5 Earth Crystal
- Loading Speed: 2s
- Barrier Advantage:
- No attacks pass through – pre-Rank 9
- Barrier reflects damage - rank 9
- Only you and your party members can use ranged attacks through the spikes – rank 5
- Amount of Barrier Spikes: 2 at rank C, 3 at rank 7, 4 at rank 1
- Scales off 15% of your remaining health, for the reflective damage
- Required AP total: 31, 82 ,153
Description: Barrier Spikes are extremely useful at keeping you safe while allowing you to use ranged attacks. These include all bolt spells (Fire Bolt, Ice Bolt), all advanced spells (Fireball, Ice Spear), all bow, crossbow, and throwing attacks, Water Cannon, Sand Burst, Wind Blast, Heat Buster, Life Drain, and Shock. Setting up Barrier Spikes is an incredibly useful support skill at buying you and your party members time while keeping you safe.
Advanced Alchemy
This is Alchemy which I consider extremely useful, but situational for what they can do
- Element: All (Fire, Water(Ice), Neutral, Wind(Lightning))
- Crystal Required: 2 Earth, 1 Water, 1 Wind , and 1 Fire
- Loading Speed: Approx. 1.5s
- Number of Hits: 1 (Knockback upon ending cast.)
- Required AP total: 72, 146, 328
- Drain Duration (How long your drain lasts): 3, 2, 1.5 seconds
- The lower the time, the faster the drain.
- Scales off of 35% of your MISSING hp
- Boosted by Elemental Wave!
Description: This skill is exactly how it sounds. You can drain life from your enemy after taking damage.. What makes this skill very powerful is its ability to ignore passive defenses, protection, and defenses. Though Mana Shield can still block the knockback, it cannot block the drain. Normally this skill seems situational, but it has many uses for dealing a massive amount of unblockable damage and it also has a trick of its own that it shares with wind blast. (See tips and tricks section)
- Elemental Wave Bonus: Higher Drain Rate, and Higher Final Damage
- Element: Fire and Wind (Lightning)
- Crystal Required: 1 Fire, 2 Wind
- Loading Speed: 2.0s
- Cooldown: 1 Minute upon activation
- Number of Hits: Varies upon duration, and enemies within range, attacks every 2 seconds
- Duration & Radius : 5 seconds at novice rank, a radius of 300
- 15 seconds from rank F to rank A, a radius of 500
- 20 seconds from rank 9 to rank 6, a radius of 600
- 25 seconds from rank 5 to rank 2, a radius of 700
- 30 seconds at rank 1, a radius of 800
- Stun Time: 1 second at all ranks except for rank 1, which stuns for 1.5 seconds.
- Required AP total: 81, 230 ,448
- Scales off of 35% of your remaining Mana
- Boosted by Elemental Wave!
Description: This skill used to be a bit hard to obtain but as of Generation 15 it's a bit easier. This skill may be considered one of the best Alchemy skills just because of how useful it is. This skill acts more like a buff; by using it on a nearby target, Shock will damage enemies in an AOE around them. Shock is both offensive and defensive, as you can place the skill on a surrounded ally to buy them some time.. Alternatively, you can breeze through lower difficulty missions and dungeons with it activated.
Shock cannot critical hit and Shock damage is not increased with enchants. However Shock damage can be improved through Alchemy Mastery, Fire Alchemy and Wind Alchemy.
- Elemental Wave Bonus: Shock Range Increases, and gains additional damage.
Shock damage increases based on proximity to targets by wearing a revenant/perseus cylinder/guard cylinder set.
- Element: Wind (Lightning), Water (Ice), and Earth
- Crystal Required: 3 Water Crystals, 1 Wind Crystal
- Loading Speed: 10s
- Cooldown: 2 Minutes
- Duration: Increases by 5s at every rank, ending with 90 seconds at rank 1
- Required AP total: 80, 193, 388
Description: Rain Casting is very useful when using any production skills including alchemy. At all ranks starting from rank F it simulates the rain effect while crafting. At rank 1 it simulates the thunder effect as well as causing lightning bolts to drop down for some light damage and stun time against enemies.
This skill also boosts Water Cannon damage while it’s raining. At rank 1, Rain casting prevents aggro for any mobs under it, but don't use shock with it.
Rain Casting cast times can be reduced through your spirit weapon.
The duration of this skill is affected by your cylinder. Celtic/Revenant/Perseus Cylinders provide the longest rain casting duration time, allowing you to keep rain up indefinitely.
Vates Alchemy
You will need to rebirth into the ace, Professor J / Vates, to acquire the following skills. The following skills REQUIRES A GUARD CYLINDER TO ACTIVATE
- Loading Speed : 0
- Cooldown : Based on your Alchemy Orbs
- Required AP: r1 -> 375
- Heat Buster, Shock, Life Drain, Summon Golem, and Frozen Blast are all affected by this skill.
