The Saga: Iria
< Iria: Episode 3 - Waking Nightmare: The Chase Iria: Episode 5 - Proud Heritage: The Battle >
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- To start Episode 4, open the Chapter Info menu, select the "Chapter 5 The Saga" tab, click the Watch button, and select "EP 4 - Mystic Training: The Ritual" under "Iria".
- You may not play other episodes while playing Episode 4.
- Replaying Episode 4 costs 5,000 Gold.
- Warning: Choosing to stop the Episode at any point will erase all progress.
- You can not skip the cutscenes on your first playthrough of the Episode.
Iria: Episode 4 - Mystic Training: The Ritual is the fourth episode of The Saga: Iria. After finding Millia, Shamala and the Milletian take her to The Holy Land of Shamans to train her for the upcoming battles. Meanwhile, the Unknown Men, the Black Dragon Knight, and the Black Dragon Bhafel are also preparing to mobilize their forces.
Shadow Mission difficulty is
based on your total level:
Beginner for 1~99 total
Intermediate for 100~299 total
Advanced for 300~999 total
Hard for 1000+ total
NPCs involved in Mystic Training: The Ritual
NPCs involved in Episode 4 - Mystic Training: The Ritual
The Millia Of Your Dreams
The Millia Of Your Dreams
To start the episode, open the Saga menu, select the "Iria" tab, select "EP 4 - Mystic Training: The Ritual", and watch the Episode 4 cinematic.
- Talk to Shamala located at the center of Connous Oasis.
- Manually complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]
Millia and Shamala
Millia and Shamala
Shamala Millia
- Talk to Shamala located at the center of Connous Oasis.
- Talk to Shamala located at the exit of Ant Hell in Errans Gorge.
- You will be taken into the role-play Shadow Mission, "A Pointless Fight".
- You will role-play as Shamala. She has dual Bipenni, 244 Strength and 210~317 Damage. She also has 1,149 Health, 1,014 Mana, 48 Defense and 20% Protection. She also has Rank 1 Combat Mastery, Smash, Defense, Counterattack, Windmill, Final Hit, Assault Slash, Axe Mastery, Evasion, Magic Mastery, Fire Mastery, Ice Mastery, Lightning Mastery, Icebolt, Firebolt, Lightning Bolt, Rank 5 First Aid, Rank 7 Mana Shield and Rest, and Rank Novice Critical Hit.
- Defeat Millia. She will then assist you.
- Manually complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]
To the Town of Shamans
To the Town of Shamans
Millia Shamala
- Talk to Millia located at the exit of Ant Hell in Errans Gorge.
- Talk to Shamala located right next to Millia.
- Talk to Shamala located at the Rafting Dock at La Terra Highlands. A cutscene will occur and you will be taken into the Shadow Mission, "The Holy Land of Shamans".
- There is no objective in this mission other than to talk to the NPCs in the subsequent quests.
- If you exit the mission, you will be warped back to the last town or landmark you have visited.
- The quest will auto-complete. [8,000 EXP]
People of the Holy Land
People of the Holy Land
Millia Shamala Demote
- Talk to Shamala located on the other side of the river, near the central circle in The Holy Land of Shamans.
- Talk to Demote located near Shamala in The Holy Land of Shamans.
- Exit the Shadow Mission, then talk to Millia near the Jungle Tree Crest Mark in Herba Jungle.
- You will be taken in to the role-play Shadow Mission, "The Shaman's Test".
- You will role-play as Millia. She has 124 Health, 100 Mana, 100 Stamina, 76 Strength, 22~34 Damage, Rank 1 Windmill and Evasion, Rank 6 Firebolt, Icebolt, and Lightning Bolt, Rank 9 Defense, Smash, Counterattack, Assault Slash, and Final Hit, and Rank F Combat Mastery and Critical Hit.
- You may either defeat the Black Dragon, then Shamala, and finally Akule that spawns or you can stay stationary and not attack; they will simply despawn, allowing you to continue.
- These enemies are completely stationary and do not attack at all.
- Manually complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]
Refusal and the Lost Knowledge
The Completed Charm
The Completed Charm
Lelach Dowra Maike
- Return to The Holy Land of Shamans and deliver the Big Beautiful Black Tail to Lelach located on the other side of the river, at the central circle.
- Talk to Dowra located at the Chief's House in Vales.
- Talk to Maike located at the Chief's House in Filia.
- Talk to Lelach near the Dragon Crest Mark south of Lappa Village.
- You will be taken into the Shadow Mission, "Proceed with the ritual!"
- Shamala, Dowra, Maike, three Spies, and three Royal Guards will assist you.
- Enemies: Unknown Men, Demonic Warriors, Demonic Archers, Demonic Poets, Korsek Raptors, Bandit Goblins, Bandit Imps, Snowfield Slayers, and Blade Wyverns.
- The monsters will continuously spawn, but the Unknown Men and Blade Wyverns are not replaced.
- Taking care of the Unknown Men first is highly advised, along with Blade Wyverns.
- Millia will be casting a spell with an onscreen message that increases by 1% every three seconds. However, this will stop if a monster gets too close to her (within 1500 Range) and another onscreen message will warn you about what monster is too close. The mission will complete once the message says 100% and a cutscene will occur.
- The best way to complete this is to somehow lure the NPCs away from Millia and have them fight it out while you concentrate on anything coming near her.
- You may Play Dead (if possible) or stay away from the monsters range until Millia finishes as they will not aggro her.
- The mission will still complete even if the timer runs out.
- Manually complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]
Strategy Session
Strategy Session
Maike Dowra Millia Shamala Lelach
- Return to The Holy Land of Shamans and talk to Maike located along the southeast side of the river.
- Talk to Dowra located by a tree near the central circle.
- Talk to Millia located at the central circle.
- Talk to Shamala located next to Millia.
- Talk to Lelach located near Shamala. A cutscene will occur.
- Complete the quest. [100,000 EXP Complete Saga Box, Saga EP4 Box].
- Replaying Episode 4 does not reward a Complete Saga Box.
- You may only obtain up to 1 Saga EP Box a day for all episodes.
- However, you will always receive a box for the first time finishing the episode.
- The Daily Bonus is applied on Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
- This resets at EDT: 10:00am
UTC: 2:00pm AEDT: 1:00am 7:00am PDT100.
[show] Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Event | | | Other | |