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Role-Playing Quests

From Mabinogi World Wiki
(Redirected from Manus' Potion)

Basic Information

  • Role-Playing Quests, abbreviated as RP, are special quests in which players play as NPCs. Many such quests occur in the Mainstream Quests.
  • Some of these quests may not be listed in the player's quest log.
  • Someone who has completed the RP quest may still accompany others in doing their RP quest.
  • Like players, NPCs can obtain Titles and Skills.
  • No NPC can use Gold they come with or obtain in uses other than Gold Strike.
  • Like players, NPCs are resistant to Stun.
  • Like players, NPCs are not interrupted by Melee Auto Defense.
  • Depending on the NPC, they may or may not have several items which may be useful for the RP.
  • AP given is usually based off age. For example, 10 year olds receive no AP, 17 year olds receive 7 AP, and so forth.
  • Warning: You can only do a single RP once per character. However, if you have another character on the same account, it is still eligible.
    • If you fail and leave the RP, you can still redo it, but you will have to re-acquire the item dropped to restart the RP again.
    • While party members can sometimes participate in RPs, they do not receive a reward and it does not count towards their RP.
  • NPCs can never equip different items found in the dungeon other than what they are wearing at the time.
  • NPCs are not created with a party (when multiple members exist) and may not join or create parties.
  • In some cases like in Generation 15, there will be RPs where only party members will be in RP form.
    • In such cases, the NPCs cannot trade. However, they may still drop items.
    • Equipment may still not be taken off.
  • In similar situations, you may go into a solo dungeon or mission where the player plays as his or herself but is accompanied by an AI-NPC whom fights alongside and follows the player.
    • If the NPC is incapacitated the dungeon or mission will result in a failure.
    • If the NPC goes too far out of range it will teleport to the player similar to Pets or Partners.
  • NPCs are all born on Alban Eiler (Monday), for an unknown reason.

Single-player Quests

Giant Spider Fomor Scroll

Method to Obtain Talk to Deian about 'Private Story' with a White Spider Fomor Scroll, a Black Spider Fomor Scroll, and a Red Spider Fomor Scroll in your inventory
NPCs Involved Deian, Black Wizard
Players Needed One, party leader will be a Spider.
Instruction To do this quest:
  1. Gather at least one of White, Black, and Red Spider Fomor Scrolls.
  2. Talk to Deian about 'Private Story', he will give you a Giant Spider Fomor Scroll.
  3. Drop the Giant Spider Fomor Scroll onto Alby Dungeon's altar. You cannot be in a party.
  4. You will be role-playing as a spider (your appearance at the start of the dungeon will be that of a Red Spider).
  5. Opening the boss room door will automatically begin a conversation with the Black Wizard inside. Finish the conversation and the dungeon is cleared.
  6. Upon clearing Alby Dungeon, you will get the keyword 'Birth of the Giant Spider' and you will be returned to the dungeon's foyer.
  7. Talk to Deian about the keyword 'Birth of the Giant Spider' to receive your reward.
Reward Shepherd's enchanted Gathering Knife
Additional Information The White, Black, and Red Spider Fomor Scrolls will not disappear but you will lose the Giant Spider Fomor Scroll once it is dropped on the Alby Dungeon altar. You may just walk to the boss room without doing anything, unless a White Spiderling aggros and attacks you, because the spider cannot hold anything. However, all monsters in this dungeon (White Spiderlings and Young Country Rats) are easily defeated.

Trefor's Gauntlet

Method to Obtain Talk to Trefor about "Private Story" while your title is the Neighboring Part-Timer
NPCs Involved Trefor, Traveler A
Players Needed One, as Trefor.
Instruction To do this quest:
  1. Begin Deian's or Tracy's Part-Time Job.
  2. Before completing the job, talk to Trefor about 'Private Story' and receive Trefor's Gauntlet.
    • You may want to go complete the job now, and come back.
  3. Drop the gauntlet that Trefor has given you onto Alby Dungeon's altar.
  4. Go inside and kill the 6 Goblins to save Traveler A. Upon rescuing her, you will get the keyword 'Rescue Mission' and return to the altar.
  5. Talk to Trefor about 'Rescue Mission' to receive your reward.
Reward Wooden Blade
Additional Information You may get a Boss Room Key, but the Role-Playing Quest ends upon rescuing the traveler.

