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For charts to compare stats contributed by skills, see Stats and Skills.

Stats affect all aspects of your character, including (but not limited to) appearance and general competence in skills.

General Overview

An example of a player's stats.

Base Stats

  • Base Stats are the stats obtained from ranking skills, taking classes, reading books, Age, Level, and the long-term effects of Food.
    • Stats from skills, classes, and books are permanent and will be carried through Rebirth.
      • However, deranking skills will remove any stat gained.
    • Stats from age, level, and food are semi-permanent, remaining with the character until rebirth.
      • These stats are calculated to one decimal place, despite only whole numbers being shown.
      • For example, a player with 102 strength levels up and gains 0.5 more strength. Although their strength still shows as 102, the player would have 1 more max melee weapon damage than before.
  • These stats are displayed in white in the character window. If these stats are modified in any method other than the ones described above, they will be shown in parenthesis beside the new modified stats.
  • Base Stats directly affect Combat Power.

Stat Modifiers

For stats gained when aging or leveling up, see Level.
  • Stat Modifiers are modifiers that increase or decrease base stats. They include equipment, skill effects, Enchants, the special effects of Cooked Food, Potion Poisoning, Red Dungeon Fountains, Titles, Talents, Reforges, and Totems.
    • This list of modifiers is for the primary statistics of STRength, INTelligence, DEXterity, Will and Luck. Secondary statistics such as defense and protection behave differently.
      • If an enchant boosts Strength by 10 will cause a flow-on effect increasing Defense by 1. The enchant would not impact Base Strength, but the flow-on increase in defense goes into Base Defense.
  • The outcome from Stat Modifiers is displayed in a color in the character window. The color is yellow if the stat is higher than the base, but turns red if the stat is lower than base.
    • This only applies to health, mana, stamina, strength, intelligence, dexterity, will, luck, and defense.
  • Stat Modifiers do not affect the player's Combat Power.
  • Stat Modifiers may not lower any stat below 0.
    • Potion Poisoning is an exception, and can lower any stat to -100% of its base value. However, the character stat window still displays it as 0.
  • Ranking Light Armor Mastery and Heavy Armor Mastery provides a passive boost to Defense, Protection, Magic Defense and Magic Protection, but only while wearing Light or Heavy Armor respectively. The game treats these passive boosts as Stat Modifiers, so they are not included in Base Stats. For example, when trying to obtain Base Defense of 150 to activate Dampen Shock, ranking either Armor Mastery will not help.


  • Age determines how old the player character is. This directly affects the character's height; the younger the character the smaller they appear and the older the character the taller they appear.
  • When creating a character, the player is allowed to choose an age between 10 and 17.
    • Players may not rebirth to an age that exceeds their current age.
  • Character's age will increase by 1 every Samhain (Saturday) at 12:00pm PDT100.
    • The player must log-in, change channels, or re-log in order for the age up to occur.
    • After an age up, the player gains stats. See here for the stats given on age up.
      • Players will stop gaining stats after age 25.
        • In the case of pets, they will stop receiving stats after age 11.
    • The player's height will stop increasing after reaching age 17.
      • In the case of pets, their maximum size is age 5. After age 5, their paws/hind legs will gradually decrease in size.
    • Pet's Companion Bonus will decrease per age up until age 11.
    • Partners will never age.
  • After reaching 25 years of age, the character's age will be shown as "# past 25".
  • After reaching age +25, the player will no longer receive any stats or AP for increasing age, nor will the game indicate that their age has increased.
  • Reaching age 18 rewards "the Adult" title. Reaching age 30 rewards "the All-Knowing". Reaching age 40 rewards "the Old".
  • Characters can age indefinitely.

Ability Points

Ability Points.png Ability Points, or AP, are used to improve your Skills. You can gain AP when you level up, age, or complete some quests.