- Heat Buster gains +25% additional damage and hits 3 times
- Shock gains additional range and damage
- Summon Golem and becomes a Shadow Golem which gains additional HP/Defense/Protection/Atk and the ability to taunt
- Life Drain gains additional drain and knockback damage
- Frozen Blast gains a 100% freezing rate on mobs that do not resist it and is in a full 360 degree AOE around you.
- Required AP total: 40, 152 ,375
Once the orbs hit over 50% these bonuses are ganed Fire: Grants bonus life (150 HP at r1) Water: Grants bonus mana (150 MP at r1) Earth: Grants bonus stamina (150 STAM at r1) Wind: Cooldown reduction of all alchemy skills (10% reduction at r1)
Description : This skill is the butter to all your alchemy and gives purpose to using the other utility skills. To activate Elemental Wave, you must have all 4 Alchemy Orbs at 100% or Activate Golden Time. Elemental Wave is incredibly useful even at lower ranks due to the extra effects it gives to the intermediate and advanced alchemy skills.
- All Elemental Wave Alchemy Orbs to 100%
- Cooldown : 5~3 Minutes (rF ~ r1 respectively)
- Required AP total : 285
Description : Just as you would think, it only sets all your elemental wave orbs to max so you can activate Elemental Wave on command.
This will also temporarily activate the bonus life/mana/stamina/cooldown reduction of Elemental Wave.
- Element: Neutral / Non-Elemental
- Crystal Required: 5 Earth Crystals
- Loading Speed: 3s
- Number of Hits: Every 3s?
- Duration : 15~30s (rF~r1 and +20 Seconds with the Master Title)
- Required AP total: 329
Description : The Hydrae are stationary and expel poison just like the Cerberus statues in certain Tara Shadow Missions. The Hydrae gradually grow stronger the longer they are out and eventually caps out in damage after 5 ticks.
Construct Alchemy
- As you continually rank this skill your random synthesis rates will increase.
- It takes a minimum of 3 items to do random synthesis, unless you are using equipment.
- Example 1: Fire Crystal, Stamina 30 Potion, Green Herb
- This works because all 3 are different items
- Example 2: Fire Crystal, Fire Crystal, Water crystal
- This doesn’t work because the Fire Crystals are stackable.
- Example 3: Gathering Knife, Gathering Knife, Gathering Knife
- This works because all 3 items are a piece of equipment. This example is also a training method for synthing a weapon and gaining a weapon with different stats.
Notable reasons to use Synthesis
- Dorren’s Request
- Creating new dye ampoules Synthesis Fixed Recipes List
- Material Duping Synthesis Fixed Recipes List#Duplicating Items
- This skill allows you to break down already crafted production goods into their base forms. Fragmentation cannot break Alchemy Crystals or Equipment.
- For most of the potions you will get either a base herb or blue/yellow/red herb back.
- For completed goods such as common silk and common cloth, you may or may not get all the materials back, but you may get some.
- For other goods such as paper cranes or leather straps, you require two of the product to return back what it costs to make 1. 2 paper cranes fragments into 1 paper, 2 leather straps fragment into 1 leather.
- This skill is very useful for refining
- It allows you to convert ores at a 5:1 Ratio at rank f
- Unknown Ore -> Iron Ore -> Copper Ore-> Silver Ore -> Gold Ore-> Mythril Ore.
- Example 1: 5 Iron Ingots -> 1 Copper Ingot
- It is incredibly inefficient at first, but as you continually rank up you’ll consume less.
- Eventually you’ll have a 2 to 1 ratio at rank 1.
- Example 2: 2 Silver Ingots -> 1 Gold Ingot
- Training this skill alongside Refining, Metallurgy, Mining, and Rare Mineralogy will make it a bit easier.
Alchemy Passives
One of the most important skills you’ll have as an Alchemist. It raises alchemy efficiency by 1% per rank; which means 1% more (per rank) during production and offensive alchemy.
The only one that’s different is fragmentation which only has a 7% bonus at rank 1 Alchemy Mastery. I suggest raising this whenever you can while you raise other skills.
At Rank 1, these skills increase their respective elemental efficiency by 10%. Rank them as you train to save yourself some time.
Gives a 10% success rate increase for production alchemy, it also boosts the quality of crystals you make with Mana Crystallization by 15%, allowing you to make higher ranked crystals easily.
Transmutation Guard Cylinder Mastery
The Newest Passive to Alchemists, it improves alchemy damage by a base number instead of a percentage, but only if you are equipped with a cylinder. Otherwise you take a penalty instead.
Equipment - Cylinders(Main Hand) + Guard Cylinders(Off Hand)
Cylinder: The most basic weapon for Alchemists, there are no positives or negatives for using this.
