For a list of the Witch family, see here.
Mirror Witch
Melee Hits
Running Speed
Detection Speed
Detection Range
Will attack unprovokedYes100
Smash Click this icon for the page on Smash. 100 Defense Click this icon for the page on Defense. 100 Counterattack Click this icon for the page on Counterattack. 100 Healing Click this icon for the page on Healing. 100 Ice Hold Click this icon for the page on Ice Hold. 100 Icebolt Click this icon for the page on Icebolt. 100 Ice Spear Click this icon for the page on Ice Spear. 100 Teleportation Click this icon for the page on Teleportation. 100 Windmill Click this icon for the page on Windmill. 100 Rain Casting Click this icon for the page on Rain Casting. 100 Heavy Stander Click this icon for the page on Heavy Stander.Rank 2 100 Mana Deflector Click this icon for the page on Mana Deflector.Rank 2 100 Natural Shield (Monster) Click this icon for the page on Natural Shield (Monster).Rank 2 100
Hit Points
Melee Damage
Ranged Damage
Def. (Prot.)
Combat Power
50 (30%)
- Ice Rose (A possible drop only when the mirrors are broken.)
- Kirine's Mirror (A possible drop only when the mirrors are not broken.)
Notes & Advice
- Wendigo must be defeated by a player wielding an Ice Pole or a Small Ice Pillar in order for the Mirror Witch to spawn.
NOTE: If the Wendigo is killed by anything else other than these weapons, the dungeon will clear.
- She has relatively high defense and wound rate.
- She can teleport through her mirrors at the edges of the room. Her mirrors will also heal her for all of her non-wounded health.
- When she uses Ice Hold with the Mirrors intact, she fully heals all damage, but not wounds.
- Her Mirrors can only be destroyed by first playing the Ice Flute to remove their protective field.
- The Ice Flute is a possible reward from the Locked Treasure Room on Floor 2; keys can be obtained by defeating monsters spawned by Orb Switches on Floor 2.
- The Ice Flute must play the song fully and successfully for it to count.
NOTE: The Ice Flute can only be used by Humans.
- All Mirrors must then be broken by attacking them like any Tree or Lamp Prop.
- Destroying them will increase her power, change some skill ranks, and changes what items she can drop.
- She can repeatedly resurrect Wendigo's corpse, but this can be interrupted by a player's attack. She will say "Wendigo" during one of her speeches when she attempts this.
- This can also be temporarily avoided by setting the party finish rules to "Anyone" and not finishing the Wendigo once it's been defeated.
- She can use Counterattack while walking.
- She can use Teleportation through the mirrors until they are broken.
- In Parties, spamming Windmill and/or Smash on her can be an effective strategy.
Concept art of the mirror witch.