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Talk:Dark Knightmini

From Mabinogi World Wiki

Thats somewhat debatable... "Dark Knight" and "Paladin" are keywords, aren't they? It refers to a title, or a name, rather than a group in general, right? Or perhaps I'm wrong? I PERSONALLY think the Dark Knights and Paladins should be kept capitalized. ~KitaeK27

"I'm a paladin." "I'm a dark knight." No, paladin and dark knight aren't names referring to specific individuals. The "paladin" and "dark knight" in the respective articles aren't referring to the titles themselves; instead, they are labeling certain groups of people. Serenade 16:43, 19 February 2008 (PST)

I aggre with KitaeK27, Pero (the goblin who runs the rabbie arena) when he talks, he talks about Paladins and Dark Knights capitalizied, but when im talking i do ever write capitles... —Preceding unsigned comment added by Wuberfeca (talkcontribs) . Please always sign your comments with the Signature.png button or by typing ~~~~!

Out of curiosity, can anyone clear up the Dark Knight status boost? By saying "boost" it makes it sound good, but the (Normal) next to the 100% makes it sound like the 60% "boost" might actually be a -40% "boost". The other way of looking at it is 100% (Normal) meaning that you would get a 100% boost normally but may sometimes get more or less, but it's still a boost anyway. Can anyone specify which way of looking at it is correct?--Erwing 05:26, 3 August 2008 (PDT)

ok, the 60%, 100%(Normal), 180%. means that you get a -40%, a +0% boost, or a +80% boost. thus, 60, 100, 180. You can get weaker stats or stronger stats. This is iirc. --Sinnoaria

Okay, thanks for clearing that up. =] Edited to reflect that info on the main page so no other inquisitive minds overthink the wording. I figured it had to be the worse of the two ways of looking at it since there just didn't seem to be any other considerable downside to Dark Knight compared to Paladin stat-wise.--Erwing 05:16, 9 August 2008 (PDT)

I'd like to disagree or add on to that :O i say for example, you happen to have 100 str and have a 180% str boost, you would end up with 280 dex, not 180. same as if you had 100 dex and only a 60% roll, you wouldnt lose dex, you would end up with 60% of 100 + the 100 itself, so 60+100=160 you would end up with 160 dex. --Shintaron - Tarlach

so, dark knight transformation doesnt boost def and protection?Sozen Cratos Focker 07:09, 25 August 2008 (UTC)

No, that's why most people say "Stick with Paladin, unless you're a mage". However, this whole topic is a huge debate, so it's really up to personal taste. --DeityOfSouls 00:20, 25 August 2008 (PST)

well, other than the first one, the pally armors look beter then the dark knight armors for that rank, and dark knights never get wings, so i say stick to pally unless ur obsesed with being able 2 posess monsters(witch i am). o yea, does anybody know if you can use control of darkness wen you are not transformed?Sozen Cratos Focker 05:09, 26 August 2008 (UTC)

When one converts into a dark knight, does one lose the ranks of Spirit of Order or is it Transferred to Soul of Chaos? -Dias 16:32, 31 August 2008 (UTC)

Yes, your rank of Spirit of Order becomes your Soul of Chaos. (I know this is old but Im just clarifying for those who dont know and see this question. Plus, the question was bugging me) -- Eiyuu 2:38, 19 March 2009 (UTC)

Why to choose Dark Knight

As i've read about the passive defensives. The Natural sheild and mana refractor are better for the Dk's and Heavy stander for the Pallies.

SO wouldnts warriors be better for dark knights since they have the ability to withstand more arrows and bolts. And Pallies for archers and stuff, since they need to survive being smacked by warriors.

...(not the same author) except that the Dark Knight passive defenses ALL turn on, EVERY transformation. So there's a thought. -- Ladywinter 19:06, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

Also we need more Dark Kngihts x.x (At least on mari) theres like 1 dark kngith to every 9 pallies x.x (at least on mari xD) --Trickybomb 06:47, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

Wait, there is actually that small a ratio? I've only seen two in Mari, one who had the Seduced Succubus title, and one who was transformed. Where are the rest hanging out? Actually it's more argued that Dark Knight is better for mage characters because the defense makes them much more resilient. The reason DK's aren't good for warriors is their stat boosts are not consistent, but rather random. Plus DK's have the DK Disarm status affliction, which Paladins don't. --redemption2 15:53, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

It's argued that Dark Knight is better for mages because they get more MP and get INT when Paladins don't. That's about it. There's still a large population of Clueless out there who still think Dark Knights don't get STR bonuses at all, which is silly. --Naiya 16:51, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

