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Script - Generation 9: Alchemist

From Mabinogi World Wiki
For explanations and advice on quest completion, see Generation 9: Alchemist.

< Script - Generation 8: Dragon Script - Generation 10: Goddess of Light >
Script - Andras' Story >
Script - Corrupt Alchemist >
Script - Grave with Violets Placed on Top >

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Fallon's Summons

In the name of the Aliech Royal Regime, I command all heroes of Erinn who have received my summons to report to Taillteann. - Fallon, the Royal Guard Captain of Tara

>Onscreen Message: The wings of a dead bird shall begin fluttering. And the light will be consumed by darkness...

(You receive a vision of Adniel, standing in the center of Renes.)

> Onscreen Message: (Character Name...)

> Onscreen Message: You are bound to the Soul Stream by destiny...

> Onscreen Message: You must enter the Shadow Realm...

> Onscreen Message: And prevent the Soul Stream's destruction...

(You head to Taillteann to answer the summons you received.)

(Next, you bring up the topic of Fallon to the clothing shop owner.)

Our captain, Fallon? I'm sure everyone in Taillteann and even in Erinn knows who he is.
You've seen the statue of Lugh Lavada when you were passing by the Town Sqaure, haven't you? Fallon fought with the Knight of Light during the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh against the Fomors and saved Erinn.
Wow, I can't believe you received summons from the hero Fallon himself! (Character Name), I'm very impressed.

(You move on to mention Fallon to the priest at the church.)

Are you talking about Fallon, the captain of the Royal Guard? I hope you understand that as a priest of the Pontiff's Court, I have some things I must keep to myself.
Taillteann is heavily affected by the political status of Tara more than any other city because we're so close to Tara.
Since the growth of alchemy with the support of the Aliech's Royal Regime, the conflict between the forces behind the Royal Regime and the Pontiff's Court Supporters is susceptible to recurring in Taillteann.
I suppose it's expected of a priest to keep a safe distance from the Royal Guard, since they support the opposing party... My humble opinion is that all political judgments at this time must be made with prudence and caution.

(You mention Fallon to Dorren.)

As an alchemist represented by King Ethur Mac Cuill II of Aliech's Royal Regime, it is my duty to assist the Royal Guard.
But since the discovery of the Shadow Realm, active military organizations such as the Elf and Giant Expeditionary Force have been taking over Taillteann. I shall not stand for this.
Even if Taillteann was a prominent area for military defense of Tara in the past, I believe it is only right for Taillteann to serve as the city of alchemy now.
In any case, I don't think Fallon is in Taillteann at the moment. I heard he's on a mission in the Shadow Realm, leading the Expeditionary Force. I mean...just disregard what I said. Andras told me this was a military secret... Can you keep this from Andras if you happen to see her? Ha!

(Having heard about Andras from Dorren, you meet Andras in person to bring up the Fallon's Summons you received.)

Hmm... This is a summons from Captain Fallon. Are you (Character Name)? I have been waiting for you.
I am General Andras of the Tara Royal Guards. Since the discovery of the Shadow Realm, an expeditionary force comprised of Elves, Giants, and Humans has been stationed in Taillteann.
I am in charge of Headquarters while Fallon's gone. You've probably already heard that Fallon is the great war hero who led us to victory in the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh. That battle was the final push to drive the Fomors out of Erinn.
The Fomors, having lost Balor of the Evil Eye, >and in a situation of surefire defeat, decided to launch one final campaign to capture Tara, the Kingdom's Capital.
However, Captain Fallon courageously defended Tara with just a small amount detachment of soldiers.
This 'Mag Tuireadh Medal' is a Memorial Item that contains memories of that tense battle. You can learn more about Captain Fallon by double-clicking the altar at Stonehenge, located to the northwest, while carrying this medal.

(You take the Mag Tuireadh Medal to the Stonehenge and offer it to the altar.)

Shadow Mission: The Hero of Mag Tuireadh

(A Black Wizard and Goblins surround a camp in Taillteann. On a hill above, Fallon and his troop watch the enemies from afar.)

> Onscreen Message: Taillteann stronghold final resistance line at the time of the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh.

If the Taillteann stronghold final resistance line collapses, Tara will be in danger. We can't just sit here and wait for the support unit to arrive.
Badhbh Caths Goddesses, please protect us!

(Fallon and his troop raise their weapons. The Black Wizard turns around, noticing them as they charge into the stronghold.)

Remember our brothers who shed blood on the field of Mag Tuireadh! It is time for revenge!

Yes, sir!

(Fallon and his troop prepare for battle.)

(You watch in Fallon's point of view the defeat of Goblins and a Black Warrior.)

> Onscreen Message: The enemy's main force has returned.

(Together with the troop, you defeat the final wave of enemies at the stronghold.)

(Fallon defeats the Black Warrior.)

Is it finally over...?

(Fallon surveys his surroundings.)

It appears we did not incur too much damage.

(Suddenly, several hordes of Goblins begin appearing all around Fallon and his troop.)

Grrr, it was a trap!
Guardsmen! Maintain the line!
They outnumber us... Success seems out of the question...
Ready your weapon! Warriors of the Tuatha de Dananns, Tara will remember us!

(A Paladin appears riding a horse on the hill above. With him is a group of more Royal Guards. Fallon looks up to to see them.)

The Knight of Light...
It's Lugh Lavada!

(As Lugh and his group raise their swords, his horse kicks its legs up and neighs.)


Andras's Test

We obtained a clue that may be decisive in revealing the secrets of the Shadow Realm. -Andras

(After reviewing the memory, you return to Andras.)

Andras We recently came across a clue from a soldier on patrol that might provide crucial information about the Shadow Realm.
But before I share it with you, I'd like to verify a few things about you. It's not that I don't trust you, (Character Name), but since Fallon is not here, I just need to be a bit more careful. I hope you understand, (Character Name).
Please prove your strength and courage to me. If you can prove to me that you can handle the Dire Wolves and the Plateau Wild Boars, it would make me feel much more confident, (Character Name).

(At Andras's request, you kill ten Black Dire Wolf Cubs and three Plateau Wild Boars outside of Taillteann. You then report your results to her.)

(Character Name), you are indeed qualified to receive Fallon's Summons. I apologize for doubting you.
What I'm about to tell you is highly classified. This Memorial Item, called the 'Alchemist's Seal,' was until recently owned by an Alchemist named Leymore, who is now missing in the Shadow Realm.
It's since been discovered that this Alchemist was receiving direct support from the Aliech Royal Regime.
Nothing's been confirmed yet but we believe he may have been on a secret mission given to him by King Ethur Mac Cuill II.
Double-click on Stonehenge while carrying the 'Alchemist Seal' like you did previously with the Mag Tuireadh Medal.
Please gather clues from the Alchemist's memory and report back to me.

(You take the Alchemist Seal to the Stonehenge and offer it to the altar.)

Shadow Mission: Alchemist Seal

(Two men walk across a plain in the Shadow Realm.)

So, this is the truth behind the Shadow Realm! I can't believe it. What will master Dorren say when I tell her this?

Cai, we're currently on a very important mission we received from King Ethur Mac Cuill II. Could you please focus a little more?

Haha, silly me. I tend to ramble on when I get anxious. Haha!

(The two Alchemists stop to survey their surroundings.)

By the way, are we heading the right way right now?