For the Rank A Enchant, see Lively.
For the Rank 8 Enchant, see Life (Enchant).
Life.png Life is measured in Health Points (HP). When your HP reaches 0, you will fall unconscious. HP naturally regenerates or can be restored with items and magic.
  • Life Points100, commonly referred to as Health Points or Hit Points (HP), determine the character's ability to absorb damage. Life is lost when receiving Damage, standing in Zardine's Sulfur Pits, or when the player has been transformed into a Dark Knight for too long.
  • Maximum Life cannot be reduced below 1 by any means.
  • A character's Life being reduced to zero may potentially render the player Knocked Unconscious.
    • However, it is possible to survive with negative HP100, putting the player into Deadly status.
      • The chances of going into Deadly when receiving any non-damage over time attack are dependent upon Will as well as how close to maximum Life the player was when receiving the blow.
        • Players will always go into deadly if they receive a lethal blow while at 50% or more Life.
        • There is a high probability receiving an attack while in deadly will knock the player unconscious.
        • The damage over time attacks from Meteor Strike, Celestial Spike, Smash, Mirage Missile, and Hydra Transmutation are exceptions.
        • Deadly status "caps" at -100% of maximum HP, including enchants and other bonuses.
  • Life is restored by the following means:
  • Summoned Golems cannot be healed.
  • Pierrot Marionettes or Colossus Marionettes can only be healed by Marionette Potions or Restful Wind.
  • High remaining Life increases the damage of Flame Burst and the damage reflect of Barrier Spikes.
    • High lost Life, on the other hand, increases the draining damage of Life Drain.
      • For example, the player will deal more damage if their Life is 1/1000 (999 Life lost) as opposed to 1/100 (99 Life lost).
  • For skills and quests that increase Life, see here.
  • Soft Capped at 2,500, meaning that only Base Stats cannot contribute beyond this number (without special exceptions). Stat Modifiers can freely contribute beyond this.
    • With the addition of Arcana the Soft Cap is now 3750 at Arcana Level 150.
    • The bonus this stat provides to Alchemy Damage is Hard Capped (without special exceptions).



For the Rank 7 Enchant, see Mana (Enchant).
Mana.png Mana is measured in Mana Points (MP). Most magical skills require MP to cast. MP naturally regenerates or can be restored with items and magic.
  • Mana Points (MP)100 are used for loading any Magic Skill, Fragmentation, Shock, Crash Shot, Mirage Missile, Act 9: Invigorating Encore, Grapple Shot, Bullet Storm, and Shooting Rush.
  • Mana Shield causes the player to use mana instead of life when attacked.
  • It is possible to reduce current mana below 0 by equipping an item that increases maximum mana, use all mana, then remove said item.
    • Negative mana is always displayed as 0.
    • There is no known limit on the amount of negative mana a character can have.
    • A character can keep reducing their mana using Respite.
  • Mana is regenerated by the following means:
  • High remaining mana increases the damage of Water Cannon and Shock.
  • For skills that increase Mana, see here.
  • Soft Capped at 2,500, meaning that only Base Stats cannot contribute beyond this number (without special exceptions). Stat Modifiers can freely contribute beyond this.
    • With the addition of Arcana the Soft Cap is now 3750 at Arcana Level 150.
    • The bonus this stat provides to Alchemy Damage is Hard Capped (without special exceptions).


Stamina.png Stamina is measured in Stamina Points (SP). Most physical skills require SP to use. SP naturally regenerates or can be restored with items and magic.


  • Hunger reduces the effectiveness of stamina regeneration and recovery by 20% and causes the player to use more stamina above the listed threshold. They are displayed in the stamina bar as dark orange when above hunger or black when below hunger100.
  • When using Meditation, Hunger gradually increases at the rate of 1 point per 100 seconds.
    • Hunger is represented by Food %, which is equal to (Max Stamina - Hunger) / Max Stamina.
    • The Food percentage will not drop past 50%.
      • For summoned pets and partners, their lowest is 10%.
      • Players with higher maximum stamina will take longer to reach 50% hunger.
  • Hunger can be replenished by eating Food, Transforming, consuming Full Recovery Potion, or changing channels/logging on and off.


Strength.png Your physical strength. The more Strength you have, the stronger your attacks are and the more bonuses you gain from Strength-dependent skills.
Strength (STR) affects most melee combat skills and defense.
  • Strength (Str) adds a Damage Bonus to Melee Combat, Control Bars, Atlatl, Dual Guns, and Shuriken. It also increases Defense.
  • When equipped with any Melee Weapon except for Control Bars, Every 2.5 Str will add +1 to Maximum Damage; 3 Str adds +1 to Minimum Damage.
  • When equipped with a Control Bar, every 3.5 Str adds +1 to Maximum Damage; 5 Str adds +1 to Minimum Damage.
  • When equipped with an Atlatl, every 3 Str adds +1 to Maximum Damage and 5 Str adds +1 to Minimum Damage.
  • When equipped with Dual Guns, every 4 Str adds +1 to Maximum Damage; 5 Str adds +1 to Minimum Damage.
  • When equipped with a Shuriken every 4 Str adds +1 to Maximum Damage; 5 Str adds +1 to Minimum Damage.
  • Every 10 Str adds +1 to Defense.
  • The first ten Strength received from character creation are nonexistent and does not contribute to anything.
  • Hard Capped at 1500, meaning that both Base Stats and Stat Modifiers cannot contribute beyond this number (without special exceptions).
    • With the addition of Arcana the Hard Cap is now 2000 at Arcana Level 150.
  • For skills that increase Strength, see here.