If you use Windmill incautiously, you can kill Traveler A and fail. But you can repeat the procedure to try the quest again. You have three tries.

Ranald's Medal

Method to Obtain Raise Ranald's affection level.
NPCs Involved Ranald
Players Needed One, party leader will be Ranald.
Instruction 1. Talk to Ranald about 'Private Story' and receive a medal.
2. Drop the amulet onto Rabbie Dungeon's altar.
3. Clear Rabbie Dungeon as Ranald.
Additional Information To raise Ranald's affection level, you need to give him items, Ranald likes almost every weapon, but Wooden Sticks are the cheapest. It is recommended to bring 10 ~ 20 Wooden Sticks.

Two-player Quests

Lassar's Wand

Method to Obtain Complete the Healer Part-Time Job at least 51 times.
NPCs Involved Lassar and Dilys
Players Needed Two, party leader will be Lassar and party member will be Dilys.
Instruction 1. Talk to Dilys about 'Private Story' and she will give you the keyword 'The Great Pretender'.
2. Talk to Lassar about the keyword 'The Pretender' and get the keyword 'Lassar Loves to Party'.
3. Talk to Dilys with the keyword 'Lassar Loves to Party' and receive Ice Wand.
4. Drop Lassar's Ice Wand onto Alby Dungeon's altar.
5. Upon clearing Alby Dungeon you will receive the keyword 'Cleared Alby Dungeon even when Drunk'.
6. Talk to Lassar about the keyword 'Cleared Alby even when Drunk' to receive your reward.
Reward 4,000 Gold
Additional Information

Tracy's Memory

Method to Obtain Raise Tracy's affection level.
NPCs Involved Tracy and Walter
Players Needed Two, party leader will be Tracy and party member will be Walter.
Instruction To do this quest:
  1. Raise Tracy's affection.
    • The affection level is right when Tracy tells you to do his part-time job when talking to him about 'Private Story'.
  2. Take Tracy's Part-Time Job and complete it successfully.
  3. Talk to Tracy about 'Private Story' and receive his axe.
  4. Drop the axe that Tracy has given you onto Ciar Dungeon's altar.
  5. Clear Ciar Dungeon as Tracy and Walter.
Additional Information Tracy's favorite items are Gift 'Slice of Cake'. Doing his part-time job can also help to raise his affection level.

Three-player Quests

Nerys' Arrow

Method to Obtain Equip two Crossbows; one as a main weapon and one as a secondary weapon.
NPCs Involved Nerys, Manus and A friend of Nerys
Players Needed Three, party leader will be Nerys, party member number #2 will be Manus and party member #3 A friend of Nerys
Instruction 1. Talk to Nerys about 'Private Story' to receive her arrow.
2. Drop the arrow that Nerys has given you onto Math Dungeon's altar.
3. Clear Math Dungeon as Nerys, Manus and A friend of Nerys
Additional Information You will get a keyword "First impression of Manus" to start the next role-playing quest.

Manus' Potion

Method to Obtain Complete the quest "Nerys' Arrow."
NPCs Involved Manus, Nerys and A friend of Nerys
Players Needed Three, party leader will be Manus, party member #2 will be A friend of Nerys and party member #3 will be Nerys.
Instruction 1. Talk to Manus about the keyword 'First impression of Manus' that you've got from "Nerys' Arrow."
2. Drop the potion that Manus has given you onto Math Dungeon's altar.
3. Clear Math Dungeon as Manus, Nerys and A friend of Nerys.
Additional Information You will get the keyword "First Impression Manus (Memory)" to start the next role-playing quest.

Nerys' Friend's Letter

Method to Obtain Complete the quest "Manus' Potion"
NPCs Involved Eavan, Nerys and Manus
Players Needed Three, party leader will be A friend of Nerys, party member #2 Nerys and party member #3 will be Manus.
Instruction 1. Talk to Eavan with keyword "First Impression Manus (Memory)", she will give you a letter.

2. Drop the letter onto Math Dungeon's altar and it will automatically clear the dungeon as A friend of Nerys, Nerys and Manus.
3. Upon clearing the dungeon you will receive the keyword 'Nerys and Manus Encounter', talk to Nerys about it to receive your reward.

Reward 4,000 Gold
Additional Information Completing the quest 3 times by trading the Crossbows to the other 2 members and selling them to Nerys or a Personal Shop will return you all your gold back or even more.