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An Urgent Request

From Mabinogi World Wiki
For the script of this questline, see Script - An Urgent Request.

An Urgent Request

  • An Urgent Request is a story-oriented Sidequest that grants access to the Subject Theta: Containment Mission. It is set sometime during the events of Chapter 7, but before Generation 26.
  • You must have a Cumulative Level of 30,000 and completed Generation 23 to start this questline.

NPCs involved in An Urgent Request

An Urgent Request

Order of Black Moon Icon.png Name An Urgent Request NPC Clea

Though it pains me to ask, I am in desperate need of help, and you are the only one I believe capable of dealing with the problem at hand. Please, come and find me if you're willing.

  1. Talk to the Unidentified Person
  2. Clear 1 Tech Duinn Mission on Hard difficulty
  3. Talk to the Unidentified Person
  4. Talk to Clea at Sliab Cuilin