Intelligence.png Your rational capability. The more Intelligence you have, the more bonuses you gain from Intelligence-dependent skills.
Intelligence (INT) affects all magical abilities and enchant effectiveness.
  • Intelligence (Int) increases Magic Attack, Magic Protection, Magic Balance and the success rate of Enchant. It also reduces the cast time and mana cost of Thunder, Fireball, Ice Spear, and Hail Storm, increases the damage of Mirage Missile's Mirage status effect and adds a Damage Bonus to Dual Guns.
  • Every 5 Int increases Magic Attack by 1.
  • Every 20 Int increases Magic Protection by 1.
  • Every 4 Int increases Magic Balance by 1.
  • Every 5 Int increases Mirage Missile's effect damage by 1.
  • Mana Consumption and Casting times of Thunder, Fireball, Ice Spear, and Hail Storm are decreased by 2% per 100 Int.
    • This effect compounds with similar effects from other sources. For example, having 20% cast time reduction from Int and 40% from a wand would result in a 52% casting time decrease.
  • When equipped with Dual Guns, every 4 Int adds +1 to Maximum Damage; 5 Int adds +1 to Minimum Damage.
  • The first ten Intelligence received from character creation are nonexistent and does not contribute to anything.
  • Hard Capped at 1500, meaning that both Base Stats and Stat Modifiers cannot contribute beyond this number (without special exceptions).
    • With the addition of Arcana the Hard Cap is now 2000 at Arcana Level 150.
  • For skills that increase Intelligence, see here.


For the Dexterity enchant, see Dexterity (Enchant).
Dexterity.png Your ability to work. The more Dexterity you have, the faster and better you can create items and the more bonuses you gain from Dexterity-dependent skills.
Dexterity (DEX) affects most ranged combat skills and many Life skills.
  • Dexterity (Dex) affects the Damage of Bows, Crossbows, Control Bars, and Chain Blades. It also increases Balance and Injury Rates, Armor Pierce, the Success Rates of certain Life Skills and the damage of Mirage Missile's Mirage status effect.
  • Every 2.5 Dex adds +1 to Maximum Archery Damage; 3.5 Dex adds +1 to Minimum Archery Damage.
  • Every 3.5 Dex adds +1 to Maximum Control Bar Damage; +5 Dex adds +1 to Minimum Control Bar Damage.
  • Every 2.5 Dex adds +1 to Maximum Chain Slash Damage; 3.5 Dex adds +1 to Minimum Chain Slash Damage.
  • The approximate formula for required Dexterity to hit a certain balance is (20.34565 / (2^(BALANCE/-8.728944))) - 9.814582
    • Balance received from Dex caps out at 50%.
    • The player has +30% balance when wielding nothing.
  • Every 10 Dex adds +1.0% to Maximum Injury rate and +0.5% to Minimum Injury rate.
  • Every 15 Dex adds +1 to Armor Pierce.
  • Every 3 Dex increases Mirage Missile's effect damage by 1.
  • Higher Dexterity can improve the imbalance in the meter while Cooking.
  • Every 10 Dex adds +1% Success Rate to all Life Skills except for Potion Making, Blacksmithing, Tailoring, and Carpentry.
    • This bonus caps at 180 Dex for a total of +18% Success Rate.
  • Ranking Heavy Armor Mastery to E will cause heavy armor to decrease the wearer's dexterity. The amount is dependent on race and rank of Heavy Armor Mastery.
  • The first ten Dexterity received from character creation are nonexistent and does not contribute to anything.
  • Hard Capped at 1500, meaning that both Base Stats and Stat Modifiers cannot contribute beyond this number (without special exceptions).
    • With the addition of Arcana the Hard Cap is now 2000 at Arcana Level 150.
  • For skills that increase Dexterity, see here.


Will.png Your mental prowess and determination. The more Will you have, the better you can survive dangerous situations and the more bonuses you gain from Will-dependent skills and Will-affected circumstances.
Will affects critical damage, hand-to-hand combat skills, magic defense, and your ability to survive fatal blows.
  • Will, also known as Willpower, increases the player's chance of going into Deadly status, the chance of scoring a Critical hit, the damage of Knuckles and Shuriken, Injury, and Magic Defense.
  • Every 3 Will adds +1 to Maximum Knuckle Damage; 3.5 Will adds +1 to Minimum Knuckle Damage.
  • Every 4 Will adds +1 to Maximum Shuriken Damage; 5 Will adds +1 to Minimum Shuriken Damage.
  • Every 10 Will adds +1.0% to Critical.
    • The amount of Critical that is contributed by the Will stat is calculated as (Will-10)/10.
      • Will below 10 will instead decrease the player's critical rate by up to 1%.
  • Every 10 Will adds +2.0% to Maximum Wound Rate and +0.5% to Minimum Wound Rate.
  • Every 10 Will adds +1 to Magic Defense.
  • The formula for entering Deadly status is currently unknown.
  • The first ten Will received from character creation are nonexistent and does not contribute to anything.
  • Hard Capped at 1500, meaning that both Base Stats and Stat Modifiers cannot contribute beyond this number (without special exceptions).
    • With the addition of Arcana the Hard Cap is now 2000 at Arcana Level 150.
  • For skills that increase Will, see here.