Hmm, I'm not too sure. The flow of Erg ended somewhere around here so...

Hmm? What's that?

(The Alchemists notice a group of Boars standing before them.)

(The memory replays as the alchemists defeat the Boars, and the bear that shows up next.)

> On-screen Message: Leymore: These guys need to be taken care of if we want to continue the investigation.

(After defeating the bears, a Crag Cow appears.)

> On-screen Message: Cai: Ugh! What is that...? What a monster...

(They take down the Crag Cow.)

(Leymore finishes off the Crag Cow using Water Cannon. He and Cai then turn around upon hearing a sound.)

What... What is this sound?

(In the distance, the two Alchemists notice a Glas Ghaibhleann on the prowl.)

Could it be... Glas Ghaibhleann? I can't believe my eyes. Glas Ghaibhleann was ultimately destroyed by the Milletians!

I think the old man Berched once told me that a monster like Glas Ghaibhleann can be recreated using the Druid's magic.

No, that Glas Ghaibhleann isn't something that was summoned with magic.
If magic was used to summon someone, the spirit effect would have generated along with it.
I have a bad feeling about this... What could be going on here in the Shadow Realm?


Deliver the Shadow Realm Supplies

I'm curious to know what clues you have discovered about the Alchemist of the Shadow Realm. - Andras

(You report your findings from the memory to Andras.)

I had only heard rumors about the relationship between the Shadow Realm and Glas Ghaibhleann... But I'm guessing that's what the Alchemist witnessed in the Shadow Realm.
Glas Ghaibhleann is a giant God of Destruction that was summoned by the Fomors during the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh.
Captain Fallon, who participated in that battle, suffered grave injuries while fighting Glas Ghaibhleann. Even today, his wounds, mental and physical, keep him from sleeping well.
He's currently leading an expeditionary force in the Shadow Realm.
Now I'm even more worried. It's been difficult getting supplies to him. I hope that you, (Character Name), will assist me.
The Shadow Realm can be entered through Stonehenge, located just outside town.

(You go to the Stonehenge and enter the Shadow Mission.)

Shadow Mission: Deliver the Supplies

> On-screen Message: Will this road lead to Captain Fallon... Hmm... What is this marble...?

(You hit the each of the "marbles" along the way to the Taillteann in the Shadow Realm, defeating any enemies that spawn from them.)

(You rush into Taillteann. Suddenly, you notice Glas Ghaibhleann attacking a burning building in the distance.)

(Character Name)

(Glas Ghaibhleann continues to attack the building.)

(Character Name) I have a bad feeling about this. I should keep out of here. It seems dangerous...

(Glas Ghaibhleann turns around and sees you. Your expression turns to shock as it comes straight for you. Meanwhile, Fallon and his Royal Guards arrive just in time.)

Now is the time! Begin attacking! Ice Mine!

(Glas Ghaibhleann sets off the Ice Mines on the ground, pushing it back and destroying it completely. Fallon then makes his way towards you.)

Are you (Character Name?) Thank you for accepting the summons.
I'm Fallon, the Royal Guard Captain of Aliech Kingdom as well as the Commanding Officer of the Shadow Realm Expeditionary Force.
The Expeditionary Force is currently struggling because we're significantly outnumbered by the Fomors, who have taken over the Shadow Realm.
Recently, a group of Alchemists found some clues regarding the expansion of the Shadow Realm which has helped us reach the conclusion that all of Erinn, including the Soul Stream, is in danger.
A crisis will break out in Erinn. What Erinn needs at a critical time like this is help from a hero like yourself.


Fallon's Request

Fallon has sent a request regarding the Ice Mines. Hmm...we should talk about the details in person. - Dorren

(You return to Taillteann in Erinn to speak to Dorren about the request.)

Yes, I received Fallon's message. They need Ice Mines in the Shadow Realm.
I know this is a military matter, but requesting that I create Ice Mines on such short notice is quite rude! But since I am receiving support from the Aliech Royal Regime, I have little choice but to comply.
To create Ice Mines, I need Ice Spear Crystals, Unknown Ore Fragments, and Earth Crystals.
Ice Spear Crystals are especially important, but because headquarters requested a large shipment of Ice Mines recently, I am completely out of them.
(Character Name), I need your help to create the Ice Mines. Can you bring me 7 Ice Spear Crystals?

(You bring the Ice Spear Crystals Dorren asked for.)

Ah, you've brought them. But I need more time. I'll need a bit more time to prepare Ice Spear Crystals that are good enough to be used as weapons. You'll hear from Eabha, the Alchemist-in-Training, as soon as they're ready.

Back to the Battlefield

Fallon has sent a request regarding the Ice Mines. Hmm...we should talk about the details in person. - Dorren

(You go to Eabha to receive the Ice Mines.)

Dorren told me to expect you. Here are the Ice Mines. (Character Name), please be careful. Don't get hurt!

(You head to Andras once the supply of Ice Mines has been secured.)

Good. These are high quality Ice Mines. We have no time to waste. Please deliver them to Fallon's forces.

(You head to the Stonehenge outside of town and enter the Shadow Mission.)

Shadow Mission: Deliver the Ice Mines

(You run through a field in Taillteann's Shadow Realm.)

(Character Name)
How did this happen?!

(You look towards a group of unconscious soldiers lying on the ground.)


(You turn your head upon hearing the voice.)

(Character Name) I hear something... Perhaps a survivor?

(As you run to seek out the source, you find a woman lying on the ground.)


(Jenna stands up and turns to you.)

Ahhh, I must have been unconscious for a while.
Who are you? You don't seem to be one of the guardsmen from the Expeditionary Force...

(Character Name) I've brought an Ice Mine as Fallon requested.

It's too late...
There has been a large-scale attack from the Fomors and, as you can see, Fallon's unit has been wiped out.

(Looking around again, you notice the bodies of Fallon's unit. Your expression reflects your sadness.)

Oh no, not again...
Soon, the Fomors will begin their attack.
Ready your weapons if you want to survive! Right this minute! And we better install the Ice Mine you've brought.

(You both look ahead to see an army of Fomors heading your way.)

(Wave after wave, you and Jenna fight against the attacking Fomors until they are all defeated.)

(The fallen bodies of Fallon's unit and the Fomors surround you. As you relax, you notice that something is off.)

(Character Name)

(You observe your surroundings. Jenna is nowehere to be found.)

(Character Name)
She was just here. Where did she go...?


(The mission completed, you return to Andras to report what happened.)

I can't believe Fallon was defeated. Fallon's unit has maintained renowned power and authority, even amongst the three races. They were the main body of the Expeditionary Force.
What worries me most is that Fallon has gone missing. But I shall not give up hope on Captain Fallon. I'm sure he will overcome the harsh conditions of the Shadow Realm.
Hmm...currently, the Elf and Giant Expeditionary Forces haven't adapted to the surroundings of Taillteann. This will inevitably pose a significant delay to our plans for the expedition in the Shadow Realm.
That female warrior who claimed to be the last survivor of Fallon's Army... (Character Name), if your description of her is correct, I am concerned. I believe she may be Jenna, who's suspected to have had a hand in Leymore the Alchemist's disappearance.
She is a known member of the Temple Knights and is being sought by the Royal Guard.
The Temple Knights are a secretive organization; their identity and true nature are unknown.
But our suspicions about the relationship between the Temple Knights and the Shadow Realm have been cemented, so we cannot sit idly by. (Character Name), are you ready to investigate the Temple Knights?