...(not the same author) pertaining to your view of the dark knight disarm,you seem to think that the disarm lessens your transformation time. it doesnt; the dsarm begins when the alloted time has run out. e.g. lets say a pally and a dk both have had 0 rebirths, and are age 17. they have 3 in game hours of trans time. once the 3 hours are up, the paladin would be forced out of his/her transformation, whereas the dark knight would begin to lose hp. so you see, the disarm is actually kind of like a way of prolonging your transformation.—Preceding unsigned comment added by Th3Evil5Ponge (talkcontribs) . Please always sign your comments with the Signature.png button or by typing ~~~~!
Whenever I had a DK in KR Test, my hunger/stamina almost never recovered by transformation. Paladins always recover hunger/stamina. That could be a factor to choose either one. If you like to eat food for stat gain, go with DK. If you like mad high stamina, go Paladin. Another thing, only DKs get Control of Darkness. Before anyone mentions it, Taming Wild Animals is a poor substitute. Other than that, it's just personal preference on which looks better. ---Angevon
Maybe it's just because I have rank 5 Soul of Chaos and 170 base stamina, but I still stay above 80% full using daily Chaos Knight transformations to ward off hunger. Granted, it's not quite as effective as the 1000+ stamina I was getting as a Holy Knight, but it's good enough. --Naiya 05:14, 13 November 2008 (UTC)
The only darknight user i have seen so far is Ike (actual IGN), but practically half my guild is on the way to becoming a darkknight, including our leader, Lovingher. TGFL
I know two DK's personally, and they have tried to convince me to join them. My main reason for refusing is that, if i'm reading the calculations correctly, DKs get lower stamina bonuses, and I eat through stamina at a tremendous rate and expect that rate to increase with time. Also I think the Paladin transformations look better. In the long run though I may choose to go DK since as far as I can tell they get better stat gains, but I may be mistaken. and of course Control of Darkness is nice too.--Jacobpaige 01:36, 13 November 2008 (UTC)

Quoted from Angevon: "only DKs get Control of Darkness". On that topic, howcome Paladin is the only transformation class that doesn't get a special attack? Falcons get Magic Missile, Beasts get Full Swing, Pallies get jack squat. What's up with that?--Kong 05:42, 2 September 2009 (UTC)

I don't think that's really a question for the wiki, and more for the forums--Demaetri 06:54, 2 September 2009 (UTC)

In my opinion a Dark Knight is better if you like the idea of tanking more than dps (damage per second), though can be argued a bit since Paladins get def and protection bonuses while DK doesn't (the reason why I am saying that Paladins are better for dps, is because their str bonus is more sound) . Since all passive defenses activate, you can withstand even more attacks with being able to counter. Also, DK's get more of a health bonus (650-1300 R1 SoC compared to 650 R1 SoO). And of course DK's can stay in trans longer, which helps out plenty.

Making sense of randomness

I've always been one to like to know how things work. I went into the Rabbie arena lobby and used Soul of Chaos transformation 200 times, recording each time which stat got which boost of the 60/100/180% deal. I ended up with:

STR>DEX>INT 0 times
STR>INT>DEX 70 times
INT>DEX>STR 54 times
INT>STR>DEX 0 times
DEX>STR>INT 38 times
DEX>INT>STR 38 times

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there seems to be a 35%/25%/20%/20% chance divided between four of the six possible outcomes, and two never come up at all.

It would seem at a glance that the most benefical ordering of stats for strictly melee characters (180% str 100% dex 60% int) doesn't happen, which is something of a disappointment. I don't really have enough data to make an authorative assessment that this is how Soul of Chaos works, though, and there might be other factors weighing the dice, so to speak. This brings me to my question: do the relative ranks of Body/Hand/Mind of Chaos affect the preference for stat rolls? I have rank 5 Body, rank F Hands, and rank E Mind; would having higher Hands than Mind change the 35%/25%/20%/20% pattern I'm seeing here, or which two of the six don't get picked?

If anyone else who's a Dark Knight has a different distribution on their passives, and would like to do the same experiment and volunteer their results, it might bring us one step closer to understanding the working of Chaos.

--Naiya 22:21, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

I know this is a bit late (relative to Naiya's post 6 months ago) but... I got similar results thanks to my friend, Mooncake. He did 49 repetitions, and the data supports Naiya's. His stats are Rank 1 Body, Rank F Hand, and Rank F Mind (similar to Naiya's).

STR>DEX>INT 0 times
STR>INT>DEX 14 times
INT>DEX>STR 12 times
INT>STR>DEX 0 times
DEX>STR>INT 9 times
DEX>INT>STR 14 times

We can either conclude that STR>DEX>INT and INT>STR>DEX never happens, or never happens only for high rank body, low rank hand/mind DKs.

Percentages here are 28.6%/24.4%/18.4%/28.6%. Anyone have a mage/range DK? :)

If these values hold true for all DKs... then taking Naiya's data (simply because he has more data points), DK's on average will have "boosts" of 109.6% STR, 116.4% DEX, and 114% INT.

--Sephiros 07:24, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

I get the STR>DEX>INT roll quite frequently. Rank 5 Hands, the rest are rank F. I can get a screenshot the next time it happens. -- Zephyre 10:41, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Well, I've been very patient hoping for some input here.
So it would seem ranks of passives do have an affect after all. Since I originally posted that info up there I've gotten to Rank 1 Body, Rank E Hands, and Rank E Mind, and still get about the same ratios of stat rolls. I guess over the next couple of rebirths I'll try ranking up Hands of Chaos a few times and repeat this experiment to see if anything is different. --Naiya 17:24, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

I have r8 SoC, and all F passives. I decided to run my own test to see if my results could be of any use. Here they are. This was done in Rabbie arena also. Also, I noticed that I seem to be the only one to get the Int > Str > Dex boost, even if rarely. I was a pure mage, but train Combat Mastery to r9, although I doubt skills affect transformation bonuses.