Wind Cylinder: Boosts Wind Alchemy by 18%, but reduces effectiveness of every other types by 6%
Water Cylinder: Boosts Water Alchemy by 15%, but reduces effectiveness of every other type by 5%
Fire Cylinder: Boosts Fire Alchemy by 15%, but reduces effectiveness of every other type by 5%
Earth Cylinder: Boosts Earth Alchemy Mastery by 9%, but reduces the effectiveness of other types by 3%
Hurricane Cylinder: Boosts Wind Alchemy by 36%, but reduces effectiveness of every other type by 12%
Tidal Wave Cylinder: Boosts Water Alchemy by 30%, but reduces effectiveness of every other type by 10%
Volcano Cylinder: Boosts Fire Alchemy by 30%, but reduces effectiveness of every other type by 10%
Earthquake Cylinder: Boosts Earth Alchemy Mastery by 18%, but reduces the effectiveness of every other type by 6%
Demonic Abyss Cylinder Boosts Water Alchemy by 36%, but reduces the effectiveness of every other type by 12%
- You need to be a Master Battle Alchemist to equip this.
Demonic Hellfire Cylinder Boosts Fire Alchemy by 36%, but reduces the effectiveness of every other type by 12%
- You need to be a Master Battle Alchemist to equip this.
Celtic Tetra Cylinder 30% Boost to all alchemy with no reduction in effectiveness. Nowadays, this cylinder is mainly used as Erg Fodder.
Revenant Insight Cylinder 30% boost to all alchemy, reduces Chain Cylinder cooldown by 2 seconds and when paired with Revenant Insight Guard Cylinder provides a boost to battle alchemy and transmutation alchemy.
Perseus Tyrannus Cylinder 30% boost to all alchemy, reduces Chain Cylinder cooldown by 3 seconds and when paired with a Perseus Tyrannus Guard Cylinder provides a boost to Battle Alchemy, Transmutation Alchemy and Vates skills. See the Alchemy Enhancements section below for the 3 enhancements.
Roll Cake Cylinder: This is a reskin of a normal cylinder.
Fomor Volcano Cylinder / Fomor Tidal Wave Cylinder: These are exactly like the ones above except they cannot be Special Upgraded.
Gospel Cylinder: This is the divine knight version of a normal cylinder and can receive enchants from Girgashiy. This cylinder provides no % upgrades but does get flat alchemic damage boosts.
Guard Cylinder: These are used for the bonus gained from Guard Cylinder Mastery, and for use with Golden Time, Elemental Wave and Hydra Transmutation
Rebis Guard Cylinder: These are just like the normal Guard Cylinders except slightly better in their upgrade path.
Revenant Insight Guard Cylinder and Perseus Tyrannus Guard Cylinder reduce loading speed by half when crystals are loaded into them. They also provide the set bonus when paired with the appropriate cylinder. They hold 1000 of each crystal and provide a warning that you are running low once you fall below 10 crystals in the Guard Cylinder. Revenant provides the set bonus for Battle Alchemy Enhancement and Transmutation Enhancement Perseus provides the set bonus for Batlte Alchemy Enhancement, Transmutation Enhancement, and Hero Alchemy Enhancement See the Alchemy Enhancements section below
Armor Sets
- Flame Burst Enhancement
- Water Cannon Enhancement
- Life Drain Enhancement
- See Section below
- Flame Burst Enhancement
Alchemy Enhancements
- Flame Burst Enhancement - 15% Flame Burst Damage Increase [Per Hit/Tick]
- Water Cannon Enhancement - 15% Water Cannon Damage Increase
- Life Drain Enhancement - 15% Life Drain Damage Increase, Except only for the knockback damage
Battle Alchemy Enhacement
- Increased Water Cannon Cast Range
- Increased Wind Blast Knockback
- Sand Burst Blind Duration Increased
- Increased Frozen Blast Freeze Rate
- Increased Life Drain Absorb Speed
- Increased Flame Burst Range [Distance in front of you]
- Increased Flame Burst Attack Angle [The Width of the Flame Burst]
- Increased Flame Burst Hit/Tick Rate [The Speed is increased by a significant amount]
- Increased Shock Duration
- Heat Buster Radius Increased
Transmutation Enhancement
- Increased Barrier Spikes HP
- Increased Golem HP
Hero Alchemy Enhancement
- Golden Time Cooldown Reduction?
- Golden Time Duration Increase?
- Hydra Cooldown Decreased?
Unsure of the numbers provided here.