Temple Knights

I must uncover the truth behind the allegations about Jenna. - Andras

(You decide to ask the Taillteann residents about the Temple Knights.)

[Upon initiating conversation with Collen.]

Temple Knights? I'm just a common priest.
I...I don't know anything about... Why would I know anything about that?

[Upon initiating conversation with Devi]

I don't know anything about the Temple Knights... But I can tell you some stuff about the Paladin Knights. What? You don't care?
Sheesh, whatever. To think I took the time to talk with you...

[Upon initiating conversation with Pierrick]

The Temple Knights? I feel like I've heard of them... Oh yes, I remember!
Before, I used to be a traveling merchant. When I was in Emain Macha, I used to hang out with Lucas from Bean Rua. I heard about the Temple Knights from him...
He said that he was supplying the Temple Knights with some items, I think. Sounded like he was making a tidy profit.

(With Pierrick's intel in mind, you head to the Bean Rua to speak to Lucas.)

The Temple Knights? If I cared at all for rules and principles, I suppose I would've just shrugged my shoulders and simply say "I don't know."
But, of course, I don't. In fact, I have access to important information about the Temple Knights. But how could I reveal such valuable information for free?
I'll tell you what. There are these little rascals called the Kobold Bandits. They've become more and more disagreeable ever since a minor conflict occurred. They have been disturbing me and my men, which has really started to test my patience.
Won't you eliminate 10 of them for me? If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. What do you think? Heh heh...

(You do as requested and report your results to Lucas.)

Thanks. I feel much better now. You mentioned Pierrick earlier? Truth is, it hasn't been that long since I've been in contact with the Temple Knights.
A few of our customers... How should I say this... Some of them have secrets. One of them referred me to the Temple Knights for work.
None of the jobs were particularly difficult. I delivered items that I couldn't identify to secret locations and sometimes I even transported people.
But the Temple Knights are so secretive that working for them became a hassle.
According to what I heard from an insider, the Temple Knights may be connected to the Pontiff's Court.
I did stop by their secret base in Rundal Dungeon once. I used an item called a "Temple Knight Medal" as the entrance pass...
You can go ahead and take this since I have no more need of it.

(You head for Rundal Dungeon and place the item Lucas gave you on the altar. You are then whisked into the secret base of the Temple Knights. As you make your way through various rooms full on Temple Knight enemies, you eventually come across the Boss Room.)

(Members of the Temple Knights stand guard as Jenna lies within a prison behind them. You run and hide behind various pillars within the room to figure out what's going on. Unfortunately, a member of the Temple Knights spots you, surprised.)

Temple Knights
Who... Who are you?! Intruders! We have intruders!

(Having been caught, you are left with no choice but to fight your way through the members of the Temple Knights. Very soon, you come to defeat all of them.)

(Having been rescued from the prison, Jenna looks at you.)

(Character Name), you saved me twice.
I hope there isn't a misunderstanding between us.
I was one of the Temple Knights in the past, and I was even on a mission to eliminate Leymore because I was ordered to do so by the Temple Knights.
What I'm giving you now... contains the entire truth about me.

(After leaving the dungeon, you head to the Stonehenge in Taillteann and offer the necklace Jenna gave you to the altar.)

Shadow Mission: The Broken Arrow

(Jenna and Collen stand within a church.)

How is the life of a priest?

It's much more comforting than when I was a part of the Temple Knights, of course. But Jenna, have you come to see me because you had something to tell me?

I'm thinking about leaving the Temple Knights.
In the past, the purpose of my life was to fulfill my duties as a Temple Knight, and I was always prepared to sacrifice my life. That was the mindset I had, even though I wasn't old enough to understand the duties.
But I no longer have faith in the purpose and activities of the Temple Knights.

It won't be an easy decision...
So this may be your last mission as a Temple Knight then.

Jenna experiencing Alchemy

Jenna meeting Leymore

Leymore consoling Jenna

Secret Mission

I'm curious to know the progress of your investigation on the Temple Knights. - Andras

(Having learned about Jenna's past, you return to Andras to report the details.)

Hmm... I see. But I don't think what you saw, (Character Name), will vindicate Jenna's name. At best, her loyalty to King Ethur Mac Cuill II is questionable.
Alright. I suppose we'll look into the accusation and try to get to the bottom of this issue. We'll contact you if we find anything.
Hmm...although the Temple Knights organization seems suspect, Jenna's suspicions also appear to be growing as more clues about her are revealed.
There are many missing puzzle pieces here. What was the secret mission that the alchemists of the Shadow Realm have undertaken?
Oh, it just so happens that a new piece of information was found regarding Cai, the Alchemist. Before Cai became an Alchemist, he almost became a Druid. Surprising, no?
Cai's master during his Druid days was a man named Berched, and he lives somewhere near Taillteann.
It would be wonderful if we can find more information on Cai from Berched.

(Following Andras' suggestion, you look for Berched at the Druid's House outside of Taillteann.)

Cai was the last person I taught to become a Druid, though he quit to become an Alchemist halfway through his studies. Still, I consider him my student.
My granddaughter, Lena, was in love with Cai, and he with her, but then she passed away...
I'm not sure, but perhaps if Lena hadn't died, Cai wouldn't have given up on his Druidic studies... He certainly had more potential to be a Druid than anyone I'd ever met.
I was shocked to hear that Cai was in the Shadow Realm.
No one knows the truth about that place. The Shadow Realm could be a parallel universe that doesn't follow the order and logic of our own world.
Perhaps the 'Shadow Walker' can help. Elatha, the Shadow Walker, is a special being, part of neither light nor darkness. Maybe Elatha can answer your questions.

(To find the Shadow Walker, you go over to the Stonehenge and enter the Shadow Realm.)

Shadow Mission: Shadow Walker

(In what looks like Abb Neagh, you spot enemies surrounding the nearby trees. You take down the enemies and consume Arat Berries to find Elatha.)You see somebody and walk towards the lake. Elatha, the person, looks back at you.)

(You initiate conversation with Elatha.)

I am he who wanders the Shadow Realm. I am Elatha, the Shadow Walker.
I have seen the human Alchemists that roam the Shadow Realm in search of the "Caliburn." They are human. Yet they follow the Erg of Darkness.
The Caliburn. Do you know its mysteries?
The Caliburn first belonged to the Fomors. Then humans, driven by greed, stole it, and it became the foundation of Tara's power. It gave birth to the Alchemists.
Isn't that ironic? Humans blindly pursue and practice Alchemy, the essence of Fomor knowledge.
As the shadows grow, just like that, he is gone.


Fomor Counter Attack

Something strange has been going on in the Shadow Realm since the annihilation of Captain Fallon's unit. -Andras

Talk to Andras


The Fomors have been acting suspiciously,
and it may be due to the annihilation of
Captain Fallon's unit.

  • Continue

We need your help.
I'll inform you about the mission, so please refer to the
Shadow Mission Bulletin and carry out the mission.

  • End Conversation

Clear Crag Cow

[As requested by Andras, you complete the Defeat Crag Cow Shadow Mission]

Clear Defeat the Shadow Warrior

[Next, you take on the Defeat the Shadow Warrior mission and complete it.]

Talk to Andras

[Upon the missions' completion, you return to Andras to report you results.]


