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Marketplace Shop

From Mabinogi World Wiki
For the private farm or its constructed house, see Homestead and Homestead Housing.
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The Stump Square in a Market District

General Info

Information Office
  • Players may rent their own personal shop from one of the four marketplace zones. They used to be overseen by a Guild Castle, but are now handled by Nexon.
  • You must have Premium Service in order to rent a shop.
    • You cannot use beginner's service to rent a shop.
    • Even though you can bid and win a Marketplace Shop, without premium service you cannot enter or store items in the shop. You may only deposit gold.
  • The shop is shared between all characters on the account, and you may keep your shop for 4 weeks provided you pay the associated taxes.
  • You can return to a specific marketplace if you gather a Moon Stone Piece.png Moon Stone Piece from that area's Moon Stone. Moon Stone Pieces can be gathered with a pickaxe and are found near the Guild Castle.


Note: To bid on a shop, you must first recover or destroy any items that you left in a previous Marketplace Shop and cancel any bids you already made.
Both can be done at the district's banker. The "Retrieve Items" and "Cancel Bid" options are located under "Shop Menu".

  1. To buy a shop, first find an available shop by accessing the Auction Bulletin through one of the Information Office Owls or by clicking on any shop's front signpost.
    • The cursor will read "Accepting Bids" on the shop's sign if it is available for bidding.
    • If it says "[Name]'s Shop," then the shop is occupied and owned by that individual.
  2. You will need to travel to the shop; it will be marked as a blue square on your mini map. Click on the signpost in front of it to have a detailed window open.
    • Additionally, a blue glow will surround the building's model.
  3. Click to bid, and type in the amount you wish to bid.
    • Your bid must be over or equal to the minimum bid amount specified in the pop-up window.
    • All shop models, regardless of design, have a minimum bid of 100,000 Gold.
  4. You will be given a Shop Bid Receipt.png Shop Bid Receipt that tells you the ending time of the auction, your bid amount, and the address of the Shop.
    • Using the Shop Bid Receipt will mark the Shop you bid on your map, so long as you are in the associated marketplace district.
    • You may drop the bid receipt as it serves no other purpose. Other players cannot pick it up, securing your bid amount.
  5. The highest bidder when the auction closes wins the shop.
    • It is a silent auction, meaning that you will not know if anyone has bid higher than you during the auction period.

Winning an Auction

Winning an Auction Menu.png
  • You will be notified in-game if you have won a shop.
    • The money you have bid will be automatically taken from your bank.
  • A red square will appear on your mini map signifying the location of your shop until your lease expires.
    • This may only appear if you have first entered the shop; you may still use any other means of locating your shop normally.
  • The total amount of gold you must pay as a shop owner has two parts: Bid Money and Weekly Tax.
    • The Bid Money refers to the 10% of the your Bid you put down to win a shop auction. If you bid 500k, you will lose 50k. The other 450k will return to you at the end of your lease period.
    • The Weekly Tax has to be paid starting from the moment that you win a shop, and then exactly every week after that until 1 week before your shop owning period end. In fact, if you want to own a shop for 4 weeks, you will have to pay taxes 4 times.
      • The tax amount no longer depends on the model of the shop. Instead, all shops pay a 30,000 Gold weekly tax.

Losing an Auction

  • Unlike winning an auction, there is very little indication that you have lost an auction.
  • If you do not win an auction, you must go back to the bank manager in the marketplace district to reclaim the gold you put in to bid. You must click on "Shop Menu", after which there are options to Cancel your Bid, follow those through and the gold will go back directly into your bank.
    • If you do not reclaim your bid for 7 days, you will have to reclaim it under "Retrieve Items" instead. This will forcibly create a untradeable Registered Bond with your bid, causing you to lose 10% of your bid gold.