Notable titles and title usage
the Master of Sand Burst
- Blindness Duration +2 Seconds
- Max Stamina +10
- Max HP+10
The blind duration in party play can save lives, especially in dungeons such as Rabbie Phantasm.
the Chain Cylinder Master
- +40 Stamina
- -1s Chain Cylinder Cooldown
- -10 Mana
This title can be good when used in conjunction with the Revenant/Perseus Cylinders as well as Erg.
the Royal Alchemist
- +1% Crystal Making Success Rate
- +1% Synthesis Success Rate
- +1% Fragmentation Success Rate
- +15 Water Alchemy Damage
- +5 Fire Alchemy Damage
This title is fantastic for Water Alchemists because of that extra 5 boost. This title is also great because of the Royal Alchemist set which is nice to have especially when you do not have your own alchemy set yet.
the Alchemy Master
- +3% Crystal Success Rates
- +10 Water Alchemy Damage
- +10 Fire Alchemy Damage
- +10 Wind Alchemy Damage
The title provides a good flat damage across the board.
the Master of Heat Buster
- +20 Stamina
- +20 Will
- +20 Dex
- +10% Heat Buster Damage
- -20 Mana
My personal favorite, other titles may be better.
The Elemental Wave Master
- +30 HP
- +30 Stam
- +30 MP
- +20% Attribute Bonus
Now what I mean by attribute bonus is when Water Cannon gives 20% to your orbs, with the title on you now gain about 24%.
The Golden Time Master
- +3% Critical Hit Rate
- +10 Alchemy Damage (Comparable to Alchemy Master)
- Duration of Golden Time is increased to 1 Minute
If you find getting the Alchemy Master title too tedious, try going for the Golden Time master title because the damage boost is equal to the Alchemy Master title. Otherwise the duration increase isn't too very useful.
The Hydra Transmutation Master
- +3% Critical
- +10 Earth Damage
- +20s to Hydra Duration
In certain situations, this title is incredibly awesome (Offering circles, Provocation, small areas, certain bosses) and that it only allows a 10 second downtime between Hydra casts
The (Wind/Fire/Earth/Water) Alchemist
- +10% (Wind/Fire/Earth/Water) Alchemy Efficiency
I know there are other stats that go along with these 4 titles, but these titles are absolutely horrid. First of all by +10% (Wind/Fire/Earth/Water) Alchemy Efficiency, they mean the skill itself.n the end you're only getting a 1% boost out of it. Example 1: +10% Fire Alchemy Efficiency of the Fire Alchemy Skill will only give you 11% Fire Alchemy Boost.
the Barrier Spikes master
- +12 Protection
- -40 Will
- -20 Luck
Wind Blast Master
- 15% Enemy Knockback Distance
- +15 Stamina
Quite a fun title if you're using it with a Hurricane Cylinder.
Alchemy Enchants
This section will be sorted by damage enchants first, then supporting/notable enchants.
Water Alchemy Enchants
Moist – Rank 6 Prefix for Cylinders (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless)
- +10x Repair Cost
- +9 Water Alchemy Skill's Damage if Water Cannon Rank 5+
- +18 Water Alchemy Skill's Damage if Water Cannon Rank 1
Synergy – Rank 5 Prefix for Cylinders (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- +6% Critical Alchemy Mastery Rank 5+
- +5 Fire Alchemy Damage if Flame Burst Rank 5+
- +3~7 Fire Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon Rank 1
- +7~11 Water Alchemy Damage if Flame Burst Rank 9+
Disaster - Rank 4 Suffix for Cylinders (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- -50 Max Damage if Alchemy Mastery Rank 2-
- +15% Critical if Wind Blast Rank 1
- +7x Repair Cost
- +15~25 Fire Alchemy Damage if Heat Buster Rank 1
- +30~50 Water Alchemy Damage if Rain Casting Rank 1*
THE best suffix for cylinders
Distilled - Rank 5 Prefix for Cylinders (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- Frozen Blast is Rank 1+, Water Alchemy Damage +20~30
- Sand Burst is Rank 1+, Earth Alchemy Damage +25~35
- Shock is Rank 6+, Critical +4%
- Life Drain is Rank 7+, Defense +5
The best water alchemy enchant for cylinders
Frozen - Rank 5 Suffix for Headgear (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- Water Alchemy r1 or higher +7-10 Water Alchemy Damage
- Fire Alchemy r1 or higher +3-5 Fire Alchemy damage
- Summon Golem r1 or higher Critical +5%
- Critical +5%
- x5 Repair Cost
Mimic (Enchant) - Rank A Suffix for Gloves
- +4 While a pet is summoned, Fire Alchemy Damage
- +4 Water Alchemy Damage
Steam - Rank 8 Prefix for Shields-
- +6% Critical
- +6 Water Alchemy Damage if Rain Casting Rank B+
- +3 Fire Alchemy Damage if Mana Crystallization Rank B+
Soggy - Rank 6 Prefix. Only on the Royal Alchemist Suit-
- +27 Water Alchemy Damage if using the Royal Alchemist title
Transparent- Rank A prefix for Accessories
- +9 Water Alchemy Damage
Wave – Rank 5 Suffix for Cylinders(Enchant enabled Rank Regardless) Warning:Personalized
- +18 Water Alchemy Damage if Alchemy Mastery Rank 5+
- +15~28 Water Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon Rank 1
Ripple - Rank B Suffix for All-
- +4 Stamina
- +4 Water Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon Rank 6+
- +3 Water Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon Rank D+
Water Drop - Rank A Suffix for All-
- 2x Repair Cost
- +5 Water Element Alchemy Damage
Tidal – Rank A Suffix for Accessories-
- +10 Water Alchemy Damage
Flooded – Rank A Suffix. Only on the Royal Alchemist Boots-
- +12 Damage to Water Alchemy Damage if using "Royal Alchemist" title
Purgatory (Enchant) - ONLY FOR FOMOR CYLINDERS - R6 Suffix
- +5~27 Water Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon Rank 1
- +10 Water Alchemy Damage if Alchemy Mastery Rank 6+
- +3 Fire Alchemy Damage if Alchemy Mastery Rank 6+
- Fire Alchemy +1~10 if Flame Burst Rank 1
- If you use this on a Fomor Tidal Wave Cylinder, it beats special upgrades IF you can get the roll high enough. Even then it's not a bad alternative to the wave enchant, but the huge min~max water range on purgatory doesn't make a "Synergy Purgatory" better than a "Synergy Wave". However Synergy Purgatory is easier to get but you'll be missing out on blue upgrades. Still it's all up to you if you decide to go this path, I wouldn't spend so much of my precious ducats on fomorian weapons after all.
