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From Mabinogi World Wiki
Portrait of DilysFile:Dilys.png
Race Human
Gender Female
Occupation Healer
Location Tir Chonaill
(Inside Healer's House)
Part-Time Job Healer's House
6:00 am - 3:00 pm
Report From: 9:00 am
Track City Girl
Without a plate, even the best prepared dish can't be served. People's body and spirit relationship has to be like that...



A tall, slim lady tinkers with various ointments, herbs, and bandages. She looks wise beyond her years, but it might just be the healer's dress and combed hair.

Dilys is a healer in Tir Chonaill. Born in Tir Chonaill, she traveled to Emain Macha for her studies. Having returned to her hometown, she is now working full-time as a healer for injured townspeople and adventurers. She wanted to build the Healer's house near the square, but Duncan advised it be better to build it north of the Square, next to the Graveyard on the way to Alby Dungeon. Unfortunately, she hasn't had as many paitents as she thought she would, only getting visits from people hunting spiders and Trefor.

While she and Lassar are sometimes at odds, the two have been good friends with each other for a long time. For instance, Dilys often visits Lassar for help on Herbalism and Potion Making.

Trefor is madly in-love with Dilys, no matter what she says to him. In his book, he even asked her once to get married, but when he mentioned about her giving him a golden egg, she gave him a rude remark and asked why she would give him something so rare.


Mainstream Story



Favorite Items

NPC Intimacy

  • By giving desired items, a player can increase their intimacy with Dilys, however, giving an undesired item may decrease it.
  • If a desired item is sold by more than one NPC then the name of the closest to Dilys is in bold.
Desired Gift Price Sold by
Ramen 25g Caitin, Glenis, Jennifer


Part-Time Jobs

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This article is being heavily updated due to new content or is being heavily worked on. This article may contain inaccurate information as well as discrepancies.


Dilys has authored a book:



Track Title
City Girl
Entering Tir's Healer House


  • Her introduction was changed from the following: The tall and slim lady looks wise beyond her years probably because of the green healer dress she is wearing. Her Dark bobbed hair falling to her neck is neatly combed, and her smiley brown eyes makes all those who talk to her feel comfortable and at ease.