Transformation Bonuses- : Occurance

Str > Dex > Int - - - - :0 times
Str > Int > Dex - - - - :16 times
Dex > Str > Int - - - - :10 times
Dex > Int > Str - - - - :10 times
Int > Str > Dex - - - - : 4 times
Int > Dex > Str - - - - :10 times

Total Transformations - : 50

Side Note: The Dex boost seemed to come uniformly one after another. If I got the Dex > Str > Int boost, my next transform would often give me a Dex > Int > Str boost. --Sogard6 19:40, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

---[User: Deltafire]---

All I really know is, as a Chaos Knight, I seem to very very rarely get the 180% or 100% strength boost. Rank 9 body, F every other passive, though I just rarely seem to even get the strength boost for anything but 60%. I always seem to get the Int or the Dex bonus. :S

Raw Data on Transformation Time

I just finished recording my transform time, to the best of my reflexes, with a stopwatch along with some info on my character at the time to go with it. Read it as you may, hard data on the Palading transformation I recorded a week or two ago is also posted in the Paladin discussion page. For those who don't want to look, Pally lasted approximately 14 seconds longer (with DK stopwatch stopped as soon as HP drain starts), but DK took an extra minute and 15 seconds to finish losing all of my HP and force an un-transform.

Now, the hard data: Level 33, Age 12, 6 Rebirths, rank 8 Soul of Chaos. This transform resulted in 742 HP which took an extra 75 seconds to drain, which approximates to 10 HP/sec. This transform lasted 4 minutes and 11 seconds, to the nearest second.--Erwing 04:51, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

Some new data: 12/11/08: Stats - L33, Age12, 6 Rebirths, rank 8 Soul of Chaos (Same as above)

This transformation lasted 4 minutes and 11 seconds, to the nearest second.

12/13/08: Stats - Same as above with +1 to Age

This transformation lasted 4 minutes and 9 seconds, to the nearest second.
Looking at this, age seems to reduce transform time by 2 seconds. May be more or less depending on which age you are at the time, and may or may not cap out at a higher age. If anyone would like to verify if it is always -2 seconds per age, please do so.

12/13/08: Stats - Same as above; verification run

Same as above, to the nearest second. (4 min, 9 sec)

12/13/08: Stats - Same as above with Level +1

Same as above.
Level either does not affect transform time, or does so in such a small amount that only after rebirthing would it be noticeable.

12/14/08: Stats - L18, Age10, 7 Rebirths, rank 7 Soul of Chaos. (Terribly sorry on this one, accidentally ranked SoC before testing the effects of just a rebirth, so this trial is a combination of rebirthing and ranking SoC)

This transformation lasted 4 minutes and 23 seconds, to the nearest second.
This is a 14 second increase from the last trial, and based on the earlier trial, 6 seconds of that should be from losing 3 age, leaving us with an 11 second increase from either: Lower level, higher rebirth, higher rank SoC, or any combination of the 3. More testing required to distinguish between these. Previous trials also proved inconclusive on effects of level, so level may or may not be a factor - it seems unlikely, but leaving out the possibility without further testing wouldn't be wise.
I won't be able to re-test rebirth and SoC effects until I either reach level 37, or in 3 weeks from today.

Erwing here, finally back with new data.

Today, I tested my Dark Knight transformation 3 times, and this will conclude my tests. After this I will draw my own conclusions based on these tests and post them here, but anyone else is free to verify any data I present.

Test 1: Stats: Level: 30, Age: 17, Rebirths: 8, Rank 6 Soul of Chaos

This transformation lasted 4 minutes and 11 seconds.
The reason this is shorter than previous tests, based on data gathered in those tests, is that my age has increased and thus shortened my time limit by pproximately 14 seconds compared to a 10-year-old.

Test 2: Stats: Level: 1, Age: 17, Rebirths: 9, Rank 6 Soul of Chaos

Lasted 4 minutes and 19 seconds
This was just a verifier test before I did the next one, as the specific data I was interested in is whether or not transformation mode (Dark Knight -> Black Knight -> Chaos Knight -> Infrablack) affects the timer.

Test 3: Stats: Level: 16, Age: 17, Rebirths: 9, Rank 5 Soul of Chaos/Chaos Knight transformation acquired.

Lasted 4 minutes and 19 seconds
Conclusion: Soul of Chaos rank does not in any way affect the timer on the transformation.

Final conclusions:

Rebirths add time, which appears to be about 7-8 seconds. Verification may be needed.
Age subtracts time, which appears to be about 2 seconds. Verification may be needed.
Level does not affect the timer.
Soul of Chaos rank does not affect the time.
  • On other servers and wikis, they say that almost exactly as you wrote. Rebirth adds 7 seconds, age decreases 2 seconds. Kudos on figuring this out on your own.

Can anyone confirm a time "cap" for transformations? I doubt even Nexon would implement something like this and not cap it to prevent permanent transformation (A transformation lasting 24+ minutes). Although having that many rebirths is very unlikely, there are people who rebirth very regularly. As such, if a few people with a high number of rebirths can time their transformations it might show up that a cap is in fact effective on transformation time. Insanity to all ~<3 18:26, 18 October 2009 (UTC)
Well, I just did the math and that, even with constant weekly rebirths, would take about 5.2~5.3 years. Mabinogi's not even that old yet, so unless someone's already hit a cap... It'll be a long wait to a permanent Transformation. (Going by the 7+ seconds per rebirth, not counting hp blood time, and minusing Age-time, it'd be 280+ rebirths...)
The idea of a permanent transformation is very awesome though. It'd make me feel pro and stupid at the same time. Being able to stay in a form forever, but having spent that much NX...--Junjun 08:18, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

