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Character Cards

From Mabinogi World Wiki
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With Character Cards, you can have multiple characters on your account or use them to 'Rebirth' one of your characters.

Types of Cards

Character cards are used to create new characters or to activate a rebirth on an existing character.

Classic Character Cards

  • One character card is given to new players when their account logs in to Mabinogi for the first time.
  • Six (five?) Classic Character Cards are given when a character on their account finishes the tutorial for the first time.
    • This card may be used to obtain any race.
    • Characters made using this card can select from only a subset of Basic appearance options.
    • It cannot be used to rebirth.

Free Character Cards

  • Prior to New Beginnings, a single Free Character Card was given to new players when they logged in to Mabinogi for the first time.
    • This card may be used to obtain any race.
    • Characters made using this card may choose any appearance options, even those marked as Premium.
    • It cannot be used to rebirth.

Assistant Character Cards

  • Assistant Character Cards are given the first time a human character creates an alliance with another race.
    • Assistant Character Cards are only given once by that specific race and cannot be re-obtained, even if the assistant character is deleted.
    • Assistant Character Cards, like Basic Character Cards, can only be used to create a new character with Basic appearance features.
    • They cannot be used to rebirth.
    • Assistant Character Cards can only create the race that the card specifies. Allying with Elves will give you an Elf Assistant Character Card. Allying with Giants will give you a Giant Assistant Character Card.
    • You are allowed to obtain one card from each race by breaking the alliance with the first race, and then forming an alliance with the other race.
    • Breaking an alliance will not remove the assistant card nor a character made with one.

Ace Character Cards

  • Ace Character Cards can be purchased from the Premium Shop on the Mabinogi Website for 6,300 NX.
    • Ace Character Cards only allow for Basic appearance features in order to change appearance. Characters will receive basic clothing after character creation and rebirth.
    • Allows either the creation of a new character of the card's stated race or the rebirth of a currently existing one.
    • Allows the option of a rebirth into a Hero Talent.
    • Connects the new/reborn character to another character on the same account through Hero Support.

Hero Character Cards

  • Hero Character Cards can be purchased from the Premium Shop on the Mabinogi Website for 14,900 NX.
    • The player must have an existing character with a cumulative level of 1,000 or higher to use.
    • Hero Character Cards only allow for Basic appearance features in order to change appearance. Characters will receive basic clothing after character creation and rebirth.
    • Allows the creation of a new character of the card's stated race, but not the rebirth of a currently existing one.
    • Allows the choice of a Hero Talent.
    • Connects the new character to another character on the same account through Hero Support.
    • New characters created with this card start out with a cumulative level of 1,000 and 400 AP to use.
    • They also start out with more skills, and they are at higher ranks.

Elite Hero Character Cards

  • Elite Hero Character Cards can be purchased from the Premium Shop on the Mabinogi Website for 19,900 NX.
    • The player must have an existing character with a cumulative level of 2,000 or higher to use.
    • Elite Hero Character Cards only allow for Basic appearance features in order to change appearance. Characters will receive basic clothing after character creation and rebirth.
    • Allows the creation of a new character of the card's stated race, but not the rebirth of a currently existing one.
    • Allows the choice of a Hero Talent.
    • Connects the new character to another character on the same account through Hero Support.
    • New characters created with this card start out with a cumulative level of 2,000 and 800 AP to use.
    • They also start out with more skills, and they are at higher ranks.

Pet Cards

  • Pet Cards will allow you to create and rebirth pets.
    • The cost will vary depending on the pet.
    • Pet Cards will only allow you to create the specified pet on the card.
    • Like characters, pets are bound to the server they are created on.
    • For more information on pet rebirth, click here.

Limited Edition Character Cards

  • Limited Edition Character Cards can be purchased from the Premium Shop on the Mabinogi website for 9,500 NX when they are on sale for a limited time.
    • They come with special, limited edition clothing and/or items on rebirth or creation.
    • These cards allow for Premium appearance changes on rebirth.

Retired Cards

Future content.png The content in this section is no longer a feature of Mabinogi.
This feature may still be used provided one had access to it before it was altered.

These cards types are no longer available in the premium shop due changes with the card system itself. The only way to have these is to have bought them beforehand.

Basic Character Cards

  • Basic Character Cards were purchased from the Premium Shop on the Mabinogi website for 7,900 NX.
    • Basic Character Cards only allow for Basic appearance features in order to change appearance. Characters will receive basic clothing after character creation/rebirth.

Premium Character Card

  • Premium Character Cards were purchased from the Premium Shop on the Mabinogi website for 9,500 NX.
    • Premium Character Cards allow access to all appearance features in order to order to change appearance. Characters will receive Premium Newbie Wear after character creation/rebirth.
  • Remaining Premium Character Cards can be disenchanted for 90 Pon and a Premium Card Gift Box, which contains one set of Premium Newbie Wear and shoes according to the gender and race of the receiving character.

Memorial Destiny Character Cards

  • Memorial Destiny Character Cards were purchased from the Premium Shop on the Mabinogi website for 24,900 NX.
    • These cards cannot be used to rebirth a character.
    • Each character made with a Memorial Character Card has about 100 AP worth of skills pre-applied to the character.
    • These characters will still start with a total level of one.
    • The character's look can be chosen and the character will receive a Premium Newbie Wear.
    • An additional 10 AP is given upon character creation.
    • All towns are visited in both Uladh and Iria.
    • The character will receive their own version of their beginner quests.
    • These characters do not receive Heart Stickers.
    • The character will start with the Destiny in the card's name.
      • There were no Bard, Fighter, or Merchant Destiny Cards.
    • The skills and equipment depend on the card that the user bought, as follows:
