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Coill Dungeon/Archived2021mini

From Mabinogi World Wiki
For the current version, see Coill Dungeon.
Coill Dungeon.
Coill Dungeon's Altar of Goddess.
A room inside Coill Dungeon.


Coill Dungeon is an open-space maze located in northwestern Emain Macha, similar to Fiodh Dungeon in its outdoor structure. Likewise, it boasts its intertwined thickets of trees and shrubbery. Unlike Fiodh, however, this dungeon hosts two floors. In Irish, coill means "wood" or "forest."


General Info (Normal)

Drop Item: Any
Number of Floors: 2
Visible Floors: None
No Dead Ends

Monsters (Normal)

Spawn Patterns (Normal)

Rewards (Normal)

Party Quests

Party Quest Requirements Reward Sold by
Hunt Down the Werewolves Defeat 10 Werewolves 2,250 EXP, 1,539 Gold Seumas
Hunt Down the Green Gremlins Defeat 10 Green Gremlins 600 EXP, 1,710 Gold Comgan
Hunt Down the Dire Sprites Defeat 10 Ice Sprites,
Defeat 10 Fire Sprites,
Defeat 10 Lightning Sprites
1,926 EXP, 2,166 Gold Aodhan


General Info (Basic)

Drop Item: Coill Basic Fomor Pass
Number of Floors: 3
Visible Floors: None

Monsters (Basic)

Spawn Patterns (Basic)

Rewards (Basic)


General Info (Int)

Drop Item: Coill Intermediate Fomor Pass
Number of Floors: 3
Visible Floors: None

Monsters (Int)

Spawn Patterns (Int)

Rewards (Int)

Abyss Advanced

General Info

A room in Coill Abyss Advanced.
  • Unlike most other dungeons, this dungeon consists of three large rooms, each with a switch, and a boss room in a single floor.
    • Room 1 may not contain a switch at all. In most cases, there will not a be a switch and the first room is already filled with monsters.
    • Each room consists of randomized waves, with each room having a predetermined amount of waves ranging from 2 to 5.
    • Because the waves are randomized, it is possible to have an easier set of monsters before encountering stronger monsters or vice versa.
    • It is possible to receive the same wave multiple times in a row.
    • Number of waves in each room does not determine nor influence monster difficulty.
  • Requires a level 11 (Expert) talent in order to enter.
  • This dungeon must be done alone.
  • Monsters in Coill Abyss Advanced are much stronger than their original counterparts, almost equivalent to Shadow Mission/Theatre Mission Hardmode difficulty.
  • Unlike most Uladh dungeons, this dungeon does not contain a Goddess Statue. Instead, the player is given a Red Wing of the Goddess to warp back to the dungeon's lobby.
  • The environment is considered a Shadow Realm and open field, allowing Barrier Spikes and Campfires.
  • Unlike Peaca Abyss, blessings and sanctification are lost when Knocked Unconscious in the dungeon.
  • Coill Abyss allows the player to revive on the spot in the same manner in field areas.
  • After defeating the boss, the reward chest spawns in the center of the boss room.

Drop Item: Abyss Coill Advanced Dungeon Pass
Number of Floors: 1
Visible Floors: None


Spawn Patterns

All rooms will randomly spawn any one of the waves listed below.



Elemental Pass

General Info

Drop Item: Elemental Dungeon Pass
Number of Floors: 2
Visible Floors: None

Notes: To obtain the Elemental Dungeon Pass, the player must complete the Book of Exploration from Stewart part of the Ice Spear page collection quest, to receive the Elemental Dungeon Pass keyword to use on Nele for the pass.


Spawn Patterns


Party Quests

Party Quest Requirements Reward Sold by
Hunt Down the Werewolves Defeat 10 Werewolves 2,250 EXP, 1,539 Gold Seumas
Hunt Down the Dire Sprites Defeat 10 Ice Sprites,
Defeat 10 Fire Sprites,
Defeat 10 Lightning Sprites
1,926 EXP, 2,166 Gold Aodhan

Mainstream Generations

Paladin Passive Defense Quest

General Info

Drop Item: Charm of Awakening from Book of Paladin
Number of Floors: 1
Visible Floors: None
Party Size Limit: 1


Spawn Patterns


Party Quests

Party Quest Requirements Reward Sold by
Hunt Down the Werewolves Defeat 10 Werewolves 2,250 EXP, 1,539 Gold Seumas
Hunt Down the Dire Sprites Defeat 10 Ice Sprites,
Defeat 10 Fire Sprites,
Defeat 10 Lightning Sprites
1,926 EXP, 2,166 Gold Aodhan

Generation 9: Elatha's Chain Necklace

Generation 14 Season 3: Marlowe's Ink Bottle

General Info

Drop Item: Marlowe's Ink Bottle or Marlowe's Empty Bottle
Number of Floors: 2
Visible Floors: None
Party Size Limit: 1

Notes: This is a solo dungeon. The stats of the monsters and general difficulty of this dungeon depend on your current level, much like Shadow Missions. There are many blue fountains along the dungeon. It is strongly suggested that you do not use them.


Spawn Patterns


Generation 14 Season 4: Kind-Hearted Videk

General Info

Drop Item: Rich Man's Pouch String
Number of Floors: 1
Visible Floors: None
Party Size Limit: 3

Notes: The types of the monsters and general difficulty of this dungeon depend on your current level, much like Shadow Missions. Unlike Marlowe's Ink Bottle, you can enter with a party.

WARNING: The Empty Jewelry Pouch obtained from the Boss is not tradeable. If you enter this dungeon with a party, the party leader should deal the most damage or deal the final blow to ensure the pouch goes to him/her.


Spawn Patterns
