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Dual Gun Mastery

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Dual Gun Mastery.png
The easiest way to defeat enemies is to attack them from somewhere out of their reach. Thanks to the discovery of Shyllien and Hillwen Mine, you can finally use a skill that will fire Mana Bullets converted from mana. The Dual Gun Mastery skill allows you to condense mana into Mana Bullets and then fire them at range. Master this skill to attack your enemies from a distance. However, you'll be vulnerable to enemy attacks while reloading. Always keep track of your ammo!
Consumes [2] Mana Bullets


A player attacking with a Taunes MK3. All Dual Guns have an ammo count located below the character's feet.
Ammo count turns dull red when low on ammo.
  • Passively increases the player's minimum and maximum Damage as well as Critical rate when using dual guns.
    • These changes do not show on the weapon.
  • Two bullets are used per Normal Attack, even if the first bullet finishes the target.
  • Attempting to attack with an empty magazine will cause the message "Not enough Mana Bullets." to appear and Reload will automatically be used.
  • Critical hits, damage and evasion rate are calculated separately for both shots.
    • Way of the Gun causes all of this skill's attacks to land critical hits.
  • Normal attacks from dual guns will flinch the target for only a fraction of a second, regardless of the weapon's Attack Speed.
    • Landing a critical hit will slightly extend the stun time without affecting the build-up on the Knockdown Gauge.
  • Normal Attacks from dual guns trigger Natural Shield.
  • Binding this skill to a hotkey and pressing it will cause the player to attack the currently selected target.
  • Passive Evasion from Luck can evade Normal Attacks from dual guns.


Rank N F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Required AP - 2 3 6 9 11 13 15 17 19 39
Required AP (Total) - 2 4 7 10 16 22 31 40 51 62 75 90 107 126 165
Additional HP - +2 +4 +2 +4 +2 +4 +3 +5 +3 +7
Additional HP (Total) - +2 +6 +8 +12 +14 +18 +21 +24 +27 +30 +35 +38 +41 +44 +51
Additional Str - +1
Additional Str (Total) - +1
Additional Min Damage - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15
Additional Max Damage - 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 30
Additional Critical [%] - 3 5 6
Skill CP (Total) 0 10 20 40 80 120 160 200 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Stat CP (Total) 0 2 6 8 12 14 18 21 24 27 30 35 38 41 44 52

Obtaining the Skill

Training Method

  • Dual Gun Mastery lack CP requirements in exchange for high training counts. This can be trained in tandem with Way of the Gun.
  • Taking advantage of any Dual Gun Skill that attacks multiple targets will also speed up training.

Novice Rank

  • AP: 0
  • Effects: Practice Stage
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.340.00120
Complete the Intro Gun Training.1100.00100

Rank F

  • AP: 2
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +6
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.340.00120
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.180.0080

Rank E

  • AP: 2
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +7
    • Min Damage +1
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.340.00120
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.240.0080

Rank D

  • AP: 3
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +8
    • Min Damage +2
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy320.0060
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.320.0060
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.240.0080

Rank C

  • AP: 3
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +9
    • Min Damage +3
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy510.0050
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.510.0050
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.240.0080

Rank B

  • AP: 6
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +10
    • Min Damage +4
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.2500.250
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.2500.250
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.500.525
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.25125

Rank A

  • AP: 6
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +11
    • Min Damage +5
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.3000.260
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.3000.260
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.500.525
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.10110

Rank 9

  • AP: 9
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +15
    • Min Damage +6
    • Critical +3
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.4000.280
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.4000.140
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.1000.2525
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.100.55

Rank 8

  • AP: 9
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +16
    • Min Damage +7
    • Critical +3
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.7000.170
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.5000.150
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.1000.2525
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.250.512.5

Rank 7

  • AP: 11
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +17
    • Min Damage +8
    • Critical +3
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.20000.05100
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.5000.0525
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.2000.120
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.500.2512.5

Rank 6

  • AP: 11
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +18
    • Min Damage +9
    • Critical +3
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.20000.05100
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.5000.0525
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.3000.0515
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.500.2512.5

Rank 5

  • AP: 13
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +22
    • Min Damage +10
    • Critical +5
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.30000.0390
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.5000.0525
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.5000.0525
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.500.2512.5

Rank 4

  • AP: 15
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +23
    • Min Damage +11
    • Critical +5
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.35000.03105
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.7000.0321
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.7000.0321
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.1000.110

Rank 3

  • AP: 17
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +24
    • Min Damage +12
    • Critical +5
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.70000.0170
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.12000.0336
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.12000.0336
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.1500.115

Rank 2

  • AP: 19
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +25
    • Min Damage +13
    • Critical +5
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.90000.0190
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.20000.0120
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.12000.0336
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.2000.0510

Rank 1

  • AP: 39
  • Effects:
    • When equipped with Dual Guns
    • Max Damage +30
    • Min Damage +15
    • Critical +6
Method Count Exp Total
Attack an enemy.100000.01100
Perform a finishing blow on an enemy.20000.0120
Critical Hit is activated while attacking.20000.0120
Land a finishing blow with Critical Hit.5000.02512.5

Master Title

the Master of Dual Guns

  • Dual Gun Min Attack +4
  • Dual Gun Max Attack +8
  • HP +15

Related Enchants

Name Type, Rank Enchants Onto Effect(s) Comes On/From
Apprentice's Prefix, 9 Dual Guns
When Grapple Shot is Rank 5 or higher Max Damage +5~10
When Dual Gun Mastery is Rank 7 or higher Min Damage +2~5
+10% Repair Cost
Camo Suffix, 9 Clothing, Armor, Gloves, Shoes
When Dual Gun Mastery is Rank 3 or higher Max Damage +3~9
Prefix, 5 Dual Guns
When Dual Gun Mastery is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +10-28
When Dual Gun Mastery is Rank 1 or higher Min Damage +4~8
Prefix, 5 Dual Guns
When Way of the Gun is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +10~28
When Dual Gun Mastery is Rank 1 or higher Min Damage +4~8
x2 Repair Cost
Exclusive Enchant Scroll (Poisoned Sasquatch, Emerald Golem, Alby Advanced Hardmode Reward, Rundal Basic / Advanced / Advanced Hardmode Reward)
Recruit's Prefix, C Dual Guns
When Dual Gun Mastery is Rank B or higher Max Damage +5~8
Min Damage +1~3
Suffix, 7 Dual Guns
When Dual Gun Mastery is Rank 1 or higher Attack Speed +3~6
When Shooting Rush is Rank 1 or higher Max Damage +20~35
When Grapple Shot is Rank 1 or higher Min Damage +10
Enchant Scroll? (Master of Corrib Cabin), Exclusive Enchant Scroll (Glenn Bearna)
Sniper's Prefix, A Dual Guns
When Reload is Rank 9 or higher Attack Speed +2
When Flash Launcher is Rank 7 or higher Max Damage +5~12
Max HP +100
When Dual Gun Mastery is Rank 5 or higher Min Damage +7

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Note: Once an item is personalized by an enchant, the personalization is permanent, even if the personalizing enchant is later overwritten by another enchant.