You've been a great help. I hope to work on a new operation with you soon.

  • End Conversation

[Quest Complete]

  • Receive 8,000 Experience Points

Elatha's Memory

We were able to get through this with your help in the Shadow Realm. Berched has requested to see you. - Andras

Talk to Berched

[After clearing the requested missions, you pay a visit to Berched to see what's up.]


CharacterName, after learning of your meeting with Elatha at the Shadow Realm,
I brought Elatha's Chain Necklace from the library.

  • Continue

That was when I had just settled down in Taillteann.
One day, I randomly came across an injured Incubus, and so I treated it.

  • Continue

The Incubus was suffering more from
mental damage than physical injury.
But it was in such critical condition
that I thought a recovery would be near impossible.

  • Continue

That Incubus was Elatha.
This Chain Necklace is his.
Drop this item at Coill Dungeon's altar
and you will be able to revisit her[sic] painful memories.

Clear Elatha's RP

[As instructed by Berched, you head to Coill Dungeon and offer the Chain Necklace to the altar. You are then whisked into Elatha's memory. As Elatha, you fight through various enemies until you make it to the Boss Room.]


[Elatha walks into the Boss Room to speak with another Incubus.]


Although it was a favor from the Dark Lord...

  • Continue

It was a mistake to accept you into our race
when you don't have a drop of our blood in you.

  • Continue

Now, here I am, paying for my mistake with the blade of betrayal in front of me.

  • Continue


I only wanted to know your destiny.

  • Continue


Haha! Destiny, you say?
An Incubus like me doesn't have such a thing as destiny.

  • Continue

Incubuses are incomplete beings
that can only live off of
other people's dreams.

  • Continue

The moment we awaken from long slumber
is the start of death for us...

  • Continue

If you truly wanted to wake up from sleep
and breathe the aroma of death...

  • Continue

I, Lebbaeus, shall help you!

  • Continue

[End of Cutscene]

[As Elatha, you are left with no choice but to defeat Lebbaeus. After doing so, you exit the dungeon.]

[Quest Complete]

  • Receive 10,000 Experience Points
  • Receive Blue Wing of the Goddess to Taillteann Stonehenge

Secret Experiment in the Shadow Realm

Talk to Granat

[Having received Granat's message, you decide to speak to him in Taillteann.]


Since the close inspection of the Shadow Realm, many Elf Guardsmen
have shown symptoms similar to desert transmogrification.

  • Continue

We're looking into the details, but we are
led to think that the foreign Erg which has been detected recently
may have something to do with it.

  • Continue

We've currently requested help from a renowned Alchemist in Taillteann named Dorren.
Oh, she may have found something by now.

  • End Conversation

Talk to Dorren

[You head to Dorren for more information about the matter.]


Eabha and I have been investigating the matter ever since I got the message from Granat.
I don't know much about the Elf race,
so I can't shed much light on what's been happening.

  • Continue

However, I have been able to figure out that the Erg is a sign
of a large scale alchemy transmutation.
One bigger than any I've ever seen.

  • Continue

My guess is that an experiment of that magnitude
is only possible in the Shadow Realm,
but I need more clues.

  • Continue

This 'Sundial in the Darkness' will react to the Erg of Darkness.
It will help you find the transmutation in the Shadow Realm.

  • Continue

So go, and let me know each time you find a trace of the transmutation.
Even if you don't find anything, report the details to me.

[Quest Complete]

  • Receive 6,000 Experience Points

Alchemy Experiment in the Shadow Realm

We need to look further into this unidentified alchemy experiment that is taking place in the Shadow Realm. - Dorren

Acquire the Clues to the Fomor's Experiment

[Upon initiating conversation with Dorren without having completed the Clues of the Secret Experiment collection book]


There may be some clues that haven't been found yet.
Please find the remaining clues.

  • End Conversation

[You take the Sundial and the collection book with you as you enter the Secret Experiment Clue I and II missions. After attacking each of the orbs around the Shadow Realm and taking down the enemies that spawn from them, you enter the Boss Room. When the Boss is defeated, you open the chest and find Alchemy Experiment Scraps, which you place in collection book.]

Unfold the Secret

Granat has told me that you are trying to uncover the secret of the Shadow Realm. - Andras

Reveal the Secret Experiment

[With all the Alchemy Experiment Scraps collected, you claim the reward from the collection book.]

Talk to Andras

[You return to Andras to reveal the secret experiment taking place in the Shadow Realm.]


Claimh Solas?
Hmm...I vaguely remember seeing a book
on Claimh Solas in Captain Fallon's library.

  • Continue

Could you give me some time?
I'll contact you soon.

  • End Conversation

[Quest Complete]

  • Receive 8,000 Experience Points

Noitar Arat

Claimh Solas...? That certainly wasn't a clue I expected to find. - Andras

Talk to Andras

[You give Andras some time prior to speaking to her again]


It's a surprise that the Fomors are conducting
alchemy experiments related to Claimh Solas.

  • Continue

Claimh Solas is the Spirit Sword of the late King,
sometimes called the Sword of Light or Sword of Fire.
But it was supposed to have been destroyed in the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh.

  • Continue

With this clue about the Fomor Alchemy Camp,
it's just a matter of time before we discover their true intentions.

  • End Conversation


[You enter the Shadow Realm through the Stonehenge outside of Taillteann. Various orbs are planted throughout the Shadow Realm's Taillteann, leaving you to attack each one and defeat the enemies that appear from them.]


[You hide beside a building to observe a group of enemies heading into the Town Square. In the center of the group appears to be Leymore, the Alchemist saw in a memory from before.]



  • Continue

This is the region.
This is the last location where Erg will be confirmed.

  • Continue

Fomor Alchemist

Oh, good.
We can shorten the time.

  • Continue

[In your continued spying, you happen to accidentally step on something that makes a noise. One of the Shadow Lancers in the group looks into your direction and spots you.]

Shadow Lancer

Who's there?

  • Continue

[Now caught, you put on a serious expression and run into the Town Square.]

[End of Cutscene]

[Together with Leymore, you battle against the Fomor enemies, eventually coming to defeat them.]


[You and Leymore stand amongst the fallen enemies.]


Circumstances don't allow enough time for us to go into the details,
but I just want you to know that it wasn't our intention
to side with the Fomors.
It was an inevitable decision we had to make when Jenna's safety was in jeopardy.

  • Continue

We don't have much time.
They will soon come for us.

  • Continue

I'll create Barrier Spikes and stall them.

  • Continue

[Leymore uses Alchemy to create Barrier Spikes in front of him.]


This Torque I'm giving you has important clues
that I've collected in the Shadow Realm. It'll help you.

  • Continue

There are a few things remaining
that I still need to take care of before leaving the Shadow Realm.

  • Continue

[Leymore walks away.]

[End of Cutscene]

[Another horde of enemies appears in the Town Square, leaving you with no choice but to defeat them.]


[You end up getting pushed back by a Shadow Commander.]


I don't understand.
I don't understand why you want to spend so much energy thwarting our plan.
Does your determination stem from prejudices you have against the Fomors?

  • Continue

You people have always been that way.

  • Continue

Rather than embracing the differences,
you people have always resorted to threatening the other races with your swords.

  • Continue

Some things will
never change!

  • Continue

[Tethra takes on a fighting stance, prepared to fight you.]

[End of Cutscene]

[You engage in battle with Tethra, eventually coming to over-power him.]


