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Ifrit (Family)

From Mabinogi World Wiki
For the enchant, see Ifrit (Enchant).

Basic Information

  • For more general information on Ifrit, see Ifrit Raid.
  • As a raid boss, all Pets and Partners are forcibly desummoned upon approaching Ifrit.
  • The Ifrit in Connous spawns at 12:00pm PDT100 ~ 12:30pm PDT100 everyday.
  • The Ifrit in Ant Hell spawns at 1:00pm PDT100 ~ 1:30pm PDT100 everyday.
  • Summons Salamanders.
  • Behaves somewhat similar to an Ogre Warrior.

Raid Boss

Field Boss Ifrit

Picture of Ifrit
Edit Link
Melee Hits Running Speed Detection Speed Detection Range Aggressive Aggression Element
1 Fast Medium Far Yes100 Multi Fire Elemental.png Fire
Skills Stomp.png100 Smash.png100 Windmill.png100 Counterattack.png100 Defense.png100 Knockdown Immunity.png100 Summon Monster.png100 Heavy Stander.png100 Mana Deflector.png100 Natural Shield (Monster).png100
Location Hit Points Melee Damage Ranged Damage Def. (Prot.) Experience Gold Combat Power
500,000 300-600 - 14 (50%) 100,000 ? 10,000


Shadow Monster (Warrior of Flame) Ifrit

Picture of (Warrior of Flame) Ifrit
Edit Link
Shadow Mission
Melee Hits Running Speed Detection Speed Detection Range Aggressive Aggression Element
? Unknown Fast Very Far Yes100 Multi Unknown
Skills Stomp.png100 Smash.png100 Windmill.png100 Counterattack.png100 Defense.png100 Knockdown Immunity.png100 Summon Golem.png100 Heavy Stander.png100 Mana Deflector.png100 Natural Shield (Monster).png100
Mission Difficulty Hit Points Melee Damage Ranged Damage Def. (Prot.) Experience Gold Combat Power
40,000 ? - ? (?) 7,000 ? ?


  • In folklore, Ifrits are large flaming spirits, usually in the form of a Genie or Jinn (sometimes spelled "Djinn"), known for their strength and cunning. They typically live in underground, but may occasionally inhabit ruins.