Seething - Rank 5 Prefix for Clothes
- +20 HP
- +13 Max Damage if Sand Burst rank 1
- +5% Critical if Chain Cylinder rank 1
- 3x Repair Cost
- +5~7 Fire Alchemy Damage if Flame Burst rank 1
- +10~15 Water Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon rank 1
Steel - Rank 7 Enchant for clothing/armor (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- Synthesis is Rank 1 or higher, all Alchemy Damage +6-10
- Barrier Spike is Rank 1 or higher, Defense +7-12
- Life Drain is Rank 1 or higher, Protection +2
- Dampen Shock is activated, Defense +20
- Dampen Shock is activated, Magic Defense +10
Star Cluster - Rank 8 Suffix for Accessories
- Elemental Wave is Rank 1+, +10~15 Alchemy Damage
- Alchemy Mastery is Rank 1+, Max Damage +6~7
- Repair Cost +100%
Synastry - Rank 8 Prefix for Hats/Helmets
- Enchant enabled for hats and helmets
- Flame Burst is Rank 1 or higher, Fire Alchemic Damage +10-20
- Rain Casting is Rank 1 or higher, Water Alchemic Damage +10-20
- Max HP +30
- Max MP +30
- Dexterity -20
- Repair Cost +100%
Fire Alchemy Enchants
Synergy – Rank 5 Prefix for Cylinders (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- +6% Critical Alchemy Mastery Rank 5+
- +5 Fire Alchemy Damage if Flame Burst Rank 5+
- +3~7 Fire Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon Rank 1
- +7~11 Water Alchemy Damage if Flame Burst Rank 9+
Disaster - Rank 4 Prefix for Cylinders (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- -50 Max Damage if Alchemy Mastery Rank 2-
- +15% Critical if Wind Blast Rank 1
- +7x Repair Cost
- +15~25 Fire Alchemy Damage if Heat Buster Rank 1
- +30~50 Water Alchemy Damage if Rain Casting Rank 1
THE best suffix for cylinders.
Sage Stone - Rank 1 Prefix for Cylinders (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- Water Cannon Dan3+, Water Alchemy Damage +10-14
- Flameburst Dan3+, Stamina usage -5%
- Flameburst Dan3+, Fire Alchemy damage +10-14
- Water Cannon Dan1+, Critical +5%
Dexterity -30 X10 Repair Cost
Evaporated - Rank 5 Rank 5 Prefix for Cylinders (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- Flame Burst is Rank 1+, Fire Alchemy Damage +20~30
- Wind Blast is Rank 1+, Wind Alchemy Damage +25~35
- Shock is Rank 5+, Critical +5%
- Life Drain is Rank 8+, Defense +4
The best fire alchemy enchant for cylinders
Frozen - Rank5 Suffix for Headgear (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- Water Alchemy r1 or higher +7-10 Water Alchemy Damage
- Fire Alchemy r1 or higher +3-5 Fire Alchemy damage
- Summon Golem r1 or higher Critical +5%
- Critical +5%
- x5 Repair Cost
Magma – Rank 9 Suffix for Cylinders
- +4~6 Fire Alchemy Damage if Heat Buster Rank 3+
- +4~6 Fire Alchemy Damage if Fire Alchemy Rank 3+
Mimic (Enchant) - Rank A Suffix for Gloves
- +4 While a pet is Summoned, Fire Alchemy Damage
- +4 Water Alchemy Damage
Flame – Rank A Suffix for Headgear Warning: Personalized
- +10~20 MP if Fireball rank D+
- +4% Critical if Firebolt rank A+
- +2x Repair Cost
- +6 Fire Alchemy Damage Increase if Flame Burst rank A+
- +2~5 Crit if Fire Shield rank B+
Hot Foot – Rank 9 Prefix for Shoes-
- +8 Fire Alchemy Damage if Flame Burst Rank 9+
Heated – Rank A Prefix for Accessories-
- +6 Fire Alchemy Damage
Steam - Rank 8 Prefix for Shields-
- +6% Critical
- +6 Water Alchemy Damage if Rain Casting Rank B+
- +3 Fire Alchemy Damage if Mana Crystallization Rank B+