Luck.png A mysterious and inexplicable phenomena that helps you. The more Luck you have, the more often good things happen to you and the more bonuses you gain from Luck-related skills.
Luck affects critical chance, evasiveness, and the success rate of many other skills.
  • Luck increases the Damage of Chain Blades. It also increases the player's Critical rate, the chances to score a Lucky Gather, and the rate of Archery Skills, Throwing Attack, and Dual Gun Mastery to passively miss the player.
    • Elven Magic Missile, Spirit Weapon Awakening, Spider Shot, and Urgent Shot cannot be avoided with the passive evasion, however.
    • Luck passive evasion is ignored if the aiming meter is at 100%.
  • Every 4 Luck adds +1 to Maximum Chain Slash Damage; 5 Luck adds +1 to Minimum Chain Slash Damage.
  • Every 5 Luck adds +1.0% to Critical.
    • The amount of Critical that is contributed by the Luck stat is calculated as (Luck - 10)/5.
      • Having Luck below 10 will decrease the player's critical rate by up to 2%.
  • The formula for Lucky Gather is Luck / 2000 for Normal Lucky Gathers and Luck / 50000 for Huge Lucky Gathers.[1]
  • Luck passively increases the user's evasiveness against all Archery Skills, Throwing Attack, and Dual Gun Mastery.
  • Luck does increase the success rate of Lucky Finish up to a multiplier of x1.9 (every point of luck increases rate by 0.005, capping at 180 Luck)
  • Contrary to popular belief, luck does not increase the success rate of Production, Repairing, or item drop rate.
  • The first ten Luck received from character creation are nonexistent and do not contribute to anything.
  • Hard Capped at 1500, meaning that both Base Stats and Stat Modifiers cannot contribute beyond this number (without special exceptions).
    • With the addition of Arcana the Hard Cap is now 2000 at Arcana Level 150.
  • For skills that increase Luck, see here.
    • See also: Luck Modifiers.
    • Luck can also be achieved through leveling or aging up while age 14 or younger.


A measure of the damage you deal to enemies with physical attacks.

  • Damage is the amount of HP an enemy will lose when physically attacked.
    • The HP loss inflicted on an enemy is not permanent and may regenerate over time if no further attack is made (assuming the enemy has not been killed).
    • A portion of the player's damage will also cause Wounds to the enemy based on Injury rate.
  • A player's damage stat is displayed as a range between a minimum and maximum value. Any given attack on an enemy will inflict an amount of damage whose value is somewhere within that range.
    • The average damage value inflicted is determined by their Balance stat
    • When a weapon is equipped, the attack of that weapon is added to a player's Damage stat.
  • A player's minimum damage cannot exceed their maximum damage. If the minimum damage would be higher than the maximum, the minimum damage will be lowered to the player's maximum damage.

Total Buffed Damage = Max Damage * (1 + Power Pot)* (1 + Battlefield Overture * [1 + Power Pot]) * (1 + Fateweaver * [1 + Power Pot])

Magic Attack

A measure of the bonus damage you deal to enemies with magical attacks. The higher the INT, the higher the M. ATT

  • Magic Attack is the boost a player will receive to all magic damage.
    • The damage increase depends on the skill's Spell Constant.
  • The formula for determining Magic Attack is:
    • ((Intelligence - 10) / 5) + Upgrade Bonus + Reforge Bonus + Enchant Bonus
  • See also: Magic Attack Modifiers

