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Script - Day of Liberation

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For advice on completion of this questline, see Day of Liberation.

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Introduction: Belvast Fomor

Admiral Owen
You must have been surprised by the sight of Fomors walking around in Belvast. The history of hostility between Fomors and Humans in a long one, but these are strange times. A change has come over many of them...
You should see for yourself. Find an imp named Kinu by the Bazaar, and ask him about all this. Trust me... he's quite pleasant company.

Day of Liberation

Go find Kinu, the friendly Imp of Belvast. You should be able to get the details from him. - Owen.

(Note: Regardless of the player's race, Kinu calls the player a human.)

Hey, my good human friend! What? Admiral Owen told you to ask me, eh? Ah, what a pain.
He's sent more than a hundred humans to me already! Blah blah blah quests, blah blah blah no choice, whatever. But, I guess I can't complain too much.
Since Owen is so nice to us Imps, I can help. So, you wanna know about that incident? I remember that... I was super scared...

Shadow Mission:Kinu's Past

(The scene happens in Ceo Island, some time in the past. The Kinu from back then was looking much more like a Snow Imp, and he is accompanied by a Goblin Hunter and an Ogre Executioner.)


(Big brother Ogre seems hungry...)


(He says he wants some wolf meat...)

Goblin What are you doing? Big brother is hungry. I just saw a wolf pass by. Bring it to me.

> Prompt: Where is the wolf? or Why should I?

> Prompt: Where is the wolf?

Over there. You see that? On top of the hill.

(Kinu follows the direction and find a Black Dire Wolf, which he then hunts.)

(After the wolf is felled, however, Cichol appears to pass by. Kinu is frozen in fear. Cichol pays him no mind, and then disappears with a dark spell. Shortly after, you, the player, runs by the imp, heading into the underground waterway.)

(What did I just see...? I should return to big bro Ogre.)

(You tell him what you saw.)


> Prompt: I am telling the truth

(As Kinu tries to explain himself, a dark aura surges forth from the entrance to the underground spring. Events that have already happenned replay, and Cichol is felled by the Brionac. Before disappearing, his shadow engulfs the player; and at the same time, spirits emerge from Kinu and his companions. Before they know it, all three change from their old shape to the appearance they now bear, as Commerce Imp, Ogre and Goblin.)


(You return to Admiral Owen.)

Admiral Owen
You must have heard about Kinu... Yes, it's all true. Great changes have come to the followers of Cichol, the Fomor God. It must have been the destruction of the evil God that caused the change.
However, not all Fomors have changed. Many, in fact, remain in their cursed state. This split has caused many problems that you can see here. The Fomors in Belvast are those who are shunned by both Fomors and humans alike.
It is tragic, which is why I consented to allowing them in. We've given them work, like at the Trading Posts throughout Uladh. You should visit them sometime. They might surprise you.