Brownie Management

Book housing overview03.jpg
  • A Shop Brownie will be standing in the center of your shop. This Brownie will be the key to maintaining an orderly Marketplace Shop.
  • Talk to the brownie and a number of options will be listed in conversation.
    • "Manage My Shop" opens the window that can also be accessed from the sign in front of your Marketplace Shop. From here you may:
      • Access the Shop Ad Board and the Shop Auction Board.
      • See shop information such as address and tax information.
      • Pay taxes, change tax payment options, or change which character on the account is considered the primary owner of the shop.
      • Edit the Guestlist, which allows the owner to allow or block certain players or guilds.
      • Open the Shop Display management window and its associated features.
    • "Make Invitations" which will produce five Monkey's Invitation.png Invitations for no charge. Invitations help players find your shop, but they do not teleport players.
    • "Receive Return Home Item" which has the Brownie give you a single-use Magic House Key.png Shopmaster's Key that takes you directly to your shop while providing a Return Coupon.png Return Ticket on use.
    • "Receive Shop Settings Card" which has the Brownie give you a single-use Shop Settings Card.png Shop Settings Card that remembers your shop's settings to instantly reset them when needed.
    • "Open Guestbook" which allows you to customize a message for customers to see. You may also read messages that customers wrote to you.
      • This can be used for contact and sale negotiations.
      • Messages reveal who wrote the message and when.
      • Messages can be deleted by the author and the shop's owner.
      • Messages can be made private, which will restrict the ability to read the message to only the author and the shop's owner.
        • Confidential messages will read "(Confidential) [Message Here]" if the player can read the message or "Only the writer and tenant can read this comment" if they cannot.
      • Players can comment on other comments, creating chains.
        • The original commenter will not be able to read private response comments.
      • If a shop's owner privates their own message, that message can only be read by them.
    • "Help" which provides details and information about the Marketplace Shop system.
  • You can set the brownie to automatically pay the weekly tax, instead of having to manually pay the rent. This requires you to have money in your shop's bank. Note that this is separate from your player's normal bank! You can put money into your shop by dragging and dropping a filled moneybag into your shop's inventory display or by transferring gold out of your normal bank.

Shop Management

For the in-game guide for new shop owner's, see The Novice Merchant's Indispensable Handbook.
Book housing overview04.jpg
  • When you first enter your shop, the Shop Display management window will open up. This window can be opened again by simply opening your character's inventory. From here you may:
    • Store items to be sold, set their price, and rotate their directions.
      • Items will appear as if they were dropped on the ground. They cannot be picked up normally and will not disappear with time.
      • The Shop Display's inventory does not care about the height or width of an item, and allows for 41 items to be stored.
      • Items stored in the shop that are not set to be sold will appear grayed out to potential customers and they will not be able to buy them.
    • Withdraw gold stored in the Shop or transfer gold between your Bank and your Shop.
      • The revenue from sold items is stored in your shop.
      • Gold can be withdrawn from your shop and put into your inventory.
      • Gold can be transferred from your bank to your shop and vice versa.
        • When transferring gold from your shop to the bank, the standard 10% Bank deposit fee applies.
      • Note: You can only store up to 50,000,000 gold in your shop.
        • If selling an item would exceeds this total value (amount for item + amount currently stored in the shop), the sale will not be allowed.
        • You can, however, put items at a value that exceeds the max. They just cannot be bought via the shop window.
    • Manage Flyer.png Placard Ads.
      • Placards cost 20 gold each and are purchased 100 at a time.
      • A timer is set for one real world day when a Placard is purchased. When that time has passed, all unused Placards will expire.
        • You can extend this timer by purchasing more Placards before the time is up.
      • Having Placards available will allow players to see your items via the shop board available in towns.
        • Placards shows the items that you have marked for sale and will allow the customer to see the full information about the item, such as durability and stats.
        • Placards can be used to teleport customers to the advertiser's front door, like a Shopmaster's Key, and produces a Return Coupon.png Return Ticket when used.

