- For how to obtain Soul of Chaos, see Dark Knight Quest.
As of the Genesis Update, the content on this page is no longer a feature of Mabinogi. This content has been replaced by G3 Genesis. This feature may still be used provided one had access to it before it was altered.
< Generation 2: Paladin (Pre-Genesis)
This article contains spoilers. If you do not wish to read further, please return to the home page.
- The decision to change from a Paladin into a Dark Knight after completing Generation 3 is entirely optional.
Skipping G3: It is also possible to Skip G3 after completing G2. It is used in the same manner as skipping G1. You may instantly bounce ahead to the Dark Knight quest but will leave behind the Obsidian Enchant as well as the "Savior of Erinn" Title. Also, if you have the Anti-Fomor Robe or the Charm of Protection in your possession, it will automatically be removed from your inventory when you skip G3.
Warning! The memory recollection as well as the Special Subquest have a chance of not occurring if you do the following right after finishing the Infiltrate Baol quest:
- Not talk with Kristell with keyword, relog and get new keyword
- Talking with corresponding NPC before talking to Kristell with keyword
- Talking to Seumas with the keyword before talking to Kristell with keyword
- Talking to Kristell, Seumas, and then the corresponding NPC in that order
- Changing gender during rebirth while running G3
You are not required to complete the memory recollection or Special Subquest to complete G3. However, you will need a Teardrop of the Spirit to complete the Dark Knight quest chain. If you do not get the Teardrop of the Spirit keyword from the Special Subquest, you will have to get a teardrop from another player.
Generation 3: Dark Knight is the final story of Chapter 1. Another part of Tir Na Nog, Bangor, and an artifact known as Lia Fail is introduced, and the Dark Knights begin their onslaught over the continent of Uladh.
NPCs involved in Dark Knight
Breaking of the Seal

Breaking of the Seal
Tarlach can only be seen during the night, more specifically, from 6:00PM to 6:00AM in-game.
- Watch the cutscene when you log in and obtain a new keyword Breaking of the Seal.
- Go to the northern end of Sidhe Sneachta during the night and talk to Tarlach with the keyword. He will give you the keyword The Pass to the Other World.
- Use this keyword on Gilmore and purchase the special dungeon pass (Barri Dungeon Pass to Another World) from him for 1500g. Drop the pass onto Barri Dungeon's altar to enter.
- This dungeon resembles Barri Normal's first floor. The boss room contains 2 Wisps and 1 Flying Sword.
- You must solo the dungeon.
- You can trade the pass with another person. Keep this in mind because you will need to later on in the final part of G3.
The Goddess of Destruction
The Goddess of Destruction
- You will be transferred to the other world automatically as soon as you clear the special Barri dungeon.
- Head to the Dragon Ruins and talk to the Kobold NPC named Morc. He will give you the keyword Macha the Goddess of Destruction.
- Complete the quest to view a cutscene.
- You will be automatically returned to Bangor.
Macha According to the People of Emain Macha
Macha According to the People of Emain Macha
All Emain NPCs
Rua is not always at Bean Rua. You may talk to Rua in her house if you already obtained high enough relationship points beforehand.
- Return to Tarlach and talk to him using the keyword Macha the Goddess of Destruction. He will give you a quest along with the collection book Macha According to Emain Macha.
- Talk to all 18 Emain residents that have the "start a conversation" option, including Rua, with the keyword Macha the Goddess of Destruction. Each resident will give you a note that you must place into the collection book.
- Once the book is complete, read it receive the reward.
- Talk to Tarlach, complete the quest, and wait for the next quest. It may probably take about two ingame days (one hour in real time) for the quest to come; stay somewhere where an owl can reach you.
Wyllow's Request
Wyllow's Request
Wyllow Aodhan
Wyllow is the priest inside the Cathedral, located in Emain Macha. Aodhan is the knight standing outside the castle. You no longer have to do Peaca and Coill Dungeons. You must still formulate the pass and drop it on the Altar. They will be automatically cleared once you enter (similar to Coill G2 "Redire's Demise").
