Private Story Keyword
*CharacterName, when I see another youngling like you, it reminds me of my granddaughter Lena. From her birth she suffered from chronic ailments, and she eventually passed away at a very young age. Ah, such a heartbreaking tragedy. I still miss her just as much every day.
- Once upon a time, I held a government post in Tara, but it wasn't by choice. The Pontiff's Court demanded it. But about the time the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh was winding down, I retired from government and moved here to Taillteann. There were many reasons, but mainly it was because of failing health of Lena, my granddaughter. When I think of the happy times we had here in Taillteann, I don't have any regrets.
- I knew it would be difficult for Lena to recover, so I was against Cai and Lena's engagement from the start. But ah, what's an old man to do when two people love each other that much?
- Yes, yes, I know people talk about my wild hair. But I assure you, it's not a wig. Hehehe! You don't believe me?
Nearby Rumors Keyword
*Forget the past and let go of the rage in your heart. Even the Knight of Light Lugh Lavada, the hero of the Battle of Mag Tuireadh, wasn't able to tolerate such a heavy burden.
- Mores and Tafney were both students I trained to be Druids. Some might call it a jinx or curse... Both of them met unfortunate ends.
That's why I was hesitant when Cai first asked me to train him.
- I've always had a bad relationship with that nosy Dorren. She used to find fault in everything I did when I was serving on the Committee. I still haven't recovered all the hair I lost then! Yeah, the front my head wasn't always this bare.
And now even in Taillteann, we're neighbors, with just a single measly town between us... We must be tied together by some ill-fated destiny. Ugh.
- Believe it or not, when I was younger I used to be very health conscious. Just look at my flawless skin! It's a testament to my healthy habits.
- If not for that incident, Cai would be a Druid by now. Though he chose to become an Alchemist instead, I have no ill will towards him. Everyone has their own path to tread.
- In the Druid community, there are some that outright ostracize Alchemists.
But the relationship between Druids and Alchemists wasn't always like this. It was the antagonism between the Pontiff's Court and the Aliech Royal Regime that caused the rift to deepen.
- Cai may appear strong but he has very soft heart. If Lena had not passed away so early, he would probably be my grandson-in-law.
Skills Keyword
*[Blaze unlearned, Combat Mastery and Magic Mastery rank C or above] In recent years, Alchemy has been developing quickly through the effort and research of Vates. The Druids, however, have remained at a standstill for a long time. That is why I've been researching a new magic recently. I wish Tafney would be working on such things, but we haven't been in contact for a long time. If the wand can be considered a tool for controlling and emitting mana, the body can be considered the vessel that contains the mana. It's my belief that Druids should not bury themselves in books and neglect training the physical body. I see that you have been training your body and mind, so you may have what it takes. Do you still have the desire to learn a new magic? [menu: Yes, No]
- [Yes] [receive Learn Blaze quest] Well, I can't just teach it to you for free, so why don't I give you a mission? For starters, why don't you harvest 20 corns for me? Haha! Hey now, don't look at me like that...
- [No] I understand. Come talk to me if you change your mind.
- I've resigned from my position a long time ago, *chuckle chuckle*. Why don't you ask someone else?
- Magic doesn't feel like a skill to me anymore. After all this time, it's become almost second-nature, like eating and sleeping.
- Magic training may be hard, but it's worth every second of your time and effort. Once you've completed the rigorous training, you'll find yourself able to use magic freely and at will. Keep up the good work, eh? Haha!
Part-Time Jobs Keyword
*Thanks but what could an old Druid like me need? Try helping some of the townspeople.
Classes and Training Keyword