Loss of Premium Service

  • If your service expires, you will not lose your shop. You will simply not be able to enter your own shop and access its functions.
    • You can still access any functions from the sign in front of your shop, including your Shop Display.
      • You can retrieve your items but you cannot store anything in your shop.
      • You can still change the price of items in your shop. You may also put them on sale or stop selling them.
      • You will still retain any remaining placards you have printed before your service expired and you can restock your placards normally.
      • Other people can still enter and buy from the shop.
    • It is possible to be snuck into your own shop with a friend's help.
      • This is the only way to access your Shop Brownie's features without service.

Shop Loss

Book housing overview10.jpg
  • When your rental period is over, or if you fail to pay the rent, you will no longer be able to use your Marketplace Shop.
    • You will forcibly lose a shop if you do not pay your tax for 2 weeks.
      • Players will frequently see in-game messages warning them that they have overdue taxes until their tax has been paid.
    • Delinquents who did not pay their tax will still have to pay their overdue tax money. The bid money that would normally be returned at the end will instead become a deposit.
  • The Marketplace Bank NPCs all manage this phase of shop ownership.
    • The items that were in your shop bank will be placed into a sort of temporary inventory. It works much like recovering a Lost and Found item from the authorities.
    • You will gain back 90% of your initial bid in the form of a Registered Bond.
    • 5% of the money returned from the shop bank is taken as a fee while the rest is issued as a Check.
      • This is lower than even Alban Heruin's transfer fee (7.5%) from the shop bank to your bank during the rental period.


  • Guilds can no longer bid to own castles. These are now managed by Nexon.
    • The castles no longer break down.
  • The shop are put up for auction automatically, presumably by an automated service.
    • If any shop remains unsold during an auction, it is automatically re-auctioned by Nexon.
  • Building tax rate is fixed at 15%.
    • All shops pay a 30,000 Gold weekly tax regardless of design or location.
  • See Guild Castle for more info.


  • The stump in the center of a Marketplaces displays the current time in-game. The shadow moves as a sundial.
  • Before the Housing district was repurposed into a Marketplace district, players could purchase An Easy Guide to Taking Up Residence in a Home from NPCs.
  • Before the Housing district was repurposed into a Marketplace district, players had a greater deal of control on the design of the exterior and interior.
    • The exterior and interior could be remodeled and recolored, with different building styles and floorings as some example options.
      • Marketplace Shops were left with the last options they had from when they were converted.
    • Decorative and Productive Furniture, which may still be bought from Marketplace District NPCs, could placed inside the interior.
      • Decorative items generally served no purpose other than to look good and actually reduced the amount of space available to sell items.
      • The Closet, which needed to be purchased from the in-game Item Shop, did allow players to store outfits.
        • However, the closet was removed nearly as soon as it was introduced due to a bug. It was never rereleased during the time Shops were still called Houses.
      • Productive items included Looms, Spinning Wheels, Cooking Stoves, and Furnaces. Each had 100 uses and could be rented out to players for a fee.
        • Brownies could be employed to passively use these tools to craft for the player. While they can still be rented, they can never be given the appropriate tools to craft anything.
      • Some of these items were craftable, either by Handicraft or Blacksmithing, and can still be crafted although their only purpose now is for the Erg system.
    • Curtains and Decorative Posters, which can no longer be bought from NPCs, could be hung on the interior or exterior.
      • The game has entirely removed the locations where these items would normally have been inserted.
      • While Portraits and Succubus Stand Banners can still be obtained, they likewise cannot be displayed.
    • Decorative Statues can still be placed inside of Marketplace Shops.
  • According to some Erhard and Lorraine, the Dugald Residential Town was originally a forest. It was cut down when Dunbarton was built and inhabited until the place fell to ruin following the war.
    • Leslie mentions Sen Mag Residential Town was also a city, but the war devastated the region.
    • Royal efforts to repopulate these desolate areas all failed, until they decided to rely on the Milletians.