Explosive – Rank B Prefix for Clothes-
- +12 HP if Heat Buster Rank 8+
- +6 Fire Alchemy Damage if Alchemy Mastery Rank A+
Seething - Rank 5 Prefix for Clothes- (essentially an explosive upgrade)
- +20 HP
- +13 Max Damage if Sand Burst rank 1
- +5% Critical if Chain Cylinder rank 1
- 3x Repair Cost
- +5~7 Fire Alchemy Damage if Flame Burst rank 1
- +10~15 Water Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon rank 1
Spark – Rank D Prefix for Gloves-
- +7 Stamina
- +5 Fire Alchemy Damage if Flame burst Rank C+
Hot Step – Only on Royal Alchemist Boots
- +8 Fire Alchemy damage when using the Royal Alchemist title
Purgatory (Enchant) - ONLY FOR FOMOR CYLINDERS - R6 Suffix
- +5~27 Water Alchemy Damage if Water Cannon Rank 1
- +10 Water Alchemy Damage if Alchemy Mastery Rank 6+
- +3 Fire Alchemy Damage if Alchemy Mastery Rank 6+
- Fire Alchemy +1~10 if Flame Burst Rank 1
- Just like before, it's not a bad alternative to magma, but that range makes it pretty hard to land a good number. Even then I'd suggest Synergy Magma, over Synergy Purgatory, just because one is easier to land than the other with a decent min~max range.
Steel - Rank 7 Enchant for clothing/armor (Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless) Warning: Personalized
- Synthesis is Rank 1 or higher, all Alchemy Damage +6-10
- Barrier Spike is Rank 1 or higher, Defense +7-12
- Life Drain is Rank 1 or higher, Protection +2
- Dampen Shock is activated, Defense +20
- Dampen Shock is activated, Magic Defense +10
Star Cluster - Rank 8 Suffix for Accessories
- Elemental Wave is Rank 1+, +10~15 Alchemy Damage
- Alchemy Mastery is Rank 1+, Max Damage +6~7
- Repair Cost +100%
Synastry - Rank 8 Prefix for Hats/Helmets
- Enchant enabled for hats and helmets
- Flame Burst is Rank 1 or higher, Fire Alchemic Damage +10-20
- Rain Casting is Rank 1 or higher, Water Alchemic Damage +10-20
- Max HP +30
- Max MP +30
- Dexterity -20
- Repair Cost +100%
Other Notable Alchemy Enchants
Burning – Rank A Suffix for Headgear
- -10 Will if Water Cannon Rank 9+
- -5% Balance if Water Cannon Rank 9+
- +4% Critical if Flame Burst Rank B+
- +2% Critical if Flame Burst Rank 7+
Breeze – Rank A Suffix for All
- +2x Repair Cost
- +5 Wind Alchemy Damage
- Additional Note: This does not boost Shock Damage
Delicate – Rank B Prefix for Headgear
- +1 % Synthesis Success Rate if Synthesis Rank B+
Melting – Rank 9 Suffix for Headgear
- +25 Stamina if Mana Shield Rank A+
- -12 Dex
- +x5 Repair Cost
- +3% Synthesis Success Rate if Level 25+
Scholar – Rank 3 Suffix for Clothing(Enchant Enabled Rank Regardless)
- +5x Repair Cost
- +2% Crystal-making Success Rate
- +2% Synthesis Success Rate
- +2% Fragmentation Success Rate
Academic – Only on the Royal Alchemist Suit
- +3% Crystal-making success rate when wearing the Royal Alchemist title
- +3% Synthesis success rate when wearing the Royal Alchemist title
Division – Rank 8 Prefix for Shoes
- +5x Repair Cost
- +2% Fragmentation success rate if Mana Crystallization rank C+
- +2% crystal-making success rate
Fragment (Enchant) – Rank B Suffix for Gloves
- +1 % Fragmentation Success Rate if Fragmentation Rank C+
Difficult – Rank 9 Prefix for Shoes
- +2 % Crystal-making success rate if Alchemy Mastery D+
What about max damage enchants?
Max damage is applied at the end of the formula and can still help a bit. But the alchemy damage enchants provide the biggest boost.