Question : Does transformation time carry over from how long you've been a pally, or does it reset once you become a DK? Say you've been a pally for like a year and you have an extra two minutes of transformation time from rebirths, then decide to become a DK. Do you get those two minutes, or do are they just erased? --Justified 07:23, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

All your current skill ranks get converted to the appropriate DK skills. IE, current Spirit of Order R5 > Spirit of Chaos R5, etc etc etc for the rest of the skills. The duration of your transformation should be approximately the same since it's based on number of rebirths, levels, age, etc...the same as Spirit of Order._Demaetri 07:25, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
The formula seems to be determined by age and rebirths, so your skill ranks have nothing to do with it. As far as I know, it doesn't matter if you went through said rebirths before or after you gained the transformation skill, but I never really tested trans time before I went DK, so I can't say for certain. Paladin formula might also be different than DK, although I seriously doubt that. All I do know for sure is that your trans skill ranks have no affect on trans time, the only reason higher form Paladins and Dark Knights last longer than lower ranked ones is because they likely have more rebirths under their belt to get enough levels to earn those higher trans forms.--Erwing 20:14, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

Going Straight to Dark Knight

I have heard my friend skipping Generation 3 and going straight to the Dark Knight quest. Far as I know, he has not completed the Generation and he is a Black Knight. I have fought him myself as a Holy Knight (and won, sorry other Dark Knights >.<). He told me that all he had to do was talk to Duncan's weird cat like when one wants to skip Generation 2(This cat seems to allow players to skip Generations). I want to see if this is true but I do not want to skip Generation 3 (Yes, yes, I know I'm not done). So, if anyone is willing to take the risk, please report what you have found so that others who wish to simply be a Dark Knight, may do so without the hassle of going through Generation 3. -- Eiyuu 9:32, 16 March 2009 (UTC)

--You can now officially skip G3. It was implemented on the last patch. Sogard6 04:54, 25 March 2009 (UTC)

---Thank you for the update. Eiyuu 09:44, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

--- Note that Skipping G3 Will increase the Dark Knight quests Difficulty. (for example certain dungeons will have more floors ect.)DinArcher 8:00, 2 April 2009 (UTC)

Conclusion-It is possible to skip G3 and go straight to the Dark Knight quest but at the expense of making the quest more difficult. Thank you all for researching on this topic. -- Eiyuu 17:53, 7 April 2009 (UTC)

Hey, I made a new character in Alexina. I skipped G1, finished G2 when the character was only lvl 30 in total, and then skipped G3. Then I waited for over two hours and I didn't get the quest to start Dark Knight. Can anyone tell my why?--Heckzu 18:20, 29 November 2009 (UTC)

Try relogging? --- Angevon (Talk) 19:31, 29 November 2009 (UTC)

I did, but I still didn't get the quest.--Heckzu 22:58, 30 November 2009 (UTC)

Perhaps there's a minimum level to start the quests. Did you rebirth before skipping?Novaix 08:00, 1 December 2009 (UTC)

DK -> Paladin?

Will there ever be a chance for Dark Knights to revert back to Paladins? It said that before on the wiki, but someone removed it. --Kevin (•Talk•) 04:24, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

-- I heard that the option might be implemnted as part of the G10 after-storyline. Althought it's all rumor and has yet to be confirmed. Sogard6 21:55, 19 April 2009 (UTC)

No, It can't. (G11, KR) --Juff 08:10, 2 August 2009 (UTC)

Geting rid of the DK armor

how do i remove it after the rp quest...

You don't. You'll have to go to the Black Wizard again, and he'll take it regardless of how you answer to him. --Naiya 02:13, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

Advantages, and PDs

Firstly, I did not start the advantages/disadvantages portion of the article. Check the history. I merely wish to point out that it would be quite feasible to include a PURELY FACT-BASED advantages/disadvantages section, as it is all part of wiki information. Secondly, where's the part here that says they activate all PDs when they transform? Did someone remove it? I was going to add it to the Savager Beast page [I have proof] but wanted to make it appear similar to the dark knight one for continuity.

The most blatant advantage of Dark knight is the mana pool which is nearly double the size that of a paladin of the same given rank, of course with a good roll. Most people brush aside mana as a 2nd thought although <ms> "mana shield" makes mana extremely important during the shadow dungeons of g9 <assuming hardmode>, as the monsters can easily tank even those with the highest attack. Although high attack power <such as the stability of a pally with max stats> is no doubt effective and perhaps "good enough" the dark knight's larger mana pool presents better survivability which translates to greater lethality in the long run. This directly brings us to the next topic of the int boost from "mind of chaos". Which again is important as <MS>.<MS> has a efficiency bonus of .85 <given 300 int> on top of <2.5 "assuming r1>, which translates to 30~33 mana per 100 damage>. This gives dark knights the potential ability to tank over 1000 damage, which of course does not include the hp boost already given during the transformation.

The most secondary advantage of the dark knight is the amount of damage presented with an 180% roll in any stat. Taking out the int rolls, and focusing on the str/dex rolls, we can see at r1 power or hands of chaos, the dark knight has the same damage +10 extra max than a pally with ALL secondary passive boosters maxed <not including pd>. In short a DK only needs to pay up 392 lvs to equal a pally with sword/power <which ever combination of the 2> maxed out with the only cost a ting of randomness.