[In an attempt to swing at Tethra, he blocks your attack with his shield.]


Your condescending actions misled me to believe that you were some sort of a fighter.
Boy, was I wrong.

  • Continue

I'll finish you!

  • Continue

[Tethra attacks you, pushing you back]


Life Drain!

  • Continue

[Tethra uses Life Drain to deplete your health, leaving you weakened. He then begins to rush towards you to finih you off. Before you completely lose consciousness, you notice what looks like Captain Fallon rushing into the scene.]

Onscreen Message: Fa... Fallon...?

[End of Cutscene]

Deliver the Torque to Dorren

[After returning to consciousness, you remember the Torque given to you by Leymore. You head back to Taillteann to hand it to Dorren.]


There was once a time when Alchemists were persecuted.
Back then, Alchemists used methods of synthesis and fragmentation,
such as was done to this Torque, to hide secret messages.

  • Continue

I could immediately tell who created this Torque.
It was Leymore, my favorite student.

  • Continue

See, transmutated items carry the personalities of the Alchemist who created them.
Cai's Alchemy is like the wind!
Leymore's is like water.

  • Continue

Anyway, let me fragmentize this... One moment...

  • Continue

Hmm... Noitar Arat...?
Noitar Arat refers to the origins of Alchemy.
Did you know that Alchemy was born of darkness, not light?
Humans were never supposed to possess this skill.

  • Continue

To an alchemist, 'Noitar Arat'
means 'Complete Darkness'.

  • Continue

Let me explain.
Erg is the energy radiating from Palala, Erinn's sun, right?
The Erg of Darkness is the energy radiating from the dark sun of Noitar Arat,
and this darkness is what makes Alchemy possible.

  • Continue

Do you know Berched the Druidmaster?
Talk to him if you want to know
more about the Shadow Realm and Noitar Arat.

  • End Conversation

Talk to Berched

[By Dorren's suggestion, you bring up Noitar Arat to Berched.]


It is quite possible that the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh
was the start of everything.
Nuadha's spirit sword, Claimh Solas,
stained the Mag Tuireadh field with the blood of the Fomors.

  • Continue

But no one expected [sic]
the blood of the Fomors
would affect Findias' destiny, that which was engraved on Claimh Solas.

  • Continue

Claimh Solas became the key to
the door to Noitar Arat, a world of complete darkness,
and the Erg of Darkness began to sweep through the chasm.

  • Continue

The chasm in Noitar Arat didn't last too long, though.
Cromm Cruiach swallowed Claimh Solas
and the darkness of Noitar Arat was destroyed.

  • Continue

This may be the reason that Alchemy has become so heavily rooted in Erinn.
The greedy humans were captivated by this foreign energy of Erg,
which led to the bloom of Alchemy as a result.

  • End Conversation

[Quest Complete]

  • Receive 8,000 Experience Points

Shadow Expeditionary Force

We're in dire need of help from the Elves and Giants for the expedition. - Andras

Talk to Andras

[You head to Andras for further details on her request.]


After the annihilation of Fallon's army, the situation has changed.
The Fomors in the Shadow Realm are amassing a huge force and
Glas Ghaibhleann may only be a sign of impending disaster.
Still, we have hope.

  • Continue

Granat and Karpfen... Elves and Giants...
If they could only forget their past hostilities and join forces...

  • Continue

The pillar-shaped structure you saw...
It's been discovered to be the Heart of Courcle,
a symbol important to Elf and Giant alike.
That must be the common goal of both races.

  • Continue

Please, draw a picture of the pillar-shaped ruins and bring it to me.

Sketch the Heart of Courcle

[You enter the Shadow Realm via the Stonehenge. Various orbs are scattered about the Taillteann in the Shadow Realm, prompting you to activate each of them and take down the Fomors that spawn. Once that is done, you head to the square, where several Shadow Alchemists are guarding the Heart of Courcle. You defeat the Alchemists and then sketch the artifact.]

Talk to Granat

[Having sketched the Heart of Courcle, you decide to show it to the Elves and Giants, beginning with Granat.]


The Heart of Courcle that was seen in the Shadow Realm.
That could be an important key to
Irinid, the ancient goddess of Iria.

  • Continue

If we have a solid piece of evidence
the Elves in Connous will actively participate in the Expeditionary Force.

  • End Conversation

Talk to Karpfen

[Next, you move on to show the sketch to Karpfen.]


Hmm, a sketch of the Heart of Courcle, you say?
Really? We'll see.
Nevertheless, the soldiers of Seebarsch will prepare for battle.

  • Continue

But first, CharacterName, there is something you must do.
We need you to serve as a scout,
so that the Expedition Team can successfully build a stronghold in the Shadow Realm...

  • Continue

CharacterName, you have more experience
in the Shadow Realm than most others...

  • End Conversation


[You enter the Shadow Realm's Abb Neagh and run along the path in front of you.]


[The Glas Ghaibleann stands before you and releases a battle cry.]

[End of Cutscene]

[You are left with no choice but to engage the Glas Ghaibhleann along with the summoned Crag Cows. Eventually, you defeat the former.]


[Glas Ghaibhleann releases one last scream before it falls over and hits the ground, dead. You watch silently as it passes away. In the meantime, a Shadow Alchemist observes you.]

Alchemist Tiamat

How much you've grown in such a short time.

  • Continue


Who are you!

  • Continue

Alchemist Tiamat

I don't know how you were able to defeat Glas Ghaibhleann,
but we'll soon find out if you can handle the Bewilder skill!

  • Continue

[Alchemist Tiamat begins to cast something.]

[End of Cutscene]

[You battle the Shadow Alchemist, eventually coming to over-power them.]


[You and Alchemist Tiamat are locked in a standoff.]

Alchemist Tiamat

Heh heh. I'm impressed that you've come so far.

  • Continue

But I think it's time I finished you.

  • Continue

[Once again, Alchemist Tiamat begins to cast something.]

Alchemist Tiamat


  • Continue



  • Continue

[Cai suddenly appears at the scene.]

Alchemist Tiamat

Ha, look who it is.
It's Cai, the back-stabber.

  • Continue

It wasn't enough that you betrayed a friend, huh?
You had to betray the Fomors, too?

  • Continue

Haha, so tell me, now that you belong in neither the darkness
nor the light, what to make of you?
Have you come to become a Shadow Walker
that roams around the Shadow Realm forever?

  • Continue


Your rubbish ends

  • Continue

Life Drain!

  • Continue

[Cai's Life Drain knocks Tiamat to the ground.]

Alchemist Tiamat

How in the world do you know how to use the Life...

  • Continue

[With Alchemist Tiamat no longer being an issue, you relax your posture and turn towards Cai.]


Are you really Cai the Alchemist...?
I've heard about you.

  • Continue

Your[sic] Leymore's friend, aren't you?

  • Continue



  • Continue

The most renowned Alchemist in the world,
as well as my best friend whom nothing in this earth can replace.

  • Continue

Onscreen Message: But Leymore can no longer
claim me as a friend.
I've betrayed our friendship.

Leymore was the first one to fully understand
the secret behind the Shadow Realm,
and he was the first one to warn me about its dangers.

I was desperate to learn Alchemy
and I just had to get to the bottom of it all, you know.
But I wasn't the only one that wanted to uncover the secret.