Ego Cylinders
Ego cylinders received a huge revamp in the last spirit weapon update. I highly recommend starting on your cylinder ego if you plan to do alchemy. The exclusive skill tree for cylinders provides the best benefit overall, especially when you have the ultimate cylinder upgrade which reduces the water cannon and windblast firing delay.
Ego Cylinder Skills recommended to upgrade.
- Cylinder: Water Wave : Rain Casting, Casting time reduction
- Cylinder: Analysis : Bonus damage to targets with bleed, dazed, or defense/protection status reductions
- Cylinder: Enrage : Bonus damage for alchemy attacks on enemies under 30% hp
Once these 3 are maxed out keep working on your cylinder until it is level 63 to unlock, assuming you have done all the ego point quests until this point.
- Ultimate Cylinder
There is fourth for this section but Hydra damage is not as important as the other 3.
It also has upgrades for general alchemy damage under the attack section on the left as well.
- Spirit Training : Bonus Alchemic Damage
- Spirit Attunement : Critical Damage Increase
- Spirit Control : Bonus Alchemic Damage based on base HP, this has a maximum bonus that can be received
- Spirit Unleashing [Only at 75 points] : +5% crit rate
The Awakening Section is mainly for spamming spirit weapon awakening attack. Go for it if you wish.
Alchemy Reforges
Alright here we go, the section for only the ones that can really afford reforges like crazy. I do not recommend any beginner alchemist to worry about reforges. I'll only put down the reforges I find the most useful, if you'd like me to list others please post and request it.
Fire Reforges
- Flame Burst Max/Min Damage - Cylinders - Ranks 3, 2 ,1
- Flame Burst Duration (Number of hits in seconds) - Headgear - Ranks 2 ,1
- Flame Burst Stun Duration - Shoes - Ranks 2, 1
- Flame Burst Attack Range - Gloves - Ranks 2, 1
- Heat Buster Max/Min damage - Gloves Ranks 3, 2, 1
- Fire Alchemy Efficiency - Cylinder & Shoes - Ranks 3, 2, 1
Water Alchemy Reforges
- Water Cannon Max/Min damage - Cylinder - Ranks 3,2,1
- Water Cannon Attack Range - Gloves - Ranks 3, 2, 1
- Water Cannon Knockback Distance - Gloves - Ranks 3 , 2, 1
- Water Alchemy Efficiency - Shoes - Ranks 3,2,1
- Rain Casting Water Cannon Damage - Clothes - Ranks 3 , 2, 1
Other Alchemy Reforges
- Shock Max Damage - Cylinder - Ranks 3,2,1
- Shock Range - Gloves - Ranks 3,2,1
- Shock Stun Duration - Clothes - ranks 3, 2, 1
- Shock buff duration - headgear - Ranks 3,2,1
- Frozen Blast Duration - Cylinders - Ranks 3,2,1
- Frozen Blast Angle - Cylinders - Ranks 3,2,1
Once you unlock Sidhe Finnachaid you'll have access to Echostones. Echostones can receive a single reforge at random and must be raised up to at least level 24 before you see a decent benefit. In the case for Alchemy, Black Echostones should be your main focus. You will not be able to equip more than 1 Black Echostone. However it does provide a way to round your reforges to what you need and desire. Keep in mind reforges do not stack unless they only affect damage. So you cannot have Flame Burst Range on both your Gloves and Echostone to double it up. But you can do Fire/Water Alchemic Damage on your Cylinder and Echostone.
Stardust and Alchemy
The new stardust update includes these options/orbitals that attack with you when performing any skill attacks. Listed below are what is single target and aoe that is classified for Stardust.
Skills affected by Blast (Single Target)
- Water Cannon
- Wind Blast
- Sand Burst
- Life Drain (On knock back hit only)
Skills affected by Flare (AOE/Area of Effect)
- Flame Burst
- Heat Buster
Skills unaffected by Stardust
- Hydra
- Shock
- Golem
- Barrier Spikes
- Rain Casting
Recommended skills to rank early
- Water Cannon
- Alchemy Mastery + Elemental Alchemy Masteries
Rank these as you train the other skills.
- Wind Blast
- Flame Burst
- Heat Buster
Summon Golem used to be powerful, but Nexon nerfed the AI pretty hard and it isn’t worth it to rank anymore.
Recommended order to gear up
- Get either Demonic Cylinder, and then a Rebis if it is available.
- Put Synergy(Prefix) and Magma/Wave for your suffix depending on your focus.
- Start on your Ego and raise up with the gems that get spit out through the events.
- Complete a Cressida Set
- Enchant your Cressida with your appropriate alchemy damage enchants
- Acquire a level 24/25 Black Echostone to get a reforge that you need. EX: Flame Burst Duration / Flame Burst Range for Fire. Water Cannon Damage under a rain-cloud for Water.
- Proceed to work on Erg
- Optional: Reforge, if you're playing F2P you can skip this and work on your Echostone.
tl;dr : Weapons/Armor -> Enchants -> Ego/Echostone/Erg can all be done at the same time because they are your time sinks. Reforges optional at any point.