Some people like to say Dark Knight is inferior due to the stamina comparison with dark knights lacking <with severe amount>. Unfortunately, this is easily solved by buying stamina potions at a npc shop. Being frugal equates to playing with the tiger in any situation. So I believe the ludicrous "weakness of the lack of stamina" should not be a pivotal consideration between dark knights and paladin.


If you aren't into theory, just ignore this, no flaming XP Among other titles (friend of horse and ostrich springs to mind) it does make sense to the lack of "the" in the titles. Like "Novaix: Dark Knight". Also, the reason nobody else hears your transformation is because, instead of energy overflowing (whichever kind is relevant) as it does with other transformations, the Dark Knight one eclipses your soul with shadow energy, and since your soul is suppressed you a) can see the world clearer in part, so dex/int b) remove the limits of the subconcious, so str, and c) when the enemies try to attack you, they don't do as much damage as if they were to hit you while your soul was prominent, therefore etc etc... Anyway, because of the soul suppression, it is logical to assume the sound is heard only in the characters own mind. can tell I read waaay to much manga/D&D/etc, can't you?Novaix 13:51, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

... Well the real reason that others dont hear your transformation is because the sound is part of the cutscene, where paladin's aren't. --Kevin Talk«) 18:33, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

I agree with the title thing. Such as other titles: XXXX, Final Hit Master (invisible Comma) XXXX, Infra Black (invisible Comma) But the other part, what the hell... Phanterz 21:20, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

Maybe the reason that dk gets a large health boots, and no defense/protection boost, is that for dk the armor is more like apart of you making you more durable as if you had thicker skin. Where as pally armor would actually be protecting you from ever getting damaged, like real armor.. Just a thought--Sreth 20:49, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

That's a very good point, actually.Novaix 10:53, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

Actually, according to the Dark Knight Quest, dark knights are the embodiment of rage and negative emotions within your body. When you transform, the screeching sound is the pent up anger present in humans overcoming your body and the Dark Knight that emerges is more like an alternate version of you. The Dark Knight armor is supposedly just a sort of shell that, rather than you controlling the armor like you do in Paladin, the Dark Knight armor controls you. The effects of the adrenaline present in this form of pure anger would likely to cause you to think clearer (int), become more dexterous (dex), have more of a will to destroy something (str), and cause you to become more durable and less likely to collapse from exhaustion (HP, MP, Stamina). And as we all know, if you go on in an angry rage for too long, you eventually run out of steam and start to become more and more tired until you fall asleep(Dark Knight Disarm). The armor taking over your body is more apparent in Infra Black form where the armor appears to grow and intertwine over your body and take control. Basically, dark knights are your primal instincts. Also, when I personally go berserk a high pitched shrill comes over me blocking all outside sounds, leaving me purely to hear my own voice as my body uncontrollably moves on its own in a fit of rage. Granted, that shrill is much more subtle and is a lot shorter than when you transform in game, but I suppose that's just for effect. --GN54 05:30, 7 September 2009 (UTC)

Epic gesture of affirmation. Also, since Dark Knights are Chaotic, they'd have a number of different ways they individualy transform! Of course, there are only a number of personalities that have the right mindset to become a dark knight, but they have more variation than paladins.Novaix 22:57, 7 September 2009 (UTC)

To add, during the collection of the armor quest the armor talks to you, so it seems that the armor is alive (posessed amor), hence the non-def and prot from palis, witch is real armor, not a posessed amor thing on ur body, witch is also the +hp, were (notice) every monster and character have hp, so a living thing on your body, more hp -somthing to whack from enemies-. As for the other stats, same rule applies, characters have mana, so does the armor. if you want to, think of it was the fairy wing pet, added stats for "wearing" it.

Also, the armor adds more boosts the more you corrupt yourself with Chaos. At first, your armor looks more like... well armor. Then as you bond with it, it slowly becomes a part of you. Anyone else reminded of Spiderman?


Is there any possible benefit to destroying the dark knight's armour?Novaix 02:34, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

Not at all. - Random

Bonus Combination

It's been stated that the random bonuses are fully tied to skills: in other words if strength gets the high roll, so will balance (same skill_ and etc. What about HP/MP/SP? Although they follow a different formula, is it still something like 180%str/bal=high HP? If not, how do players know which stat sets they've rolled? (assuming they don't check the character page)Novaix 09:07, 24 October 2009 (UTC)

I've been playing a dark knight for a while now, so I can honestly say that having HP while transformed doesn't mean getting 180% strength. I have had it happen before, but I'm quite sure that HP/MP/SP are completely seperate from STR/DEX/INT. Greenguy 20:24, 20 December 2009 (UTC)

DK vs. Pali

Feel free to add to this, but don't be inappropriate and don't delete other peoples contributions —Preceding unsigned comment added by Wuberfeca (talkcontribs) . Please always sign your comments with the Signature.png button or by typing ~~~~!


