The Saga: Iria
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- To start Episode 3, open the Chapter Info menu, select the "Chapter 5 The Saga" tab, click the Watch button, and select "EP 3 - Waking Nightmare: The Chase" under "Iria".
- You may not play other episodes while playing Episode 3.
- Replaying Episode 3 costs 5,000 Gold.
- Warning: Choosing to stop the Episode at any point will erase all progress.
- You can not skip the cutscenes on your first playthrough of the Episode.
Millia is shocked after hearing Akule's death. However, you and Millia could not wait for him longer with danger approaching from all sides. Meanwhile, Shamala escapes from the Karu Forest Ruins where she's been locked up...
Iria: Episode 3 - Waking Nightmare: The Chase is the third episode of The Saga: Iria. After escaping the Mysterious Karu Forest Ruins, the Milletian and Shamala search for Millia, who is with an aged Ruairi. However, their search leads them to disaster; the White Dragon Languhiris is assaulting the Giants and Hillwen Mine and the Black Dragon, whose name is revealed to be Bhafel, lays siege on the Elves and Shyllien Nature Reserve. The organization of the Unknown Men name is then finally revealed: Cessair.
Shadow Mission difficulty is
based on your total level:
Beginner for 1~99 total
Intermediate for 100~299 total
Advanced for 300~999 total
Hard for 1000+ total
NPCs involved in Waking Nightmare: The Chase
NPCs involved in Episode 3 - Waking Nightmare: The Chase
Searching for Millia
Searching for Millia
To start the episode, open the Saga menu, select the "Iria" tab, select "EP 3 - Waking Nightmare: The Chase", and watch the Episode 3 cinematic.
- Talk to Shamala near the Karu Forest Northern Mana Tunnel. A cutscene will occur.
- Talk to Shamala.
- Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP].
To Hillwen Mine
To Hillwen Mine
You do not have to kill the monsters in the circle. Simply lure them to the circle and finish them off.
- Talk to Shamala near the Karu Forest Northern Mana Tunnel.
- Talk to Shamala near the entrance of the Hillwen Mine northwest of Vales.
- You will be taken into the Shadow Mission, "Defeat the guards!"
- Step into the Offering Circle just ahead to be turned into an invisible state, then draw the monsters by the mine back to the circle and kill them.
- Enemies: Snowfield Slayers × 2 → Snowfield Slayers × 2 → Snowfield Slayers × 2 + Bandit Boss Ogre × 1.
- The enemies in this mission have a very far detection range, even while invisible, but will only walk towards the target at the same pace as the player. After grabbing their attention, you will continually see a text cue in the center of your screen until the enemy is in the circle.
- Once a monster steps on the circle, all the monsters in that wave will appear on the circle.
- If on a mount, the pet will be forcibly desummoned once entering the circle.
- You may lure the enemies to the circle using a pet to make it much faster. To do this, first step in the circle, summon a pet, send it to attack the guards, and call it back to you as soon as it hits them. While this happens, stay near or in the circle. When the pet comes back to you, make it rest until the guards run to you and reach the circle, then desummon the pet. Repeat for each stage of the mission.
- Note that you will still be in the mission after completing it and have to press the Exit button to leave the Shadow Mission.
- A cutscene will occur after completing the previous step.
- Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP].
To Vales
To Vales
Shamala Taunes Kirine Krug Languhiris
- Talk to Shamala near the entrance of the Hillwen Mine northwest of Vales.
- Talk to Taunes located at the Weapon Shop in Vales.
- Talk to Kirine located inside the Chief's House in Vales.
- Talk to Krug located inside the Chief's House in Vales.
- You will be taken into the Shadow Mission, "Reclaim the Hillwen Mine!"
- Note that if you are in a party at this point, the mission will glitch and you will be forced to start the entire episode over in order to enter the Shadow Mission.
- Krug, Shamala, four Giant Guards, and two Spies will assist you.
- Enter the Hillwen Mine
- You will be warped into the Hillwen Mine upon completing the Shadow Mission.
- Talk to Krug located inside the Hillwen Mine.
- You will be taken into the Shadow Mission, "Retreat to Vales."
- Escort the two Engineering Researchers, the two Excavation Experts, and the Mineral Expert NPCs back to Vales.
- Along the way, waves of monsters will spawn.
- The escorted NPCs cannot be harmed nor attacked, but will immediately stop moving once a wave appears. They may attract aggro from the enemies.
- It is possible to move on ahead and forcibly spawn the other monsters along the path while leaving the NPCs behind.
- Sometimes while leading the NPCs away from Hillwen Mine they may get stuck on an invisible wall to the left. However, only one of the five is needed to make it back to Vales.
- The White Dragon in the beginning is virtually invincible and its Roar provides an attack buff to its minions. However, because Krug and his fellows are occupying it, the dragon will not follow you.
- Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP].
From Vales
From Vales
Krug Languhiris Cessair
- Talk to Krug located inside the Chief's House in Vales.
- You will be taken into the Shadow Mission, "Protect Vales!"
- Krug, Shamala, four Giant Guards, and two Spies will assist you.
- Enemies: Snowfield Slayers × 4 + Bandit Goblins × 2 + Bandit Goblin Archers × 2 + Bandit Imps × 2.
- The spawns are immediately replaced, but the battle will end after a certain amount of enemies are defeated.
- The White Dragon is virtually invincible and present to support its minions. When it walks around, it can trample upon any enemy in its path. It may fly up and use White Dragon's Breath that will freeze everything within a small radius, along with dealing 100 fixed damage. Its Roar can strengthen its minions' attack power.
- After defeating the waves, a cutscene will occur.
- Note that you will still be in the mission after completing it and have to press the Exit button to leave the Shadow Mission.
- A cutscene will occur after completing the previous step.
- Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP].
To Shyllien Nature Reserve
To Shyllien Nature Reserve
Kirine Shamala
- Talk to Kirine located inside the Chief's House in Vales.
- Talk to Shamala located between the Chief's House and the Bank in Vales.
- Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP].
At Shyllien Nature Reserve
At Filia
At Filia
Magic Scholar Maike Shamala
- Talk to the Magic Scholar located at the eastern entrance of Filia.
- Talk to Shamala located at the center of the Connous Oasis.
- A cutscene will occur after completing the previous step.
- Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP Complete Saga Box, Saga EP3 Box]. A cutscene will occur.
- It should be noted that the cutscene chronologically happens at the end of Battle for Shyllien.
- Replaying Episode 3 does not reward a Complete Saga Box.
- You may only obtain up to 1 Saga EP Box a day for all episodes.
- However, you will always receive a box for the first time finishing the episode.
- The Daily Bonus is applied on Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
- This resets at EDT: 10:00am
UTC: 2:00pm AEDT: 1:00am 7:00am PDT100.
[show] Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Other | |