Magic Damage

  • Magic Damage is the actual damage dealt to a target by a spell.
  • The formula for Magic Damage is as follows: {Base Damage + [Wand Bonus * (Charge Multiplier)] + (Spell Constant * Magic Attack) + (Damage Enchants * Damage Constant)}
    * [1 + (Bolt Mastery Bonus + Elemental Mastery Bonus + Magic Weapon Mastery Bonus + Staff Elemental Level Bonus + Hebona Set Bonus + Rosemary Glove Bonus)]
    * Charge Multiplier * Full Charge Multiplier * Thunder Multiplier * Distance Multiplier
    • This formula does not apply to Blaze.
    • Fusion Bolt uses this formula twice, one for each separate bolt, when calculating damage.
    • Base Damage is the spell's base damage as shown in the skill window.
      • Reforge effects that add maximum or minimum damage to the spell add directly to this value.
    • Wand Bonus is a constant for bolt spells while using a wand of the same element.
      • The value for wand Classic Spirit Weapons depends on the Social level of the spirit, up to a value of 30.0.
      • For non-spirit wands, the values are as follows:
      • All other cases, including with Bare Hands or Staff: 0
    • Charge Multiplier is the number of charges. This only applies to Firebolt, Ice Spear, Hail Storm, and Lightning Rod; all other magic spells will always be calculated as if they have 1 charge.
    • Spell Constant is a constant that varies by spell. The values are as follows:
    • Magic Attack is the player's Magic Attack stat as shown in the character window.
    • Damage Enchants is the sum of all bonuses from enchants to minimum and/or maximum damage, depending on what is being calculated.
    • Damage Constant is a constant that lowers the effects of damage enchants and varies by spell. The values are as follows:
      • Icebolt: 0.04 (min), 0.08 (max)
      • Firebolt: 0.2 (min), 0.4 (max)
      • Lightning Bolt: 0.22 (min), 0.44 (max)
      • Ice Spear: 0.05 (min), 0.1 (max)
      • Fireball: 0.25 (min), 0.5 (max)
      • Thunder: 0.25 (min), 0.5 (max)
      • Hail Storm: 0
      • Meteor Strike: 0
      • Lightning Rod: 0
      • Shockwave: 0
    • Elemental Mastery, Bolt Mastery, and Magic Weapon Mastery Bonuses are the percent bonus applied by the respective mastery skill, used as a decimal (e.g. 15% is 0.15).
      • Reforge effects for the mastery's damage and title bonuses (if applicable) for the mastery's efficiency/damage add directly to this value.
    • Staff Elemental Level Bonus is a bonus applied when using a bolt spell with a staff that has been elementally charged with the same element. The bonus values are as follows:
      • Level 0: 0
      • Level 1: 0.05
      • Level 2: 0.1
      • Level 3: 0.15
    • Hebona Set Bonus is a bonus applied to Icebolt and Firebolt when affected by the Icebolt Enhancement and Firebolt Enhancement status effect from the Hebona Set.
      • See Equipment Combination Effects for details on how set bonuses work.
      • The bonus is 0.15 when the enhancement is active, otherwise the bonus is 0 if there is no enhancement.
    • Rosemary Glove Bonus is the percent bonus applied to Icebolt, Ice Spear, and Hail Storm if equipped with a Rosemary Glove.
      • The bonus is 0.15 when equipped, otherwise the bonus is 0 when not equipped.
    • Full Charge Multiplier is a multiplier for being fully charged that varies by spell. The values are as follows:
      • Firebolt: 1.3
      • Ice Spear: 1.3
      • Hail Storm: 1.25
      • Lightning Rod: 1.5~3.3 (varies by rank)
      • Everything else: 1.0
    • Thunder Multiplier is a multiplier for Thunder that varies by number of charges and whether it is the final hit. The multiples are:
      • 1.0 for all hits of Thunder before the final hit.
      • 1.5 for the final hit of Thunder if charged with less than 5 charges (including a single charge).
      • 2.0 for the final hit of Thunder if charged with all 5 full charges.
    • Distance Multiplier is a multiplier for Shockwave and Meteor Strike that decreases as the target's distance increases from the center of the spell.
      • For Shockwave, the multiplier starts at 1.0 when near the center and scales linearly down to 0.1 when at the edge of the area of effect.
      • For Meteor Strike, the multiplier is 1.0 near the center of impact, 0.75 when halfway between the center and the edge, and 0.5 when near the edge.

Bonus Damage

Damage Calculations

The final damage dealt on a monster is calculated in the following steps:
1. Base damage plus all additional damages (from enchants, stats except Int, skills)
2. Skill Multipliers (if applicable)
3. Bonus Damage Multiplier (if applicable)
4. Death Mark Damage Multiplier (if applicable)
5. Rage Impact Multiplier (if applicable)
6. Support Shot Multiplier (if applicable)
7. Enemy Defense Deduction
8. Enemy Effective Protection Deduction
9. Shield Melee Damage Reduction (if applicable)
10. Elemental Multiplier (if applicable)
11. Passive Defense (if applicable)
12. Skill Resistance* (if applicable)


The chance that an attack you deal to an enemy will injure them. Injuries cannot be treated with potions or healing magic.

  • Injury rate is the percentage of damage that is inflicted as Wounds on the enemy.
    • For example, if a player has an Injury Rate of 10~20% and hits 100 damage on an enemy, the enemy will receive 10~20 points of wound.
  • Injury rates are most useful on enemies that naturally recover HP very quickly. This includes Dungeon Recovery Rooms.
  • Every 10 Dex adds +1.0% to Maximum Wound Rate and +0.5% to Minimum Wound Rate.
  • Every 10 Will adds +2.0% to Maximum Wound Rate and +0.5% to Minimum Wound Rate.
  • Maximum and Minimum Injury Rate is reduced by 1.0% for every Effective Protection point on the target.
  • Magic, Alchemy, Puppetry Skills, Counterattack, Lance Counter, Combo: Counter Punch, Windmill, and Doppelganger are not affected by the injury stat as they cannot cause wounds.
  • See also: Injury Modifiers.