More HP (than Paladin)
Control of Darkness
More Mana
Added Intelligence
Possible more Str and Dex
1/3 chance to have more Str or more Dex (or huge Int Boost)
Disarm mode (Allows for additional transformation time. Also note, at the same rank Paladins will untransform at the time Dark Knights enter disarm mode)
Higher Critical Rate
100% chance of all 3 Passives being active
Equal rank Natural Shield and Mana Deflector Passives out-performs Paladin's (less delay)


Added Defense and Protection
More Stamina
Consistently "pretty high" Dex and Str
Added Will
Slightly more Max Wound rate due to Will boost
Higher chance of entering Deadly Status when receiving a fatal attack
More Min Wound rate
Can use Taming Wild Animals in place of DK's Control of Darkness
Equal rank Heavy Stander Passive out-performs Dark Knight's (it triggers more often when hit)


Pet transforms
Dex+Str modifiers
HP modifiers, stamina modifiers
Tallness (extra Windmill range)
Corrected your spelling of "Both"... And with Mana shield out, DK's get even more "HP" to burn through.--Tricky B Bomb (Talk) 10:14, 19 December 2009 (UTC)
So do Paladins. --Sephy 11:37, 11 January 2010 (UTC)
Adjusted and added some --DarkWyvern 13:35, 5 January 2010 (UTC)
For taming wild animals, it is worth noting that pallys can use taming animals while transed, but saying"in place of" is misleading; taming is no substitute for CoD, it has lower success rates even with the CoD boost, is limited to only one monster at a time, it can't [legally] use different AIs, and requires you to have a taming cane equipped.
And part about disarm is incorrect; trans time depends on age and # of rebirths, not on rank. Also, DKs enter disarm the moment the transformation time runs out, but pallys detrans 10 seconds after their time runs out, so if a pally and a dk have the same trans time, thee pally will detrans 10 seconds after the DK enters disarm, not at the same time.--Sozen Cratos Focker 07:39, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

What many people don't realize (to me atleast) is how close a Paladin's Str and Dex is compared to a 180% boosted Str or Dex stat for Dark Knights. They often look at Rank 1 Power of Order/Eye of Order then compare it to the Dark Knight skills, look at the 180% and think that Dark Knight is instantly better then a Paladin. These people are easily misled by just looking at the raw max values of a transformation. What they fail to see is how important a skill Sword of Order is and how Str/Dex are calculated into raw Max and Min Damage. A Rank 1 Power of Order is 250 Str, a 180% boosted Body of Chaos equals 360 Str. Converted into Max damage (2.5 Str/Dex = 1 max damage) = 100 extra damage for the Paladin and 144 extra damage for the Dark Knight. Now if we factor in Paladin's Rank 1 Sword of Order the damage for Paladin is now 134 exta max damage, only 10 less damage to a 180% Dark Knight. They key thing here is that the Paladin will always get 134 extra damage but the Dark Knight only has a 1/3 chance to get his max power, if not then he/she will be weaker to the Paladin 2/3s of the time in terms of melee or archery. Even if a Dark Knight gets a 180% in their favourable stat such as Str for instance, they are only effectively in that area where as a Paladin, with -10 extra damage lost in one area, will gain 20 extra max damage in the other area which in this case would be Dex, making Paladins able to hybrid between melee and archery combat on the fly. With the addition of Alchemy in Generation 9, Sword of Order became better, making it the only human transformation skill that boosts damage in Alchemy skills, not to mention Paladins having massive amount of stamina makes them excellent Alchemists. So if we want to view the two transformations now, Paladins make for better Alchemy users, whereas Dark Knights make for better magic users (more mana most of the time and a skill that gives Intelligence). --Bryanneo 14:02, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

Well, idk about PvP, but for monster hunting, I think most people don't change fighting style "on the fly", and a melee range hybrid would have a 2/3 chance of getting the 180% boost and getting more in one of their fighting styles(assuming chances of getting each roll are equal, which some believe not to me the case) As for the extra stam being good for alchemy, I haven't started using alchemy yet, but when I first went DK(was a WK when i did it), I intentionally tried to waste all of my stam by load spamming rank1 WM, and I didn't even get half way down. Do alchemy skills really use enough stam for you to need more than what a dk has? assuming trans time like 3 hours.--Sozen Cratos Focker 19:21, 23 March 2010 (UTC)
The stam on infras can be easily drained when they heal try to themselves, even when not in disarm because usually the stam equal or less than the hp. The extra stam would be most useful for healing yourself and then continuing battle w/o taking stam pots afaik. I transformed from champ to infra be i'm one of the ppl that do change fighting styles depending on what stats i get, even when going from melee to magic or back. though if did go from magic to x when i transform back i'd have to use ranged due to the mana evaporation, as i love to use pvp tactics when meleeing (ex. ice+N kbs heavy stander if fast enough, and maybe ice+assault and mix with monster tactics like assault+smash+ice+counter+assault+...). Maybe also due to the fact that have all two of three adv magics ranked. Also spam golem summon drains mana and stam at same time. Also the possible extra mana would be useful for mana shield, esp at high ranks. dks can also be enchanters at rank F w/o having much base int. Currently the way i'm ranking skills into eveything, i'd be considered a tetrahybrid player--Hengsheng120·TALKCONTRIBS 21:09, 23 March 2010 (UTC)
Well, honestly, when using Alchemy, as a Champion, I found out quickly I wasted about 600~700 stamina (if I just focus on Alchemy) before my trans run out and occassionally almost broke the 1k stamina use. One of the reasons is that Alchemy uses a lot of stamina, especially at higher ranks. A full Water Cannon with 5 crystals takes up 25 stamina and 5 per stamina shot after that. If that's your main form of attack, you're basically a human archer without AR (yes, AR does save stamina, 16 stamina for 5 shots vs. 25 stamina for 5 normal range shot is expensive). Not only that but Life Drain, at rank 6 drain takes 26 stamina per use or 45 stamina at rank 1. If you want to deal your BEST water damage with water cannon (hitting over 5~7k water cannon with just 5 crystals) you would have r1 Rain Casting, which is 85 stamina at rank one for ONLY 90 seconds for that +20% boost, which, if you use a lot, drains stamina more. In 5 minutes of Rain Casting, you're already drained -300 stamina (but 20% boost will have r1 water cannon hit 5~7k crit damage). Barrier Spikes at r1 takes 10 stamina per wall, Summon Golem rank 1 takes up takes up 30 mana, using Advance Magic Crystals takes up stamina to load. The beloved Shock skill takes up 55 stamina per use at rank 1. Alchemy is very stamina intensive. But unlike mana potions are easily available. I agree with Bryn, in that if you want to be a great alchemist, it is better to be a Paladin. That and the Sword of Order max damage increases the Alchemy skills. --Miyuna 22:23, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