In hopes of learning the secret, I entered into a contract with them.
And I pushed my friend out of the way.

Cai studying Alchemy

Onscreen Message: The reason that I was so desperate was Lena.
With Alchemy, I was convinced that I would be able to
bring my one true love back to life.

That was what kept me going... until now.

Onscreen Message: But no matter how hard I chased that dream, I never could make it come true.

[End of Cutscene]

[Quest Complete]

Jenna and Leymore

Talk to Collen

[After receiving a message from Collen about Jenna, you head to the Church to talk to him.]


Jenna is getting treated for her injuries.
I'm glad we can tell her
that Leymore is okay.

  • Continue

I met Jenna right after the Tragedy of Emain Macha.
She had just lost her parents and was feeling directionlesss, so I led her to the Temple Knights.
In hindsight, I'm not sure I made the right decision.
But back then, I was a member of the Pontiff's Court's Temple Knights, and loyal to a fault.

  • Continue

Leymore and Jenna...
It's difficult to even begin to explain
how complicated their bond is.
It must certainly be the will of Aengus, the god of love...

  • Continue


[Leymore stands in the Shadow Realm Abb Neagh, lost in thought. Up on a hill above him, Jenna walks closer to the edge to observe him, armed with her bow and arrows. As she continues to watch Leymore, she begins to aim an arrow towards him. A nearby Crag Cow suddenly attacks the Alchemist, pushing him back and forcing him to fall to one knee. All the while, Jenna continues to hold her aim.]


Argh! My mistake.
I was too careless.

  • Continue

[Jenna releases her arrow, knocking the Crag Cow back and defeating it completely. Leymore notices this and then looks up to the hill where Jenna is standing.]



  • Continue

[From their current positions, the two stare at each other.]

Onscreen Message: Leymore...

Jenna lamenting the loss of her parents

Onscreen Message: The Tragedy of Emain Macha may be over,
but the world, in the eyes of a child who has lost her entire family,
is reflecting nothing but ashy gray light...

Leymore consoles Jenna

Onscreen Message: Leymore,
I remember you...

In a world of nothing but shadows...

Jenna experiences Alchemy

Onscreen Message: You were the first Alchemist
to shed light on the darkness.

[End of Cutscene]

[Quest Complete]

  • Receive 8,000 Experience Points

Collen's Request

Talk to Collen

[Having observed Leymore and Jenna's memory, you talk to Collen again.]


Something terrible has happened!
Jenna has gone into the Shadow Realm
to help Leymore.

  • Continue

But she hasn't fully recovered from her injuries.
I'm very worried.
Please help.

  • End Conversation


[Leymore strides towards the Stonehenge outside of Taillteann. All of a sudden, he stops.]


There isn't much time.

  • Continue


you won't give in, will you?

  • Continue

[Leymore turns slightly, just to address Jenna.]


Jenna, you...

  • Continue


Even if it's for an important friend,
I don't understand why you are trying to return to the Shadow Realm.

  • Continue

Leymore, Cai has betrayed you once before.
How can you trust him?

  • Continue


Cai is in trouble right now.
I still am and will always be his friend,
which is why I won't give up on him yet.

  • Continue

And I'm convinced that the series of events that occurred
in the Shadow Realm have something to do with Noitar Arat.
As a Royal Alchemist of Aliech,
it is my duty to stop this.

  • Continue

I won't worry you again.
As always, I'll return to you in the end...

  • Continue

My return is inevitable.

  • Continue

[Leymore turns back around to face the Stonehenge, then walks towards it. Jenna watches as he leaves.]



  • Continue

[End of Cutscene]


[You head to the Shadow Realm via the Stonehenge to find Jenna.]


[Jenna finds herself surrounded by a group of Fomor enemies.]


  • Sigh*
    This won't be easy.
  • Continue



  • Continue

[You rush to Jenna's side.]


Did Priest Collen send you?
I'm sorry to have worried you.

  • Continue

But it's not just because of Leymore.
I can't say I'm free of blame
when it comes to the Shadow Realm,
as I was a part of the Temple Knights in the past.

  • Continue

[The two of you prepare for the battle ahead of you.]

[End of Cutscene]

[You and Jenna fight off multiple waves of enemies.]


[While you and Jenna observe the enemies standing before you, you take on a suprised expression. Jenna, on the other hand, fires her bow at one of the Fomors.]


There are too many enemies.
I'm so exhausted, I can't even properly hold my weapon anymore...

  • Continue

[Just then, a Shadow Lancer rushes to Jenna, eager to lunge at her with its spear.]


Look out! Jenna!

  • Continue

[Before the Shadow Lancer can land a hit, Granat fires an arrow at it. The combined Expeditionary Force, comprised of Humans, Elves, and Giants stands with him.]


The Expeditionary Force...?

  • Continue


I didn't arrive too late, did I?

  • Continue


Woohoo! Finally, some excitement around here.

  • Continue


I'll show you what an Elf from Connous can do.

  • Continue


Let's show them what the Expeditionary Force can do!

  • Continue

[Eventually, the enemy is subdued. You strike at one last enemy, a Shadow Lancer, and knock it to the ground.]


  • Huff puff*
    Is it...over?
  • Continue

[Andras' posture relaxes.]


We won! The Expeditionary Force has won!

  • Continue

[Andras and the other members of the Expeditionary Force raise their arms in victory. All of a sudden, the Heart of Courcle appears, immediately capturing everyone's attention.]

Jenna that?

  • Continue


Could it be...
the Heart of Courcle?

  • Continue


It is the Heart of Courcle, indeed.
But how did the Fomors got a hold of the Heart of Courcle...?
This belongs in Iria.

  • Continue


I'll look into this myself.

  • Continue

[You stride over to the Heart of Courcle. Once you are close enough, it starts to throb, causing you to take on a surprised gesture.]

[End of Cutscene]

[Quest Complete]

Adniel's Call

You, whose destiny lies with Soul Stream...hear my call. - Adniel

An encounter with Adniel

[You find yourself standing in front of Renes. Assuming it must be a sign from the Gold Dragon, you enter the cave.]


[Striding into the center of the cave, you stop once you are close enough to Adniel, who is staring down at you.]


Dragon's Conductor, what brought you to Renes
isn't your will alone,
but your destiny. It is that which beckons you to Soul Stream.

  • Continue

The transmutation of Claimh Solas has begun
and the door to Noitar Arat is about to open.

  • Continue

Go down to the Shadow Realm
stop the Soul Stream's destruction.

  • Continue

Adniel shall be with the dragon knight in the final moments
and my Horn Bugle will remain as the symbol of our promise.

  • Continue

[End of Cutscene]

[Quest Complete]

  • Receive Blue Wing of the Goddess to Taillteann Stonehenge
  • Receive 10,000 Experience Points

Entrance of Noitar Arat

Something strange is going on in the Shadow Realm. - Berched

Talk to Berched

[You return to Taillteann and go to the Druid's House to speak with Berched.]


The changes in the Shadow Realm are highly unusual.
If what Adniel said was correct,
the transmutation of Claimh Solas may be at hand.

  • Continue

If Claimh Solas becomes the key to opening Noitar Arat...
like in the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh,
who knows what will happen.

  • Continue

Already, the entrance to the Shadow Realm has been captured by the Fomors.
But there's another entrance.
At least, I believe so.