The chance that an attack you deal will inflict deadly damage to your enemies. Your Critical rate is affected by your Luck and Will.

  • Critical determines the chance to score a Critical Hit, which increases the damage of the attack dealt.
  • Critical is based on the player's Will and Luck stats, the equipped Weapon and Title, the equipped weapon's Enchants and/or Reforges, and skills.
    • Every 10 Will adds +1.0% to Critical.
    • Every 5 Luck adds +1.0% to Critical.
    • Axe Mastery, Crossbow Mastery, Lance Mastery, and Dual Wield Mastery as well as their skill's Master Titles adds Critical when equipped with an Axe, Crossbow, Lance, or Dual Wield Swords respectively.
    • The formula is calculated as: [(Will - 10) / 10] + [(Luck - 10) / 5] + Weapon Critical + Enchant Bonus + Reforge Bonus + Skill Bonuses + Title Bonuses
      • Skill bonuses may not show up on the player's character stat window depending on the skill.
      • The chance to score a critical hit for magic instead uses the above formula but without factoring in the weapon's critical.
        • This includes Bare Hands, which adds 10% to critical.
  • Critical is reduced by 2.0% for every Effective Protection point (actual damage reduction) on the target. In the case of magic criticals, it is reduced by 2.0% for every Effective Magic Protection point on the target.
  • Critical is capped at 999.9%.
    • However, regardless of the player's critical and the target's protection, the chance to score a critical hit is capped at 30%.
    • With the addition of Arcana the chance to score a critical hit is capped at 36% at Arcana Level 150.
      • For example, the player has 100% critical and attacks a monster with 0 protection; contrary to what appears the player to be having all their attacks score a critical hit, the player actually only has a default 30% rate to land a critical hit.
      • This cap can be increased further by increasing Nele's Renown, Arcana Total Level Bonuses, and with Spirit Weapon's Spirit Unleashing Enhancement.
      • Certain skills may exceed this 30% critical during calculation. For example, Way of the Gun causes all Dual Gun Normal Attacks to be a critical hit, regardless of the player's critical and the enemy's protection stats.
      • Players conducted a trial in which a person with 90% critical attacked a Black-tailed Mongoose (which has 16 Protection). Using the above formula, the chance for critical should have been 58%. However, out of 3308 attacks, only 989 criticals were observed; a cap of ~30%.
  • When using an attack that hits multiple targets, the chance of landing a critical hit is only calculated against the selected target or the closest target to the player/skill being used if a target was not selected.
    • If a player happens to land a critical hit against the target, all other targets within range of the attack will receive a critical hit as well.
  • Most Two-Handed Weapons increases the critical rate of Smash by 5%.
  • Counterattack, Lance Counter, and Combo: Counter Punch uses the enemy's critical rather than the player's.
  • The following attacks cannot score criticals: Poison Attack, Mirage Missile's shock damage, reflective damage from Rank 9+ Barrier Spikes, Life Drain, Dischord's sustained damage, Puppet's Snare's damage over time, Devil's Cry's damage effect, Wings of Rage after effects, Hydra Transmutation, Meteor Strike's leftover flames, and Reflective Damage.
  • Critical hits increases the stun time, knocks down targets rather than pushing them back, and may reset the enemy's AI and change its Aggro.
  • See also: Critical Modifiers.


The likelihood that your attacks will deal damage close to the max damage you are capable of. The more Balance you have, the higher the chance. Balance is affected by Dexterity and skill ranks.