To Sozen Cratos Focker yes Alchemy will eat up a ton of your stamina, even from using water cannon alone almost completely drains me of my stamina transformed(it'll be even more taxing on stamina when we get Rain Cast to boost the damage of water cannon, not to mention other Alchemy skills). To Hengsheng120 yes the extra mana can come in handy but in case of Mana Shield, the def/prot bonuses of a Paladin can also help with Mana Shield (maybe even more helpful since Mana Shield's efficiency can lower the damage you take based on your rank and INT). Also the ability to "switch" between different styles of fighting can be situational, sometimes you'll fight monsters that have resistance to magic and archery, but melee hurts them well(and vice versa). For PVP you will use all 3 forms of combat to often fight or atleast gain some advantages to get the upper hand. --Bryanneo 19:49, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

Life Drain

The way it is phrased, it implies you can use Life Drain while transformed, but while not in Dark Knight Disarm. According to the Life Drain page, you can't use it at any time while transformed. Someone clarify?Novaix 09:40, 25 January 2010 (UTC)

You cannot charge life drain while transformed as a dark knight at all. But it is possible to charge up life drain and then transform into a dark knight and be able to use life drain. --Dias 02:46, 10 March 2010 (UTC)
Hence, shoulda stayed pally ;D +1 --Haven923 15:05, 15 March 2010 (UTC)
In g12s2, dark knights can use HP Drain as long as they aren't in Disarm. --Sephy 08:51, 10 August 2010 (UTC)

Rage Enchant

Does the +20% critical only kick in while you have The Infra Black title, or when you have Rank 1 Soul of Chaos in general?Novaix 03:23, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure it's only when the title Infra Black is in effect meaning your transformed, same goes for the other transformation enchants. --Bryanneo 14:48, 3 February 2010 (UTC)

Mind of Chaos aka <Dark_Knight_Sword_of_Order> Skill_leveldetail.xml "Additonal Critical" Mismatch

I noticed does not seem to match any of the number patterns (column var2) for the levels listed in Skill_leveldetail.xml that is not "additional INT". It says, with high probability, that DKs get (100%)base 50% critical at rank 1 (level15) Mind of Chaos:

<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="0" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.1512]" Var1="0" Var2="0" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.3142]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="1" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5439]" Var1="100" Var2="10" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5348]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="2" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5440]" Var1="105" Var2="12" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5349]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="3" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5441]" Var1="110" Var2="16" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5350]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="4" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5442]" Var1="115" Var2="18" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5351]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="5" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5443]" Var1="120" Var2="20" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5352]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="6" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5444]" Var1="125" Var2="24" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5353]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="7" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5445]" Var1="140" Var2="26" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5354]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="8" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5446]" Var1="145" Var2="28" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5355]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="9" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5447]" Var1="150" Var2="32" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5356]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="10" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5448]" Var1="155" Var2="34" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5357]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="11" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5449]" Var1="170" Var2="36" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5358]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="12" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5450]" Var1="175" Var2="40" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5359]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="13" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5451]" Var1="180" Var2="42" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5360]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="14" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5452]" Var1="185" Var2="44" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5361]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />
<SkillLevelDetail SkillLevel="15" PrepareTime="0" AbilityNecessary="0" StaminaNecessary="0" StaminaModPreparing="0"
StaminaModWaiting="0" StaminaModProcessing="0" ManaNecessary="0" ManaModPreparing="0" ManaModWaiting="0" ManaModProcessing="0"
CombatPower="0" StackPerCast="1" Conditions="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5453]" Var1="200" Var2="50" Var3="100" Var4="20" Var5="0"
BonusLife="0" BonusMana="0" BonusStamina="0" BonusSTR="0" BonusINT="0" BonusDEX="0" BonusWill="0" BonusLuck="0" AttackRange="0"
LevelDescription="_LT[xml.skill_leveldetail.5362]" OptionApplyDmgMin="0" OptionApplyDmgMax="0" OptionApplyCritical="0"
OptionApplyBalance="0" OptionApplyWoundMin="0" OptionApplyWoundMax="0" />

Unless anyone knows for sure that Var2 is an exception to the "additonal critical" stats? Anyone has a rE+ Mind of Choas DK to test? At rE it should be base 12 crit and not base 11.--Hengsheng120·TALKCONTRIBS 01:20, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