- Upon receiving the next quest, talk to Wyllow. He will then refer you to Aodhan.
- Talk with Aodhan and receive the Fomor Command Scroll (2x2-sized).
- Aodhan states that you will go to Barri Dungeon first. However, he will give you the Fomor Command Scroll for Coill Dungeon.
- Use the Handicraft skill or ask James to convert the Fomor Command Scroll into a Statue Restoration Pass (2x2-sized). [1 Holy Water, 1 Mana Herb, and the Fomor Command Scroll]
- Use it to enter Coill Dungeon.
- Note: The NPCs imply that you will have to fight through and complete Coill Dungeon, but there is actually no fighting involved -- only a cutscene.
- Repeat previous 3 steps for Rundal Dungeon, and then Peaca Dungeon.
- Rundal requires you to complete a 1-floor version of the dungeon while Peaca is only a cutscene.
- Every floor you and/or your teammates descend, a cutscene will play for each person while affecting the whole party. This applies through every latter Dungeon until the last Priest Request.
- Talk to Aodhan and complete the quest.
- Wait for 4 to 5 in-game days to receive the next quest.
Comgan's Request
Kristell's Request
Meven's Request
The Meaning of Dorca Feadhain
The Meaning of Dorca Feadhain
Price Eavan / Aodhan Tarlach Meven
If you are playing as a female character, talk to Aodhan. Otherwise, talk to Eavan.
- NOTE: If you are male, the in-game quest will tell you to go to Emain Macha. Go to Dunbarton instead.
- Complete the previous quest and talk to Price with the new keyword. A quest will soon arrive.
- Talk to corresponding NPC for your gender. (Check Info)
- Talk to Tarlach.
- Talk to Meven.
- Wait for 4 to 5 in-game days to receive the next quest.
Tarlach's Request
Tarlach's Request
Tarlach Duncan
- Talk to Tarlach
- Talk to Duncan, complete the quest.
- Wait for 1 to 2 in-game days to receive the next quest.
Creating the Holy Potion of Lymilark
Creating the Holy Potion of Lymilark
Tarlach Endelyon
The following quest items are tradable, the user may also ask Endelyon with all materials to craft the item instead.
- Note: You must wait for the quest to come before proceeding to make the Holy Potion of Lymilark; otherwise, it will not be counted for the first part of the quest.
- Create a Spirit Potion using Handicraft skill.
- Spirit Viewing Powder can be obtained by clicking on a Crystal Ball in Dunbarton Library with an Empty Bottle in your inventory.
- Spirit Forming Bottle can be obtained by clearing a normal Rabbie Dungeon alone, as a dungeon reward item. (Please note: You can only receive this item during the quest. Defeat the Black Succubus to get the item from the chest. If you wish to fight the Black Succubus and you do not want to solo the entire dungeon, go with a party, clear the dungeon, and then have everyone in the party leave the dungeon by logging off or changing to a different channel [make sure you leave the party] before you open the boss room.)
- Spirit Hearing Water can be obtained by Potion Making skill (at least rank F). You need one of each: Bloody Herb, Mana Herb, White Herb.
- You may also obtain Spirit Hearing Water from another player.
- Deliver the item to Tarlach and complete the quest.
- Wait for 4 to 5 in-game days to receive the next quest.
James' Request
James' Request
James Kristell Duncan
- Talk to James.
- Talk to Kristell.
- Talk to Duncan.
- Talk to James.
- Complete the quest and receive the keyword Lia Fail.
Acquire the Unknown Fomor Scroll
Acquire the Unknown Fomor Scroll
Muro Aodhan / Eavan
Muro is located in Ceo Island. If you are playing as a female character, talk to Aodhan. Otherwise, talk to Eavan. It is recommended to take the moon gate to Ceo closest to the NPC you need to talk to (depending on your character's gender) this way you can use a "Return Coupon" from the Housing Channel (Wings of a Goddess will not work since Ceo Island is not actually a "city") to return to the town of the NPC and complete this quest all in one night. (No having to wait for another Ceo Moon Gate or using a camp kit) (The quest tells males to go to Aodhan. This is a typo.)
- Talk to Muro with the new keyword. After talking, an owl will deliver the Acquire the Unknown Fomor Scroll quest.
- Talk to corresponding NPC (Check info) and get the Unknown Fomor Scroll.
- Report back to Muro, deliver the Unknown Fomor Scroll and complete the quest.
Making Anti-Fomor Robe
Making Anti-Fomor Robe
Tarlach Aodhan / Eavan
The required cloth item is tradable, but the finished robe is untradeable. If you are playing as a female character, talk to Aodhan. Otherwise, talk to Eavan. Female characters may ask James, and male characters can ask Kristell to craft the cloth instead if you have all the materials. Anti-Fomor Robe's durability does not decrease. The robe cannot be dropped, or stored in pets or the bank. You may dye the waistband and the muffler only.
- Talk to Tarlach to start the quest.
- Make the Anti-Fomor Cloth with the Handicraft skill (Or by talking to the NPC corresponding to your gender with the materials). It requires 2 Fine Silk, 2 Mana Herb and 2 Holy Waters. You can make the cloth anytime before the quest is actually obtained.
- Deliver the Anti-Fomor Cloth to the corresponding NPC. (check info)
- Talk to Tarlach and receive A Book on Milletians.
- Report back to the corresponding NPC (check info). You will trade the book from Tarlach for the Anti-Fomor Robe.
- Report back to Tarlach to obtain a new keyword and complete the quest.
Infiltrate Baol Dungeon
Infiltrate Baol Dungeon
Tarlach / Morc
Hint: It is recommended to kill Guard Skeleton Hellhound before going on.
- Return to Another World by purchasing another pass from Gilmore for 1500G and solo the special version of Barri.
- With the robe equipped, drop the Baol Infiltration pass in Baol Dungeon in Another World. You can only enter this dungeon on Sunday.
- The goal for this dungeon is to reach the boss room by any means. The dungeon consists of 11 rooms and they are only orb based.
- All monsters will aggro at you instantly within range, so be cautious when you equip/unequip the robe. You will also be aggroed by monsters if you talk in public chat, or if a Guard Skeleton Hellhound appears and notices you.
- Remember: Normal Guards will detect you without the robe. Guard Skeleton Hellhounds will detect you with the robe.
- However, the Hellhounds can still detect if you do not have the robe, it just takes them longer to do so.
- All Guards are Multi Aggro. Getting caught will almost automatically lead to death.
- Dying in this dungeon will expel you out of the dungeon to the lobby. You will lose no experience, your equipment may lose blessings but will not be dropped (any equipment that falls off will be put into your inventory or temporary inventory), you receive another dungeon pass.
- If you leave through the entrance or disconnected in the dungeon, you will not get a pass to the dungeon. You can get another pass from Tarlach or Morc.
- You cannot charge magic other than Healing in this dungeon. However, charges brought in from outside will not disappear.
- Alchemy can be used, however.
- Summon Golem and Water Cannon can make this dungeon considerably easier.
- Using 100-200 Rank 3 or higher Ice Mines makes this dungeon extremely easy as the monsters that are near the mine and resulting chain reactions will die in one to two hits.
- Monsters in this dungeon drop no items and give 0 experience when killed.
- Paladins cannot enter this dungeon and you cannot change into a Paladin while in the dungeon.
- If you have completed Generation 10 before beginning this, it is possible to change into a Demigod while in the dungeon.
- You will receive the keyword Cromm Cruaich after finishing the dungeon.
- Talk to Kristell with the new keyword before anything else if you wish to complete the memory recollection as well as the special sub quest.
- This part can be skipped but is not recommended. To skip the optional quests, talk to Aodhan/Eavan with the Cromm Cruaich keyword then continue to talk to Seumas. After that relog to continue with your quests.
- NOTE: Guard Skeleton Hellhound are Lightning type, so use elementals to protect yourself.
- NOTE: These mobs can mostly be avoided if you stay on the side of the rooms and do not run in front of them. The only one that will aggro in this case is the Guard Skeleton Hellhound. If you fail to stay to the sides of any mob-filled dungeon room, a multi aggro will occur.
- NOTE: It is possible to predict to some degree which orb will open the door! For an explanation of how to do it, click here.
Room-Clearing Tips #1 (Melee type)[show]
- Here the "exit" refers to the closed door, and "entrance" refers to the open one
- If the door opens at any of the following orbs you may go ahead.
- First, Hit the left inner orb closest to the exit.
- If Guard Skeleton Hellhound, take off the Anti-fomor robe, exit/run out of the room and lure one by one with Ranged, and kill them with N+Windmill+Defense. WAIT FOR THE HELLHOUND BODY TO DISAPPEAR BEFORE CONTINUING ON TO AN ADJACENT ROOM.
- Do not forget to put the robe back on.
- If a non-hellhound spawn, hit the left outer orb closest to the entrance, if Guard Skeleton Hellhounds, follow step 3, but do not take off robe.
- Hit the right outer orb closest to the entrance, if Guard Skeleton Hellhounds, follow step 3, but do not take off robe.
- If you are chased after by 1 other monster you can use a pet to distract it while you escape through the entrance. There is a low chance of surviving if you are followed by 3 or more monsters (to reduce the chance of this happening see below).
- Hit the last orb after you have killed all the hellhounds.
- Be very careful at the Boss (red) orbs, as more than three hellhounds can spawn.
- If you see that non-hellhound mobs are too close to the orbs or entrance, you must kill them by luring, pet, or wait for them to wander away, otherwise there is a chance that you will be hit immediately by the mobs when hellhounds detect you.
- If you are in a second or third consecutive room with monsters in the previous rooms, you must kill the monsters with each orb spawn in your current room, otherwise the chances that you will survive is small, and you will need many feathers if you are going to use pets.
- Another effective way to take out normal spawns is to go inside the room yourself with the robe on, stay in normal mode instead of attack mode, and windmill the monsters inside the room. since windmill is a defensive skill, using it does not count as attacking, so hitting normal spawns with it will not make everything else automatically aggro you like it would with normal attack or smash, the monsters will only single aggro and the rest will just notice you. Execute windmill any time the monster that is aggroing you is in range and immediately load again. Do not "auto mill" as you might hit the wrong monster, giving the aggroed one time to approach and attack you while you are loading again. Remember that sometimes gargoyles and spiders will normal attack after noticing someone and not aggroing and gargoyles can use magic, so it is not a good idea to use this technique against them this method is a bit more dangerous than luring, but sometimes it is faster because you can damage more than one monster at a time. If you go into attack mode while doing this, the other monsters may aggro you.
- The monster aggro(s) and will stay on you if it saw you first, unless you knocked it down with pet.
- Guard Gargoyles are the biggest threat to your escape, those are important to kill if you come into the situations above.
- Mounts can help you if you successfully run away and are still aggroed (outside the monster(s) aggro range), see Hide/Sneak Attack
- When entering the first room, chose one of the two marbles nearest to the locked door. If the door opens, proceed. If a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns in,TAKE OFF THE ROBE!,and kill it!
- If it is a normal spawn, go to one of the orbs nearest to the door you entered. If the door opens, proceed. If a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns, leave the room and summon a pet. Use archery and use your pet as cover and command it to attack, supporting it with your arrows.
- If it is a normal spawn, hit the last marble closest to the entrance. If it is a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawn, repeat step two. This will clear the room of any Guard Skeleton Hellhounds while maximizing your escape chances.
- If you arrive at a room that is connected to another that has spawns in it, hit the orb closest to the locked door. If the door opens, proceed.
- If normal spawns appear, run through BOTH rooms and begin to pick off each enemy until the rooms are cleared.
- If it is a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawn, defeat it within the room without getting too close to the spawned room, lest the enemies there aggro. (This is a rare scenario.)
Room-Clearing Tips #3 (Cautious Approach)[show]
Room Clearing Tips #3 (If you are really cautious)
- Bring a long bow and at least 200 arrows.
- Bring healing supplies, and lots of them.
- Set up your hotkeys first before entering the dungeon.
- Check to see if the door leads to another room or to a hallway.
- If the door leads to a hallway, follow this path.
- If you hit an orb and the door opens, proceed.
- If a hellhound spawns, take the robe off and leave the room. Use archery to lure one out, and kill it. Using pet to help killing is recommended. If there is only one hellhound in the room, go kill it. Do not forget to wear the robe after killing it.
- If you get hellhounds at first orb hit, and you killed them all, then you can safely hit all orbs to make the door open and proceed to walk to the hallway.
- If you do not get hellhounds and get normal spawns before that, leave the room, use bow to lure them out one at a time, and kill them.
- If the door leads to another room, follow this path.
- If you hit an orb and the door opens, proceed.
- If a hellhound appears, take robe off, leave the room, use the bow to lure them out one at a time and kill it. Pet help is recommended. If there is only one in the room, kill it. Do not forget to wear the robe.
- If a normal spawn appears, leave the room, use the bow to lure one out, and kill it.
- Use counter+wm on guard spider.
- Use counter+wm on guard skeleton, but load counter again if it uses either counter or defense.
- Use (counter+wm+defense+ n+1 + repeat) on guard laghodessa.
- Use pet to load counter and make it target the guard gargoyle. Use bow to lure one to you, go near the pet and use counter. If you get hit by icebolt, load wm. The gargoyle has splash hit, so the pet can counter it when you are near the pet. Then load counter.
This method utilizes Throw Stone and Play Dead, and will be more effective if you have higher ranks of Ranged Skills and Windmill, as well as several pets. It is recommended that equip your first weapon slot with a bow and arrows, and your auxiliary slot with close-combat weapons.
- Load Rock Throwing and position yourself at the entrance of the room. Doing this will allow you dart back into the hallway with a lesser chance of being detected if a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns. Remember to only use Throw Stone to hit marbles, since it puts distance between you and the spawns, and reduces the distance between you and the entrance. The less time it takes to retreat out of the room, the better chances you have of survival!
- Throw the stone at one of the marbles closest to the entrance.
- If it is a normal spawn, take out any monsters near the entrance before proceeding. If they spawn away from the entrance, throw another stone at the other marble.
- If a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns, take off the Anti-Fomor Robe, run back into the hallway and summon a pet. Lure the Guard Skeleton Hellhound out with archery. If you have low-ranked archery skills, switch weapons after it aggros and use Windmill. Send your pet after the Guard Skeleton Hellhound if you believe you are in danger or if the Guard Skeleton Hellhound loads Firebolt. Do your best to keep the fight out of the room to prevent you and/or your pet from being multi-aggroed. Try to keep your pets alive; if one begins to take a beating, recall it and summon another instantly.
- If you are extremely cautious, you have the option of using Pet Smash Revolver. However, you cannot do this if there are normal spawns in the room with the Guard Skeleton Hellhound, because the other monsters will instantly aggro your pet once it is in range.
- Remember to re-equip the Anti-Fomor Robe before proceeding!
- If a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns when the room is teeming with normal spawns, dash back into the hallway and follow step #4, but do not take off the Anti-Fomor Robe. If aggroed, Play Dead immediately. If you have cleared the entrance as suggested in step #3, you may get lucky and only be noticed by 1-2 Guard Skeleton Hellhounds and/or normal mobs.
- Now you can constantly summon and recall pets to take out the normal mobs. Be aware that the normal spawns will instant-aggro your pet, but the Guard Skeleton Hellhound will still target you.
- Immediately return your pet if the normal mobs rush it. If they load skills or begin to circle, get your pet to quickly combo them and unsummon. Repeat until all of the normal mobs that have aggroed you are dead.
- Then, use your pet to distract the Guard Skeleton Hellhound as you get up and retreat into the hallway, and proceed with step #4.
- Play Dead will only fail if you are unlucky enough to have a Guard Skeleton uses Windmill or if a Guard Gargoyle uses Stomp.
- Do not move on until all of the Guard Skeleton Hellhound bodies vanish.
- If you come to a spot where rooms are adjacent, make sure that you have a clear escape route before you move on to the connected room, in case a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns and you are forced to run back.
This method utilizes Rock Throwing and Summoning Golems. A high rank Summon Golem, Alchemy Mastery, and/or Earth Alchemy Mastery, as well as bringing a large amount of Golem Crystals is strongly recommended.
- Load Rock Throwing and position yourself at the entrance of the room. Doing this will allow you dart back into the hallway with a lesser chance of being detected if a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns. Remember to only use Throw Stone to hit marbles, since it puts distance between you and the spawns, and reduces the distance between you and the entrance. The less time it takes to retreat out of the room, the better chances you have of survival!
- Throw the stone at one of the marbles closest to the entrance.
- Immediately run out, use Summon Golem, and use it to eliminate the mobs.
- If the Golem is destroyed or its duration runs out, quickly summon another one.
- Repeat the process.
Pet Prep Tips - Since speaking within this dungeon will automatically aggro any spawned enemy, before you enter the dungeon, be sure of the following:
- Set your pets to spawn in with "Command Mode" AI as the default.
- Map summoning hotkeys to your alt and ctrl buttons for your pets.
- Use any spare F-keys to use pet commands.
- To target an enemy with your pet, either right click and choose "attack with pet" or hold Shift until you see the P added to your cursor and click the enemy. Your pet will automatically target this enemy, and if you set a skill, will continue to use that skill on it.
- If you hate the hassle of going to the Graveyard in Tir, only to have to kill off any spiders that Aggro you, slowing down your collection speed, you can always find a room that has Guard Spiders in it, and watch as they drop cobwebs.
- Note: Make sure you have the Anti-Fomor Robe on and also that there are no possible ways of Aggro-ing anything, especially Guard Skeleton Hellhounds.
- If you are the cautious type of person, and do not ever want to take chances, standing behind the Orbs before you hit them makes it so you can go back to normal mode, or take off your robe without quick detection from any monsters.
Aodhan's Past/Eavan's Past

Aodhan's Past/Eavan's Past
Aodhan / Eavan
If you are playing as a female character, talk to Aodhan. Likewise, if you are playing as a male character, talk to Eavan. (This part is skippable (At top of page) not following what it says to do may result in not being able to start this)
- Talk to corresponding NPC and receive the memorial item, complete the quest.
- You may watch "Eavan's past" through a crystal ball in Dunbarton Library. "Aodhan's past" can be seen inside Emain Macha Castle.
Special Sub-Quest
Special Sub-Quest
Aodhan / Eavan Stewart
This quest is completely optional. You must clear this quest before entering the final dungeon and after talking to Tarlach to obtain a special pass. A special short cut-scene will appear at the G3 ending. If you are playing as a female character, talk to Aodhan. Otherwise, talk to Eavan. Like the anti fomor robe, the Protection Charm - Eavan's Ring cannot be dropped, traded, or stored in pets or the bank, and does not lose durability. The only way to get rid of it is to finish or skip Generation 3.
(These first 3 steps are required to do the Special Sub-Quest and also continue to the G3 Final Dungeon. Skip to the Final Dungeon if you are skipping this sub-quest.)
- Talk to Seumas with the keyword from the Baol Infiltration Dungeon (Cromm Cruaich).
- Re-login and receive the keyword: Prevent Macha's Revival from Morrighan.
- Talk to Tarlach with the new keyword to receive a Baol Dungeon Pass.
- Talk to Kristell using the keyword "Prevent Macha's Revival" (Optional)
- Talk to the corresponding NPC (Eavan/Aodhan). You will then receive a quest owl.
- Talk to Stewart; he will ask you to bring the required materials.
- Talk to the corresponding NPC (Eavan/Aodhan) again.
- Chain of Protection can be obtained through Handicraft using Mythril Thread; Mythril Thread can be obtained through Blacksmith using Mythril Ingots. (It does not have to be completed, so you only need two Mythril ingots.) You may talk to any priest to make the Chain of Protection when you have a Mythril Thread.
- Report back to Stewart to obtain the keyword "Tear of Spirit." The Teardrop of the Spirit can be obtained by asking your spirit weapon with the new keyword.(Note, this will use up your spirit weapon's blessing power for that day.) You may also obtain this item from other users who possess a spirit weapon.
- Report back to Stewart.
- Report back to the corresponding NPC.
- You will obtain a Protection Charm - Eavan's Ring or Protection Charm - Aodhan's Ring (depending on the gender) as a reward. (It is a glove item, not an accessory.) It offers 5 protection points, it will disappear once you complete Generation 3.
Final Dungeon

Final Dungeon
Tarlach Seumas
Similar to Albey Dungeon, there are no goddess statues present in this dungeon to revive at. Cromm Cruaich is invincible from close combat attacks while he is flying, you must utilize long range attacks.
- Talk to Seumas with the keyword from the Baol Infiltration Dungeon (Cromm Cruaich)
- Relogin and receive the keyword: Prevent Macha's Revival from Morrighan.
- Talk to Tarlach with the new keyword to receive a Baol Dungeon Pass.
- If you lose the pass, you can ask Morc or Tarlach for another one.
- Travel to Another World. There are (at least) two ways to do this.
- Purchase passes from Gilmore for 1500G each and solo the special version of Barri. Since these passes are solo passes, each member of your party must have their own pass, solo Barri, and then meet you on the other side. In addition, only people who have completed G2 may use the pass to enter the special version of Barri. If they finished G3 then they cannot get the pass anymore, as they lost the Keyword. The pass is still tradeable though.
- Alternatively, you can use return coupons to transport your party there.
- You must enter Baol Dungeon as a 3-person party. You can enter this dungeon on any day.
- Unlike Baol Infiltration, all Transformations, including Paladin and Dark Knight are allowed.
- Clear 5 floors and arrive at the boss room.
- This dungeon consists of many high-level monsters. They are all either bosses or minibosses you have fought in the past (within the exception of King Mimics, and the new Giant Worms).
- At the boss room, a cutscene occurs. Stay alive in the battle between Ruairi and Morgant until another cutscene occurs. They both spawn directly in the middle of the map, so stay in a corner where they cannot aggro (they usually aggro within 1/5th of the entire room).
- It is actually possible to kill Morgant, but Ruairi is still immune to all damage. However, engaging them is not required nor is it recommended.
- Following the battle with Ruairi and Morgant, you must fight Cromm Cruaich, a powerful Dragon.
- Cromm Cruaich is not an easy monster to defeat. In addition to level 2 of all Passive Defense, it possesses Advanced Heavy Stander, meaning it cannot be knocked back.
- As a Dragon, Cromm Cruaich possesses many unique attacks, including the ability to fly, Dragon Fireball, Petrification, Tail Attack, and Dragon Dash Attack.
- As a Dragon, Cromm Cruaich has no normal attacks, player-like skills, or walk/running animations. Instead, it attacks with its own skills and gets around via Dragon Dash Attack.
- As a Dragon, Cromm Cruaich can hit over thousands of HP, literally obliterating players in one or two hits.
- Note that the whole boss room is very different from the standard boss room. It is roughly twice the normal boss room size, and there is no reward chamber. The destroyed Lia Fail sits at the far end of the room.
- Use a Campfire if you want to avoid being hit, as it is the only obstacle you can use in the whole room. If Cromm is flying in the sky, get behind a campfire ASAP, as this means he will cast Dragon Fireball and his radius far exceeds that of a player's spell, and it will usually 1 hit KO you. You cannot outrun the fireball.
- Throw Paper Airplane has invinciblity frames.
- Defeat Cromm Cruaich; you will receive Obsidian enchant and Savior of Erinn title as a reward.
[show] Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Other | |