  • Balance affects the distribution of Damage output from the player.
  • The formula for calculating Balance from current Dexterity has diminishing returns.
    • The dexterity required to hit a certain balance can be calculated as (20.34565 / (2^(BALANCE/-8.728944))) - 9.814582.dex2baleh:round(-9.814582 + (20.34565 / (pow(2,(B/-8.728944)))))
    • Desired Balance: name=B;default=1;min=1;max=50
    • Dexterity Required: formula=dex2baleh;A=9
    • Balance received from Dex caps out at 50%.
  • For Combat Mastery and Ranged Attack, each rank gives an additional 1% Balance when using Melee or Archery attacks, respectively.
  • Enchants that affect Balance influence both Melee and Archery by the amount shown; and magic by a fraction of that amount.
  • Sword Mastery increases Balance by 1% every rank when using a Sword. This value is doubled when Dual Wielding.
  • Intelligence influences Magical Balance.
  • Balance is capped at 80%.
    • This limit can be increased by 1% from Total Arcana level Bonuses.
  • Balance can be roughly represented as a bell shaped distribution. The equation for approximating median damage is: ([Max Damage - Min Damage] * Balance) + Min Damage.
    • The Median Damage represents where the peak would be in a regular bell shaped distribution but is not necessarily the mean or mode.
    • As Balance can be approximately represented by a bell shaped distribution, then the following pattern tends to occur: 50% of the time, the player will land a damage that is greater than the median damage (before applying Defense, Protection, Elements, and Skill Multipliers) calculated by the above formula. Conversely, the other 50% of the time, the player will hit less than the mean damage.
    • For the purposes of randomizing damage the distribution goes beyond maximum or minimum damage depending on whether the balance is greater than or less than 50% respectively. From whichever value would give a greater range to the balance/median point, the distribution extends out approximately equally beyond the maximum or minimum damage value. All values that would occur beyond maximum/minimum are instead rounded to the maximum/minimum. This means that the probability that a given damage figure would be greater or less than maximum or minimum damage respectively is added to the probability of rolling maximum or minimum damage respectively. This generally means that with extremely low or high balance values the minimum or maximum damage respectively ends up being the mode(most common) damage value.
      • Thus even with 100% magic balance balance a player will roll maximum damage half the time and the other half roll damage values down to their minimum at a decreasing probability.
        • Therefore in that situation the mean(average) damage is actually less than the median damage. Theoretically the only time the mode, median and mean would be the same is at 50% balance. When balance is less than 50% average damage is higher than median damage and when balance is greater than 50% average damage is lower than median damage.

Magic Balance

  • Magic Balance determines the average damage of magic attacks.
  • It is actually a hidden stat, and not displayed on the character screen.
  • Magic Balance is capped at 100%.
  • The formula for Magic Balance is as follows:
    • [(Int-10) / 4] + 30 + (magic_mastery_correction) + [(enchant_bonuses)(spell_constant)][3]
      • Magic Mastery Correction is a special constant that depends on the player's Magic Mastery rank.
        • Each additional Magic Mastery rank adds +1 to this constant. Rank F Magic Mastery is equal to 1; Rank 6 is equal to 10. Rank Novice is 0.
      • Enchant Bonuses are enchants that affect normal damage balance. The total damage balance effects of a player's enchants are tallied up and multiplied by the Spell Constant.
      • Spell Constant is a special number that varies from spell to spell. The spell constants are as follows:
  • Only Wands affect the balance of spells; other weapons have no effect on spell casting.
  • See also: Balance Modifiers.


A measure of your physical damage mitigation. The more Defense you have, the less damage you take. The higher STR, the higher DEF.

Reduces incoming physical damage by #%. The higher the protection, the lower the chances of taking critical physical attacks.

A measure of your magical damage mitigation. The more Defense you have, the less damage you take. The higher the Will, the higher the Magic Defense.

Reduces incoming magical damage by #%. The higher the magic protection, the lower the chances of taking critical magic attacks. Magic protection increases as Intelligence increases.

  • Defense (Def) reduces physical damage received by the specified amount.
    • Every 10 Str contributes to 1 Defense.
    • The Defense skill passively adds to base Defense.
    • Certain skills, Tethra, and Armor Pierce ignores Defense.
    • Not to be confused with the Defense skill.
  • Protection reduces physical damage received by a percentage. It also reduces the enemy's effective Injury and physical Critical rates.
    • The values for protection (Protection in the character screen) to Effective Protection (the actual damage, injury, and critical reduction) can be found here.
    • Physical Critical Chance is reduced by 2.0% for every Effective Protection point on the target.
      • Certain skills ignore this.
    • Maximum and Minimum Injury Rate is reduced by 1.0% for every Protection point on the target.
    • Life Drain, Shadow Spirit, Wings of Rage, Dance of Death and Celestial Spike are the only skills that can completely ignore Protection.
    • Protection experiences diminishing returns after 32, meaning more Protection is needed to reduce 1% more damage as values get higher.
  • Magic Defense reduces magical and alchemy damage received by the specified amount.
    • Every 10 Will contributes to 1 Magic Defense.
  • Magic Protection reduces magical and alchemy damage received by a percentage. It also reduces the enemy's effective magic/alchemy Critical rates.
    • Every 20 Int contributes to 1 Magic Protection.
    • The values for protection to Effective Protection can be found here.
    • Magic Protection experiences diminishing returns after 31, meaning more Magic Protection is needed to reduce 1% more damage as values get higher.
    • Magical Critical Chance is reduced by 2.0% for every Magic Protection point on the target.
      • Certain skills ignore this.
  • The following also affect the above stats:
  • Protection is calculated as: (Monster Base Protection - Flat Protection Reduction) * (1 - Percentage Protection Reduction) - 5 * Player Piercing Level
  • Damage received is calculated as: Damage * (100 - Damage Reduction from Protection) / 100 - Defense or Damage * (100% - Damage Reduction from Protection%) - Defense
    • For example, if one had 20 Defense and 6 Protection (10% Damage Reduction) and received 500 damage, the damage would be reduced to be 500 * (100 - 10) / 100 - 20 = 430.
    • Any additional Defense and/or Protection from skills is applied after the first series of Defense/Protection calculations.
      • For example, if one had 20 Defense and 6 Protection (10% Damage Reduction), activated Human Defense Rank 1 (65 Defense and 35 Protection [38% Damage Reduction]), and received 500 damage, the damage would be reduced to {[500 * (1.00 - 0.10) - 20] * (1.00 - 0.38)} - 65 = 202.
    • Contrary to popular belief, it is not possible to have negative Defense and/or Protection.
      • If the defensive stat ignored and/or reduced is greater than the enemy's defensive stat, damage calculations will simply use 0 for the stat.
  • Passive Defenses reduces damage by a certain percentage, however this is not to be confused with Protection.
  • Certain monsters are immune to traditional forms of attack, however this is not to be confused with Protection.
  • See also: Defense Modifiers and Protection Modifiers.