I have rank 2 atm, but I get nowhere near 44% critical when I transform on a normal INT roll, I know that for certain. I'll try and get some screenshots next time I have a chance to transform. --Duet 02:13, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
Before transformation: 24.5% and after transformation: 56.8% on a 180% INT roll. Difference is 32.3% which is .1% off from the value as predicted by the current table. (18 * 1.8 = 32.4%) I have no idea what's causing that difference, though. Either way, if I was getting a 44% critical bonus on a 100% INT roll, then that critical rate should be a lot higher. (44 * 1.8 = 79.2% crit!) --Duet 02:31, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
K thanks, i guess crit was changed during kr testing.--Hengsheng120·TALKCONTRIBS 02:46, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
In case you might still want to know, that July 2008 edit was based off of |this article on Cosmic 08:42, 1 June 2010 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Dark Knight VS Paladin: RESOLVED020:25, 5 April 2016
Transforming Pet's Skills112:25, 4 September 2011
Alteration Enchant017:19, 10 August 2011
Passive Skill Transfer012:25, 11 May 2011
Stamina for Rank 1 Soul of Chaos412:51, 31 January 2011

Dark Knight VS Paladin: RESOLVED

Dark Knight: 1. Potentially gains more STR or DEX, depending on the roll and ranks of Body of Chaos and Hands of Chaos, respectively. 2. Always gains more INT, which is very important for certain talents. 3. Potentially infinite transformation time, granted your HP stays above 0. 4. Gains a bonus to critical hit chance. 5. Always activates all 3 passive defense skills. 6. More Life. (Up to 1300)

Paladin: 1. Always gains 250 STR and 250 DEX 2. Gives up to 15 DEF and 6 Protection, and up to 12 magic defense and 4 magic protection. 3. Only lasts for a few in-game hours before deactivating immediately after a warning. 4. Slight balance advantage (Only 2 points.) 5. More minimum injury rate (68% vs 48%) 6. Gives additional minimum and maximum damage. 7. More Stamina.

Talents Best Suited For Dark Knight: 1. Mage (Paladin is not friendly towards magic talents.) 2. Archer (Potentially more DEX at the cost of defense) 3. Puppeteer (Critical based build) 4. Alchemist (More HP and MP for Flame Burst and Water Cannon) 5. Gunslinger (More STR, INT, and Critical) 6. Ninja (More STR, and Critical bonus)

Talents Best Suited For Paladin: 1. Warrior (Defense and Protection are more important than STR.) 2. Knight (Same as Warrior, especially since Knight is much slower.) 3. Alchemist (More stamina for certain skill damage, slightly more defenses.) 4. Puppeteer (Pure damage, throwing critical out the window/basing it just off of base critical.) 5. Archer (Balance of power and defense, though Dark Knight is better for archers.) 6. Fighter (Defense and Protection bonus, gives some Will.)

To put it in simple terms, if your talent works for both, it solely depends if you want to take a high damage path with higher critical damage and chance, or potentially losing a lot of that power for some defense that can be easily replaced by a good set of upgraded armor. The choice is yours. And if you're someone that takes the story into the equation, the generations constantly put hints out there that Dark Knights aren't "evil", they're essentially just misunderstood and feared because of their appearance and apparent motives to destroy everything. Destroy, yes, but to undo the mistakes of mankind and also Morrighan. Why side with a crazy goddess who will *spoiler alert* essentially try to do whatever it takes to kill you off? Cichol sounds like an innocent little angel now, doesn't he?

Xhera (talk)20:25, 5 April 2016

Transforming Pet's Skills

I just purchased a Bombay not long ago. I know they are compatible with the Dark Knight transformation, but.

When I transform, will the Bombay have the same exact skills and exact ranks as mine? Like, if I had Rank 3 Body of Chaos, the cat will have Rank 3 Body of Chaos too?

Infodude57513:12, 14 March 2011

Yes, that's what makes them so useful, they gain EVERY boost that you get, I don't know if the 60-100-180 applies to them, but as far as I know, the only thing they don't get is Control of Darkness.

Kingman18612:25, 4 September 2011

Alteration Enchant

Shouldn't that be added under 'Related Enchants' Since it gives +15-25 STR when Rank A+ Soul of chaos?

Same for Paladin and Demon of Physis as well. --The Paladin Slayer 01:19, 11 August 2011 (UTC)

The Paladin Slayer17:19, 10 August 2011

Passive Skill Transfer

It is not 100% clear which Paladin passive skill ranks will be transferred to which Dark Knight passive skills. Can someone enlighten? Eg, does Hands of Chaos get transferred from Eye of Order's dex, or Sword of Order's injury?

Acru12:25, 11 May 2011

Stamina for Rank 1 Soul of Chaos

Since Min. Stamina for Rank 2 is 270 (or 275 can't remember), how does rank 1 end up with 250 min? Could an Infrablack please fix it? Thank you.

TwiliTerror10:11, 31 January 2011

It has to do with the formula for stamina calculation. Its mostly because the boosts to Mana and HP go up faster than that of stamina at that rank.

Tellos10:31, 31 January 2011

That still doesn't make sense to be honest for the min. stamina to go down from 275 to 250.

TwiliTerror11:35, 31 January 2011

It should be 1200 - (1300+600)/2 = 1200 - 950 = 250.

It only doesn't make sense because you have the false assumption that all values must rise every rank. Stamina rise is not actually defined for DKs. Its based of the Pally stam and the DK HP and mana.

Tellos12:47, 31 January 2011

Can you blame me, it's hard to see a stat going down, either way thanks for the information~

TwiliTerror12:51, 31 January 2011