  • Continue

Here, try using this. Legend has it that this
Shadow Mirror can be used to reach parallel universes.
The Mirror supposedly distorts the space that connects worlds.

  • Continue

There's no time to explain in detail.
Even as we speak, Claimh Solas continues to transmute.
Please hurry.

  • Receive Shadow Mirror

Acquire Shadow Mirror

[You receive the Shadow Mirror from Berched after his explanation.]


[In the Shadow Realm, a group of Fomor enemies stand guard at an Alchemy Camp. Cai, who is obscured by a building in the distance, watches them from afar.]


As I expected, the defense is well established.
I've only come this far. Could I really succeed?

  • Continue

Ha, that's a foolish thought.

  • Continue

Whether I can pull it off or not isn't a choice I can make.
I must succeed.

  • Continue

Alright, I'm ready!

  • Continue

[Cai rushes into the camp and begins planting an Ice Mine behind the Steam Ovens.]




Doesn't he know it's pointless?
His learning ability isn't quite there.

  • Continue

That's enough,
young Alchemist.

  • Continue


Fallon! I discovered the hidden intention of the Fomors.
The reason they continuously chased after the Erg of Darkness
is due to their desire to transmutate Claimh Solas,
the key to Noitar Arat.

  • Continue

All of Erinn can be destroyed
if the door to Noitar Arat opens.

  • Continue

Fallon, if you had been mistakenly believing the lies like I have,
help me prevent the transmutation of Claimh Solas.
It's not too late.

  • Continue


Erinn will never be destroyed.

  • Continue

Noitar Arat will only transmute again
with Alchemy.
A new Erinn will soon emerge
and reveal the beliefs and ideals of the Fomors.

  • Continue

Cai, I don't have a choice but to eliminate you,
regardless of your ties,
if you stand in our way...

  • Continue

Take him away!

  • Continue

[Two Shadow Warriors walk over to Cai and surround him.]

Cai're not telling me that
you've been betraying your own race this whole time, are you?

  • Continue

But you have been fighting harder than anyone for the royal family of Aliech
with your supposed loyalty. How could you...?

  • Continue


I suffered from despair and and disappointment since the conclusion of the Mag Tuireadh battle.
The warriors have shed a lot of blood and even sacrificed their lives for victory,
but nothing has changed.

  • Continue

I fought in the battle
to pursue my dream.

  • Continue

But that dream
belonged to them,
and could never be mine.

  • Continue

Fallon meeting Lugh

Onscreen Message: That was when I met Lugh Lavada,
who saved my life during the Mag Tuireadh battle.

Fallon meeting Morgant

Onscreen Message: When I met him,
he was not the Knight of Light
but the Dark Lord.

But he showed me the ideology of the Fomors
that overshadowed the foolish hopes of the real world.

And I was able to dream again.
My own dream, this time...

[End of Cutscene]

Prevent the Transmutation of Claimh Solas

[At the Stonehenge, you use the Shadow Mirror to enter the Shadow Realm.]


[In the Shadow Realm, you run over to a hill and observe the battle between the Fomor enemies and the Expeditionary Force.]

[End of Cutscene]

[You decide to lend a hand to your allies. For fifteen minutes, you help the Expeditionary Force ward off wave upon wave of monsters, making sure that your allies remain alive.]


[You run over to the representatives of the three Expeditionary Force divisions.]


Andras, Granat, Karpfen!

  • Continue


We'll do whatever it takes to keep these guys away.
CharacterName, why don't you go ahead and prevent the transmutation of Claimh Solas?

  • Continue


Karpfen can handle it alone!

  • Continue


Please go ahead and stop Claimh Solas.

  • Continue


I will do that!

  • Continue

[You run off into another direction. Eventually, you run into another area filled with enemies and allies battling against each other. You stop to stand between Leymore and Jenna.]


I haven't witnessed such systematic and strategic movements
from the Fomors recently.

  • Continue


It won't be easy to break the defense line...

  • Continue

[Jenna strikes down a Shadow Archer, while Leymore attacks a Shadow Lancer using Water Cannon.]


The only thing I can do is give it my best!

  • Continue



  • Continue

[Tethra walks up to the three of you amongst the group of fallen enemies.]


The tide of the war in the Shadow Realm has already turned in favor of the Fomors.
Don't you think it would be wiser to give up now?

  • Continue



  • Continue


Oh, a Milletian?
I'm surprised to see you alive.

  • Continue

Don't expect any mercy from me!

  • Continue

[Tethra assumes a combat stance.]

[End of Cutscene]

[Together with Leymore and Jenna, you engage in battle with Tethra and his aids. You eventually come to defeat Tethra.]


[You perform the Smash skill on Tethra, knocking him down.]


Ha... I can't believe I lost.
CharacterName, eh?
You've grown much stronger.
Though you're but a Milletian, it was an impressive battle.

  • Continue

  • Heh heh* But it's too late
    to stop Claimh Solas.
    It's too late...
  • Continue

The Fomor's dream...
Tethra's dream...

  • Continue


  • Continue

[Tethra's body dissipates completely. Meanwhile, a new group of Fomor enemies rushes into the scene.]


They lost their commanding officer, but they don't seem to be perturbed.
If anything, the enemies seem even more aggressive and powerful.

  • Continue


If we delay more time here, everything will come to naught!

  • Continue

We don't have much time.
CharacterName! I'm counting on you.
Go and stop Claimh Solas from transmuting.

  • Continue

[You obey Leymore's order and head off to stop the transmutation from happening.]


I'm a bit worried...

  • Continue


CharacterName is the only hope
we have left at this point.

  • Continue

We don't have anyone else to count on...

  • Continue

[In the distance, you continue to run towards Taillteann.]

[End of Cutscene]

[Along the path to Taillteann contains three groups of enemies standing behind Barrier Spikes, back to back. You crush each of them to proceed on.]


[In the Shadow Realm's Taillteann, an army of Fomor soldiers walk towards the square. In the center of the group is Cai.]

Shadow Warrior

I can't believe I have to take orders from some human like Fallon...
How shameful.

  • Continue



  • Continue

I'll wait for the right moment
to escape.

  • Continue

[You hurry into the scene.]



  • Continue

[The enemies and Cai all turn around to observe you.]

Shadow Warrior

Aren't you...!

  • Continue

How did the Fomor defense line break so quickly...?
Well, it's alright. I was beginning to get bored.
I'll teach you a lesson!

  • Continue

[The Fomors take on combat stances.]

[End of Cutscene]

[Together with Cai, you battle with the Fomor soldiers and soon come to defeat them.]


[Fresh from battle, you and Cai stand amongst the fallen enemies. Then, you relax your postures.]


I can't belive you've rescued me...
I don't quite understand the intention behind your support.

  • Continue


It was a favor from your friend, Leymore.
Leymore will be here to help you soon.

  • Continue


What...? Leymore, did you say?

  • Continue

We can't just sit here and do nothing.
I'll stop Claimh Solas from transmuting!

  • Continue

[You and Cai run off towards the center of Taillteann. Very soon, you both come upon the Fomor Alchemy Camp, where more enemies are standing guard.]


[sic]'They fortified the defense...

  • Continue

That device is an oven that can transmute Claimh Solas
using the Erg of Darkness.

  • Continue

We have no choice but to ask CharacterName for help.
Stay back and request support until the mines have been installed.

  • Continue

[Next to you, Cai takes on a combat stance.]