Armor Pierce

A measure of your ability to ignore enemy defenses with physical attacks. The higher the Dexterity, the higher the Defense Penetration.

  • Armor Pierce, also known as Defense Penetration, is the amount of enemy Defense ignored when performing an attack.
  • The amount of Defense ignored is equal to the amount of one's Armor Pierce.
    • If the Defense ignored by Armor Pierce is greater than the enemy's Defense, damage calculations will simply use 0 for the stat.
  • The formula for Armor Pierce is: ((Dexterity - 10) / 15) + Skill Bonus
  • Not to be confused with Piercing Level.

Movement Speed

  • Movement Speed is the speed at which the character moves.
  • It is actually a hidden stat, and not displayed on the character screen.
  • The speed at which a Human moves is defined as "normal" movement speed.
    • As of the Renovation: Season 5: Close Combat and Lance Changes, human movement speed has been increased to the same speed as Giants, which was 1.18x faster than humans.
    • Elves move 1.14x faster than humans. Before the Renovation: Season 5 update it was 1.32x faster than humans.
    • Movement speed boosts always increases in proportion to the character's race.
  • Movement speed can be temporarily increased by Awakening of Light, Wave Sweeper, certain Titles (e.g. "Homestead", "the Busy", "Outlaw Hunter", "Is Gone with the Wind", and "Snow Showers and Flowers"), Shylock's Step, Movement Speed Potions, and March Song.
    • In Commerce, only the speed of the Backpack and Handcart are increased. The Hyper Speed Burst and Movement Speed Increase Potions affect all transport mounts including the Wagon and Pack Elephant.
    • If the hyper potion is not giving the speed bonus, dismounting and remounting will resolve the problem.
    • Most movement speed buffs do not stack with each other; only the buff that gives the biggest bonus will take effect. The movement speed set bonus from Fleet Feet Shoes, however, will stack.
  • Movement Speed has no effect while transformed into a creature or flight speed.
  • Movement speed affects the running speed of Charge and Lance Charge.
    • Racial bonuses does not affect Charge speed, however.
  • Dischord and Mirage Missile temporarily decreases movement speed of the impacted target.
  • Fantastic Chorus's Sorrow Sonata decreases the movement speed of targets within the skill's area of effect.
  • Spellwalk decreases the user's movement speed except at Rank 1.

Pet Points

See Pets#Pet Points for more information.

Pet Points.png

Points used for training Pet Perks. Pet points are delivered every 10th level, and can only be used after they've been transferred from a pet to its master. Once they've been transferred to the master, they can be redeemed on any of your pets. Utilize your pets wisely to gather PP.

  • For every 10 levels, Pets will gain 15 Pet Points.
  • Pet Points are used to unlock and rank up Pet Perks.
  • Pet Points are converted from the pet to the master's.

Status Effects

The detailed status effect window.

Status effects are special conditions that a character is put into or applied onto the enemy via using a certain skill, ability or from an in-game effect.

  • They usually appear below your character's Health bar.
    • Not all status effects have an icon or any visual indication.
  • Information on the effect's duration (if applicable) can be viewed in the Status Effect window.
  • All status effects are temporary under normal conditions.
    • Some may disappear during logout or changing channels, some, like Potion Poisoning, will not.

See here for a full list.


Character Status window

RP Status window

Status Effects

Equipment Combination Effects

See Equipment Combination Effects for more information on triggering these status effects.

  • Some effect bonuses share the same visuals as others (e.g. Poison Immunity visuals are the same as Flame Burst Enhancement).
