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Hillwen Mine

From Mabinogi World Wiki
An overview of Hillwen Mine.

Description and Geography

Map of Hillwen Mine.
Floor B1.
Floor B2.
Floor B3.

Northwest of Vales is the Hillwen Mine. It is said that the ancestors of the Giants used ancient technology created from Hillwen Mine to combat their enemies. Here, players can Rare Mineralogy.png drill into its vast resources and use Hillwen Engineering.png engineering to obtain materials needed to create Dual Guns and other various tools.

The area is controlled by the Royal Guards of Vales, and one must have permission to enter the mine.

While the first level is safe, it has been mostly cleared of resources. The deeper levels still have monsters dwelling within their walls.

According to Dr. Lambert's theory, the appearance of Hillwen Mine is the result of geographical changes caused by the Irinid's Curse breaking, which supposedly happened after Generation 8 and before The Saga: Iria.

To enter the mine's depths, speak with the Elevator Guard.

  • This NPC and others will not be present to players doing the first 5 Episodes of The Saga: Iria.



Spoiler icon.png This part of the current article contains spoilers.

Areas of Interest


  • Note: Different areas have different drop rates. See this page for more information.
Resource Obtained From Location
Hillwen Ore Fragment.png Hillwen Ore Fragment
Soft Hillwen Ore Fragment.png Soft Hillwen Ore Fragment
Various minerals
Ores (Hillwen) Basement floors only.



  • Hillwen Engineer Shop



Areas Connected

Exploration and Artifacts


Track Title
Through the biting wind
Entering Hillwen Mine


  • There are multiple inaccessible gathering nodes in floor B1.
  • The Hillwen's Nightmare Event took place on floor B1. Various types of zombies came out from within the mine's depths.
  • The deeper the Hillwen ore is, the brighter it is.