I'll go ahead first then!

  • Continue

[Cai rushes into the camp.]

[End of Cutscene]

[While Cai begins to plant the Ice Mines, you fight against the enemies in the camp.]

Onscreen Message: Unidentified: The meddlers are here, but it is too late.

Cai: Hold on just a little longer. I'm almost done.

[You continue to defeat the enemies in the square until Cai finishes.]


[Cai plants the last Ice Mine, then he is pushed back.]



  • Continue


We did it.
Transmutation of Claimh Solas
will result in failure. Ha!

  • Continue

[Fallon steps into the center of the camp.]


I can't quite figure you out.

  • Continue

Whatever the reason may be,
you once shared the same ideology as us.
Am I right?

  • Continue

Have you suddenly changed your mind
because your hope of reviving Lena
has turned into despair?

  • Continue


No, my hope has not turned into despair.
I changed my mind after witnessing the hopelessness of the Shadow Realm!

  • Continue


What is the truth you know and believe
about the Shadow Realm?
A place where Alchemy started?
The place where the Erg of Darkness originated?

  • Continue

The Shadow Realm is a parallel world to reality.
It is a place where hopes and possibilities
of knowledge and beliefs are realized.

  • Continue

The Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh ended
tragically for both
the Fomors and the Tuatha De Dananns.

  • Continue

Though the Fomors fled,
the Tuatha De Dananns, who were weakened by the restless war,
had no choice but to hand over their authority to the Milletians.

  • Continue

But what would happen if it were
the Fomors that won instead of the Tuatha De Dananns?
What if Lught[sic], the Knight of Light, had not fought with his Cross Sword?

  • Continue

If the light of Claimh Solas had not vanished
in Noitar Arat, the realm of darkness,
Erinn would have evolved into something
completely different from what it is now.

  • Continue

This is exactly why the Shadow Realm exists.
It is a realm that offers possibilities that turns despair into hope.
A complete revolution is possible in this realm.

  • Continue


No, that's not possible.
I've come to understand one truth by studying Alchemy.

  • Continue

The past remains only in our memory.
It is impossible to revive or relive what has already happened in the past.

  • Continue

[Suddenly, an ominous, black mist forms within the Fomor Alchemy Camp. Fallon turns around to observe it, however the Claimh Solas rises from it and knocks him down.]


Claimh Solas?
What is going on right now?
I thought the transmutation of Claimh Solas ended in failure...

  • Continue

[Claimh Solas smacks Cai away. Meanwhile, Fallon's body disappears and Cichol appears surrounded in black mist.]


It did not end in complete failure.
Although the transmutation was incomplete,
Claimh Solas had partially evolved.

  • Continue

With that, Noitar Arat has been liberated.
Erinn will undergo transmutation at the Fomors' will,
and the Shadow Realm will infinitely expand.
It will only be a matter of time before the light of the Soul Stream fades away...

  • Continue

Noitar Arat was not the beginning.
The winter of destiny began,
and Tir Na Nog and the age of gods were drawing to a close.

  • Continue

Goddess Badhbh Cath, Neamhain. Has she begun to flutter her wings?
Neamhain is known for her self-righteousness. How far could she involve herself in this?
All hopes will perish in the face of the darkness of Noitar Arat...

  • Continue

[Suddenly, you become enclosed in the Town Square along with Cichol and Claimh Solas.]


You are...!

  • Continue


Haha, must I introduce myself?
I can't believe you don't recognize the King of the Fomors.

  • Continue

A truly atrocious monster has been created.
Who would have thought that the legendary sword of Nuada[sic] Airgetlam
would get crushed like this. Haha!

  • Continue

They say history repeats itself, right?

  • Continue

The nightmare of the Mag Tuireadh battlefield...
And the curse of Findias...
Have become a reality after all.

  • Continue

[Cichol vanishes in a manner of black smoke, leaving you to deal with Claimh Solas.]

[End of Cutscene]

[You engage in battle with the Claimh Solas. After a certain point, you come to weaken it significantly.]


[Claimh Solas releases a mighty roar and falls over, seemingly defeated. You relax and stare at it. However, a revitalized Claimh Solas emerges from the black mist that forms. You take on an angry expression as Claimh Solas, now armed with blades as wings, crawls closer to you. You then return to your combat stance. Outside of the enclosure, Cai is down on one knee.]



  • Continue

[Leymore and Jenna rush over to Cai.]


Leymore... Jenna...
I'm sorry.
I can't bear to look at you.

  • Continue


Cai, are you alright?
You've been seriously hurt!

  • Continue


Don't worry about me. Take care of CharacterName.
If we don't destroy the tabernacle of Erg that Cichol has created
CharacterName will be in danger!

  • Continue

[End of Cutscene]

[Inside the enclosure, you continue to battle the revitalized Claimh Solas. Once again, you eventually come to weaken it.]


[Leymore and Cai combine their Alchemy abilities and use it against a wall of the enclosure. Their efforts destroy the entire roof.]


Alright! The barrier has been destroyed.
CharacterName! Hurry up and request Adniel for help!

  • Continue

[In the meantime, your efforts in engaging Claimh Solas have left you exhausted.]

[End of Cutscene]

[You use the bugle given to you by Adniel to call for his help. When Adniel's assistance arrives, meteors shower upon the arena. The meteors weaken Claimh Solas enough for you to finish the job.]


[Claimh Solas lets out one last mighty roar, then falls over, defeated. The enclosure that surrounded you rumbles before it is reduced to nothing. This allows Leymore, Jenna, and Cai to enter the town square and rush to your side. The four of you watch as an ominous aura begins to shroud the Claimh Solas. The entire setting starts shaking violently.]


I don't have a good feeling about this.
No, he's trying to self-detonate right now.
Look out!

  • Continue

[Claimh Solas rises once more.]


Look out!

  • Continue

[A barrier surrounds Claimh Solas as Leymore uses Life Drain on it. Claimh Solas then explodes, knocking out Leymore. The barrier and the ominous aura are no longer present. All the while, you, Cai, and Jenna turn your attention to the fallen Leymore.]



  • Continue

[Jenna kneels down beside Leymore.]

Please... You promised me.

  • Continue

You promised to be safe...
You said you'd return to me.
Please... Don't leave me like this...

  • Continue



  • Continue

I think this is my chance to ask Leymore for forgiveness.

  • Continue

I became an Alchemist in hopes of reviving Lena
and I continue to engage myself in the Homunculus experiment.
Though my efforts ended in utter failure,
the possibility was still there...

  • Continue

Soul Stream...
Soul Stream became a clue.
Using the Alchemy that uses one's spirit as an ingredient, Leymore may be revived...

  • Continue

I'll use my spirit.
Watch carefully. Ha!
This will be my last time practicing Alchemy!

  • Continue


But Cai,
then you will put yourself in danger...!

  • Continue


This is what Lena told me
on her deathbed.

  • Continue

As any death is ill-fated,
so is love.
That is why love lingers in your heart for eternity.

  • Continue

I was foolish...
Perhaps I still don't understand the depths of
Lena's love for me.

  • Continue

[Cai performs Alchemy on Leymore.]



  • Continue


Can you hear me!?

  • Continue

[Meanwhile, Cai stumbles over. His body disappears in a flash of bright light.]



  • Continue

[You and Jenna remain at Leymore's side.]

[End of Cutscene]

[Quest Complete]

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