Training Synthesis
Synthesis is a lot easier to train than it used to be. Get multipliers together to train Synthesis quickly to save yourself time and resources. Level 200 for 2x Skill XP Bonus, This is for the amount of XP you get, not the counts while training.
2x Skill title (Nao Blessing) 2x Talent (Construction Alchemy Talent/Vates) 2x Alchemy Training Pot 2x Blue Prism 2x Complete Skill Training Pot, or 3x Complete Skill Training Pot. 32x or 48x skill training count. With level 200 it is effectively 64x or 96x
If Master Plan is occuring then
2x Skill Training week
Then with the above it is 64x or 96x
With level 200 it is effectively 128x or 192x
The early ranks just put stuff together to get Synthesis done. Parts of this is assumed you may not be able to get to level 200.
At Rank C use the Mandrake Synthesis Recipe to train Rank B use Mandrake Recipe or any Potion Duplicating Recipe From Rank A you can still do the mandrake recipe and throw in any cheap npc weapons. 3 of anything will work to have a chance of getting the same weapon back.
Rank 8 and onward will require you to start synthing gear, NPC bought gear still works just buy the cheapest stuff.
Rank 6 onward is where this gets expensive and if you REALLY want to train without any skill training pots. Then to proceed gear you synth must have a RESELL value that matches or exceeds what the training count requires. An example of this are Kite Shields with an NPC resell value of 6k, then if you synth 3 kite shields together and get a kite shield back then you fulfill the requirement. Mastering this skill will require you to either buy cheap gear off the auction house or hunt down NPCS that have the trio of gear you need to synth. Fleta carries most of the equipment that you can synth to meet these requirements but be aware that you will be paying quite a lot for each synth attempt.
Various Alchemy Tips and Tricks
These are various tips and tricks that may help you as an Alchemist.
- You can load Wind Blast and Life Drain when you get knocked down, or while you’re getting hit. As soon as you’re free, you can use these skills to counter attack.
- When using Flame Burst, you can stun lock an enemy if you cancel your flame burst exactly after the last hit and attack the target immediately.
- Summon Golem, Shock, Frozen Blast, Barrier Spikes, and Life Drain all count toward activating Heat Buster.
- If hit during the Heat Buster animation, you will be able to fire Heat Buster again within the time limit until you use another alchemy skill.
- This also applies to Elemental Wave Heat Buster and Life Drain.
- You can only shock YOUR Golem..
- If you are struck during Frozen Blast, your target will be frozen regardless of animation.
- Because Adv. Magic Crystals do not have an Element, they also do not follow the same rules as normal spells. (i.e: Using Ice Spear on an Ice monster.)
- When you use the Ice Spear Crystal, the explosion can go on forever as long as there is another monster or target nearby. While a normal Ice Spear degrades in damage after a few explosions, an Alchemic Ice Spear does not.
- You can switch control to your golem in the middle of attacks. If you start a flame burst against a target you can switch to your golem immediately and use a skill then switch back to yourself.
- This is slightly redundant with the introduction of guard cylinders.
- Barrier Spikes can be used to chain the Thunder Spell across dungeon doors.
- Raising Critical Hit and Production Mastery (for the sheer efficiency of gaining stamina per rank) are good ways to supplement your alchemy.
- The effect of an Ice Dragon being summoned gives Frozen Blast to affected enemies, allowing you to kill these mobs quickly for frozen blast training.
- Lil Jack’s freeze effect, however, overtakes Frozen Blast regardless of rank.
- Using your Golden Time and Elemental Wave together is incredible in saving you and your party from being killed. A 360 Degree Frozen Blast timed in the middle of a dungeon room could be what keeps your whole party alive for just a bit longer!
Guide is “tl;dr give me endgame stuff”
- Erg for Chain Cylinder Reduction, Flame Burst speed, Heat Buster Damage
- Spirit Weapon upgrading for Water Cannon delay reduction and alchemy damage increase
- Reforges for Flame Burst Duration, Alchemic damage, Rain Casting water cannon damage, Flame Burst range is a bonus but not necessary
- Get a Cressida for Flame Burst and/or Water Cannon. Life Drain damage on a Cressida is optional but not necessary.
- Revenant Cylinder to improve Flame Burst speed further, Heat Buster AOE, Water Cannon damage fall off, shock damage improvement.
- Revenant / Perseus Guard Cylinder to improve crystal loading speed
- Perseus Cylinder to improve Hydra, Golden Time/Elemental Wave [Working on finding out the actual improvements]
- Both cylinders enchanted with Sage Stone and Disaster
- Get HP/MP/STAM to 2500 or over for the soft cap in damage
- Work on Stardust as you progress through the game, Its an incredibly long grind so don't expect to be done with it immediately