Hi there. Name's Izme1000. I'm on the Tarlach server. I've been playing Mabi, off and on (mostly on), since G2.
I have 10 chars, so I can collect 10 advance items each day (should I choose to). I only use 5 of them consistantly, each one branching into different skills:
Main Characters
My oldest character, and one of my main characters. She is a well-rounded mage with a healthy interest in each element.
She belongs to the guild Okorutenshi.
She just became a Dark Knight.
My archer, and another one of my main characters. As combat goes, he focuses on ranged, but can handle himself in close combat as well. Out of combat, he's a smithy.
He belongs to the guild Stonekillers
He skipped Generation 1, and fully completed Generation 2, so he's a Paladin, but only for the Dex boost. I have no interest in PvP and have it turned off. As for Paladin skills, he has Rank D spirit of order and Rank A Eye of Order.
He has a Female Spirit Composite Bow named Hawkwing. She is well on her way in development, with a social level of 13. The name Hawkwing is taken from one of my favorite book series The Demon Wars by R.A. Salvatore. It's the name of the main character's bow.
As the name would imply, the goal of this character is to have an ideal in Emain. more specifically, he's striving to have Windmill, Smash, and Defense all at Rank 9, and a Strength of 100.
All 3 of the Skills needed are at Rank 9, and his Strength is 70.
He also knows Final Hit at Rank D.
He belongs to Esoteria Guild.
She's my elf. I love the elves in this game.
The double shooting. Hide. Play Dead. Mirage Missile. they're just awesome! She knows Ranged Attack, but I feel there isn't much use of getting it to a high level, so it's left at Rank C. She is focusing on, and will someday master, Mirage Missile. It's currently at Rank 8.
She is a Falcon Elf.
She is an Ideal for Stewart.
The name is also from the Demon Wars Saga. It's the name of the 2nd Main character. Her nickname is Pony.
She belongs to Okorotenshi Guild
I decided to make my Healer and elf, because elves can hide. She can get to assistance quicker by going straight through the enemies safely.
I used to have a Human healer, with high ranking Healing skills, but I'm nowhere hear that level on Lexi.
She has Healing Rank E, First Aid Rank F, and Party Healing Rank F.
Alternate Characters
It hurts to call her an alternate. She's not a main character, but she's not an alternate either.
She is my bard, with Playing Instrument at Rank 8, [[Composition at Rank 9, and Music Theory at Rank 8.
This is my cook. She has Rank C Cooking and Rank A Fishing.
She belongs to Esoteria guild
In the spirit of making 10 characters, I decided to make a character that focused on Magnum Shot. I felt the name Maggie was fitting for this character. Unfortunately, this character wasn't as fun as I thought and she fell in the ranks to alternate. Her current Magnum Rank is B.
This is my Giant character. I have yet to find the Giants fun to play so he just sits there.
Now here is possibly one of my most interesting characters. I ran out of ideas to make a skill set for so to fill the 10th slot, I made a char whose goal is to learn EVERY SKILL. He won't advance a skill past F. until he knows them all.
Currently, this list is:
- Rest
- Smash
- Defense
- Counterattack
- Sharp Mind
- Combat Mastery
- Critical Hit
- Ranged Attack
- Windmill
- Tailoring
- Campfire
- Support Shot
- Weaving
- Enchant
- Magnum Shot
- Playing
- Production Mastery
- Composing
I belong to 3 different guilds. Here they are, listed alphabetically:
- Esoteria
- Okorutenshi
- Stonekillers
Notable Contibutions
I do what I can to contribute to the wiki. Here's some of my more noteworthy contributions: