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Script - Peculiar Children

From Mabinogi World Wiki
For advice on completion of this questline, see Pet Trainer Quests.

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A Glimmering Curiosity

I need some help, and another pair of hands would certainly not go unappreciated. Can you stop by when you get the chance? - Heulfryn

Hmm... What in the world?

(Heulfryn stares intently at the pages of a thin ledger, seeming lost in thought.)

(You observe him jotting down some numbers in the corner, as if making some calculations, only to scratch them out, frazzled and somewhat frustrated.)

Oh hey, (Character Name). Thanks for coming. I didn't even realize you were here. You haven't been waiting too long, have you?
I need your help with something, and had to call you all the way out here. I hope you have a moment to spare.
In the last several weeks, it's started becoming difficult to get the things we need here at camp. These are things that, in the past, we've typically had no difficulty procuring from adventurers, but strangely enough, they've been coming up short. It's made our whole supply chain feel much less stable.
There sued to be an adequate amount of new materials coming in, even when there weren't that many traveling to and from the camp. *sigh* It's gotten to be depressing work, managing our inventory these days. Do you think you can help us out?

> Prompt: Ask what he needs or Say you understand

There's, um... Someone in Courcle who's particularly interested, so I try my best to keep the Fever Medicine in stock.

(Heulfryn gestures at Ethna with his eyes.)

Capybara Fur is what I need. Oh, and if it's not too much to ask, could you check and see if anything has happened to the Capybaras, and the other animals who live in the surrounding area?
I know it probably seems like more busywork, but I'd appreciate it if you could gather them yourself in the vicinity of the Calida Camp. And if you happened to learn anything new about the situation, it would greatly benefit Alexina as well.

(You head over to Zardine to collect the Capybara fur, but while you are hunting, you notice a child accompanied by a strange animal nearby, otherwise alone.)

(It seems the was hunting Capybaras nearby. She must also be trying to get some Capybara Fur.)

(You remember Heylfryn saying the camp's supply chain has been unstable lately. Perhaps this child knows something. You should ask her about it.)

> Prompt: Offer a greeting or Stare silently at her.

(You need to get her attention if you want to talk to her. What do you have that might interest a child?)

(You see a small animal waiting patiently next to the child. Perhaps she likes pets...)

(You get one of your pets with you.)

(There's an animal with the child. Maybe she likes animals...)

(You summoned (Pet Name) and approached the child.)

Small Child
...Wait a minute.

(Her pet notices your companion.)

Little girl
Huh? What's the matter?
Aww. Isn't that a cute little friend?

(Your pet and hers make acquaintances. As they do, the child starts dancing, and more animals appear by her side. She then addresses your pet.)

Little girl
Heehee! You're quite the charmer, aren't you?
Ah, so that's your name, huh? I'm Pinkie! What do you mean you're not alone? You have a master? Oh, I see...
Hmm... Chat? With me? Umm.... Your master? Ah, I gotcha.
All right!

Small Child
What a neat-looking animal. I don't think I've ever seen one like you before. Eheehee...

(Hush with curiosity, the child turns toward (Pet Name) and moves closer.)

(The scent of honey fills the air as you approach.)

Small Child
Um... Hi! You must be (Pet Name)'s...
Whoopsie, I forgot I'm not supposed to talk to grown-ups like that.... Hmm... Um... Let's try that again!
Hello! My name's Pinkie. (Pet Name) is your pet, right?

> Prompt: Tell her it is

(You say yes, and she smiles brightly, as if she already knew what you were going to say.)

Aha! I knew it! And the reason I know is 'cause (Pet Name) told me so! They told me your name, too! You're (Character Name), right?
What are you doing here? I didn't think there was anyone else around... I did see you going after those Capybaras, though. Are you trying to get some of their fur?
I've got plenty, but I don't need it. Do you want it, (Character Name)?

> Prompt: (Ask the child what she's doing here.)

(Why would she be hunting Capybaras if she doesn't even need the fur? Ask her what she's doing here.)

Hey, I asked you first! But if you're really curious, I'm looking for Fynni. Last week, it was Capybaras. The week before that was Mongooses, and the week before THAT was Aardvarks. This week, it's Armadillos!

(Pinkie suddenly stops and presses her palms into her cheeks as if displeased. You can sense her taking on a bit of a pouty tone.)

That's right... Armadillos! Or at least, that's what it was supposed to be. But for some reason, it's all Capybaras this week too. It's hard to get gems from Capybaras. Sure is weird, huh?
It's not good for the Fynni to be stuck inside for so long. I've gotta get them out as soon as I can... Should I try more singing? Maybe dancing's what they'll react to this time. I don't know...

> Prompt: The... Fynni?

(You repeat the word back to her, and Pinkie nods with a wide smile.)

Yes indeedy, the Fynni! See, the Fynni are trapped inside the animals and need to be rescued! That's what Fynn told me! They said if I came across any trapped Fynni, I could use the power of Fynn to free them!

> Prompt: Fynn? It doesn't ring any bells...

(So, someone NAMED Fynn said to use 'Fynn' to help them...? Pinkie seems to take notice of the wheels in your head turning trying to figure it all out.)

Oops... I'm supposed to refer to them as Master Fynn to other people!
Anyway... that's what Master Fynn told me. The power's apparently named after them, or maybe it comes from them. Either way, it really works.
And the trapped Fynni, see, they can't get out on their own, so Master Fynn said to use the power to get them out. They said you could sometimes get gems that way, too.

(Pinkie pulls something out of her little bag with a jangle. It looks like a glittering gem.)

(You hear the tinkling of bells as Pinkie's sleeve rustles, and notice that there appears to be something moving within the gem...)

Stilll, they're such a pain to get from Capybaras... Or maybe I just need to try harder. Anyway, what are you and (Pet Name) doing here, (Character Name)?

> Prompt: (You explain the situation.)

(You relay what you heard at Qilla Base Camp and explain you're here to catch Capybaras.)

(Perhaps the reason you had difficulty getting the materials you needed is because Pinkie has been hunting the Capybaras in competition with you without even noticing it.)

(Pinkie's eyes twinkle upon hearing your explanation.)

So you're catching Capybaras too, (Character Name), just like me! Haha!
Hmm... The problem is, this isn't something we can both do. If you catch all the Capybaras, they won't turn into Fynni Gems. That'll make it even harder to get back home. I guess the only solution is for you to wait until I'm done!

(Pinkie sounds quite stern, but suddenly turns to (Pet Name).)

Oh... That's not going to work for you, huh? Your owner is in a rush, you say? Oh. Um... I see... Okay, okay. I got it.

(Pinkie nods heartily at (Pet Name) as if engaged in a lively conversation.)

(Pinkie mulls something over quite seriously, then appears to come to a cheerful conclusion.)

Okay, I've got an idea. How does this sound? (Pet Name)? (Character Name)...? What if you guys help me out? I think if you do that, we'll all get what we want out of this!

(Help her...? With what, you wonder?)

I think you just might make a capable Fynni catcher, (Character Name). But... there's only one way to find out!

> Prompt: Listen to What Pinkie has to say.

Shadow Mission: What's so Fynni?

(Character Name), I heard that you're stronger than me! So if you can catch the capybaras and take the Fynni out of them, we could be done with this likely split! I'll tell you how I do it, but I'm not a teacher, so I don't know if I can explain it super well... Your cute friend says you're a fast learner, though! Heehee. Your pet must really love you!

Pet Trainer - Pinkie Fynn Bell.png
This is a Fynn Bell! Umm... it's not absolutely required, but you're not used to Master's power, so you should take it. Trust me, it'll help.
You can carry it around however's comfortable for you. When you do, you'll see some capybaras with glittering stones. I need you to beat up those capybaras! After that, you should see a Fynni Gem just kinda... roll out of them.
Um, I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but the Fynni are fairies! They're very young and weak, though, so they don't even have a physical body of their own yet. That's why they attach themselves to other animals to get around...
Every since the Queen left, the Fynni haven't been able to show themselves in public. We used to think they were being punished for being too mischievous, but I heard that's not true anymore.
If Fynni spend a long time inside another creature and don't come out... Bad things will happen- both to the Fynni, and whatever animal they're inhabiting.
It might be okay if it were only for a little while, but things can go terribly wrong when two very different beings are joined together like that for a long time. The body that a Fynni inhabits could be considered the 'world' it belongs to.
It's okay for a Fynni to be a guest. But when a guest stays for too long and tries to become a permanent resident, the world will try to forcibly push them out.
If a guest wants to become the master of that world, that's a more serious matter. You know what I mean, right?

...That's what Master said, anyway! (Character Name), were you able to follow all of that?
Anyhow, that's why I'm looking for the Fynni. I have to figure out how much trouble they've caused! *sigh*

(Pinkie imitates how adults speak, clicking her tongue.)

(It's kind of amusing, given how short and petite she is.)

That's why your help would mean a lot, (Character Name). I'll go check out somewhere else while you stay here to see if you can find capybaras with glittering stones!

(You defeat the capybaras, and collect multiple Fynnis. You then return to Pinkie.)

Did you collect all of those? Incredible! That was faster than I expected, (Character Name)! Now, if you'll just let me see those Fynni Gems!


Yay! Your little friend was right. Let's see... One, two, three... That's five! You've collected all the Capybara Fynni Gems I needed!
It's pretty impressive that you were able to do it so quickly, (Character Name)... Oh, you said you needed the fur, right? Lemme get that for you.

(Pinkie takes the Fynni Gems with a smile and hands you the Capybara Fur from her bag in return.)

Here you go, for the people in need! I never thought I'd get all these Fynni so easily... I can tell that you're someone people can depend on, (Character Name). Hahaha! I'm right, aren't I?

Small Animal

(Pinkie lovingly pets the animal next to her before springing upright.)

Well, I think so, too! Now it's time to look for Armadillos like I originally planned.
Should I head to the desert...? I've already been here for so long, and I didn't even get a chance to visit...
Hmph! Oh, well! Busy, busy, busy! So much to do, and so little time!
Well, thank you for helping me rescue the Fynni, (Character Name). Until next time!

(Pinkie gives you a short, slightly clumsy bow.)

May each step you take be heralded by the twittering of songbirds and little seedlings of happiness!

(Cherry blossoms are starting to flutter around you.)

(With that strange parting message, Pinkie turns back to the little animal.)

(You feel a surge of peculiar energy throughout your body, but for now, you should head back to Qilla Base Camp with your load of capybara fur.)

Expedition Troubles

Return to Heulfryn and deliver the Capybara Fur.

Two Pieces of Cotton Candy

We need to find that child. Perhaps we can explain the situation and ask for their understanding... - Alexina

A Blossoming Embrace

Fynni Fynn is so cute! The stuff Fynni Fynn likes is cute too! Say, you still have that thing I gave you before, right? - Pinkie

Iced Out

The trickle of water! Crispy, crunchy snow! I've never seen those before! I wanna see them! C'mon, take meeee! - Fynni Fynn

Fumbling Displeasure

What was that? That strange human... They're gone! And so brave! O-of course, I'm brave too! -Fynni Fynn

A Forest Flowing with Honey

The left hand's victory means I can come with you right...? I think my teacher will be okay with it. So... Let's go!

In Accordance


A Misunderstanding

I should probably tell you more about that child you and Fynni Fynn saw. Now, where to start... -Pinkie

Betting on the Truth

Wanna make a bet? If I win, I'll... Well that's not important right now. Anyways, are you in? Just say the word! -Katell


...I did it 'cause I was afraid Pinkie might become best friends with someone weird... I'm sorry. -Katell

Extra: Fynn Bead Burnishing

Extra: Shining Hearts Event