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Generation 26: Winds of Fate

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G26 Title.png
(Character Name), you remember 'Findias's Fate', right? With all the trials we went through, I thought we'd overcome it-- that we all could move forward into a new chapter of history. ...But it looks like that was just wishful thinking.



Generation 26: Winds of Fate

Chapter 8 Mainstream Icon.png

Generation 26 continues the storyline in the wake of the events of Generation 25: Eclipse. With the release of the seal to Noitar Arat, Divine Beasts make their appearance around Erinn. In order to overcome this new crisis, Eirawen and Etain form an alliance and recommend to enlist mercenaries to resolve the situation.

Depending on your choices through the story, you will be awarded with one of the following titles:

  • "who Seeks to Bring Order" - Having the most points in Peaceful
  • "who Strives for a Better Life" - Having the most points in Discerning
  • "who Dreams of a New World" - Having the most points in Innovative
  • Most NPCS will have dialogue outside of the main quest objectives during this storyline.
  • All Missions are set on Basic.

To start this generation, the player must have completed Generation 25 or reached a Cumulative Level of 5,000.

NPCs involved in Winds of Fate

Part 1: A Step Towards Destiny

When Fate Comes Knocking

When Fate Comes Knocking

Letter Delivered by a Mercenary.png
Name When Fate Comes Knocking NPC Seafra

I was told you'd be easy to find here, but I've seen a number of Milletians and can't tell which one I'm supposed to find. Erm... Are you out there? - Unfamiliar Mercenary

Generation 26 p1 - Letter.png
  1. Find the Unfamiliar Mercenary in Dunbarton's Town Square
  2. Talk to the Unfamiliar Mercenary in Dunbarton's Town Square
  3. Talk to the Unfamiliar Mercenary outside Dunbarton Castle
    • The specific location is at the southeast exit of Dunbarton.
  4. Read the [Letter Delivered by a Mercenary]
  5. Examine the Suspicious Butterfly on the way to Rath Royal Castle
    • It is located south of the Jousting Arena, in the open patch of grass by the river.
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, Stepping Into Shadow. Simply defeat the Lepidopteran Divine Beasts. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
  6. Talk to Etain in Rath Royal Castle's Reception Room
  7. Talk to Eirawen in Rath Royal Castle's Reception Room
  8. Talk to Sinead in Rath Royal Castle's Reception Room
    • You will be prompted with three choices: I want to learn more (Discerning +1) or I want to protect people (Peaceful +1) or I want to chart my own course (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Innovative +1).
  9. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Terms of Approval

Andras.png Name Terms of Approval NPC Andras

Mercenaries travel the length and breadth of Erinn, doing odd jobs and fighting other' battles to make their way in the world. The bands currently camped out near Taillteann have likely come in search of work as well. - Andras

  1. Talk to Andras in Taillteann
  2. Talk to the Mercenary Leaders on the hill west of Taillteann
  3. Talk to the Hurried Mercenary
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, Living to Fight Another Day. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G].
      • Defeat the 6 waves of Lepidopteran Divine Beasts and Piscine Divine Beasts.
      • All of the Mercenaries are weak and only the Mercenary Leaders will survive after a few seconds. The Leaders will run away one at a time as the waves progress, eventually leaving you alone with the Beasts.
  4. Talk to Gregarious Leader Gwerful
    • You will be prompted with three choices: You should keep training. (Peaceful +1) or Why did you run away? (Discerning +1) or You should disband your company. (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Peaceful +1)
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

A Wildflower Dancing in the Breeze

A Wildflower Dancing in the Breeze

Unknown Quest Giver.png Name A Wildflower Dancing in the Breeze NPC Researcher

When you've been at this site as long as I have, you become something of an expert of who and what passes through Dunbarton. Who was it you were looking for again? - Poulnabrone Research Team Lead

  1. Talk to the Researcher near Poulnabrone, on the Outskirts of Dunbarton
  2. Look for any points of interest around the outskirts of Dunbarton
    • The first gleaming spot will be found near the watchtower Northwest of Dunbarton.
    • Choosing to pick up the Gold will actually give you +1 G.
  3. Look for other points of interest around the outskirts of Dunbarton
    • The second spot is located along the northern road of Dunbarton.
  4. Look for additional points of interest around the outskirts of Dunbarton
    • The last spot is located beside the signpost pointing to Math Dungeon, along the path.
  5. Talk to the Stranger
    • The answer to the prompted question is Gairech.
    • You will be prompted with three choices: Okay. (Peaceful +1) or Is that the best way? (Discerning +1) or That could cause problems... (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Discerning +1)
  6. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Gleaming Eyes

Delga.png Name Gleaming Eyes NPC Aine 

If you are looking for Aine, you'll find her in the Gairech Hills. You could spend all day searching... OR you could create a commotion and she'll come running. It's all up to you. -Delga

  1. Head to a location that might be good for attracting attention
    • The location is near the fork in the road on the path towards the Dragon Ruins from Dunbarton.
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, Threadbare Deceptions. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G].
      • Walk into the various green circles as prompted and then defeat Aine and Declan.
  2. Talk to Aine
  3. Talk to Aine again
    • You will be prompted with three choices: Introduce yourself. (Peaceful +1) or I am here to see you. (Discerning +1) or I was having fun. Let's fight again! (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Innovative +1)
  4. Talk to Declan
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Hammering Out an Agreement

Declan.png Name Hammering Out an Agreement NPC Aine 

We're currently based out of Port Ceann- the East Wind Camp, we're calling it. You see a big tent, you'll know you're in the right place. We'll go on ahead, so meet us there. - Declan

  1. Talk to Declan in Port Ceann
  2. Enter the tent at the East Wind Camp in Port Ceann
  3. Talk to Seafra
  4. Talk to Aine
  5. Talk to Aine again
  6. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Clues Close to Home

Clues Close to Home

Aine.png Name Clues Close to Home NPC Aine 

All right, ready to dive in? I'm betting some of the information we've already gathered will be helpful, so it's time to round up all the books sleeping on our shelves and get 'em to spill their guts! - Aine

  1. Talk to Aine at the East Wind Camp
  2. Peruse the bookshelf at the East Wind Camp
  3. Talk to Aine
  4. Examine the Diminutive Divine Beast at the East Wind Camp
  5. Talk to Declan in the Barri Dungeon Lobby
  6. Search for Divine Beasts in the Barri Dungeon
    • The Dungeon is solo but Aine, Seafra and Declan will accompany you.
      • The Dungeon has monsters found in Barri Advanced Monsters, but only has one floor and is less than ten rooms long. Four Lepidopteran Divine Beasts will be found in the Boss room.
  7. Talk to Seafra in the Barri Dungeon Lobby
  8. Investigate the defeated Divine Beast at the East Wind Camp
  9. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

To the Flowers that Bloomed Together

File:Mercenaries' Quill Pen.png Single Rose.png
Name To the Flowers that Bloomed Together NPC Aine 

This seems like the right time to start asking around. You're a famous Milletian, right? There's probably no one in Erinn who knows as many people you do... including some in positions of considerate influence, I'd wager. - Seafra

  1. Talk to Seafra at the East Wind Camp.
  2. Talk to Declan at the East Wind Camp.
    • You will be prompted: Nod your head (Peaceful +1) or Can I just go with you? (Discerning +1) or That sounds like a pain (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Discerning +1)
  3. Use the Mercenaries' Quill Pen to write letters of introduction.
    • You may choose whatever options you prefer, as this will have no incidence.
  4. Talk to Aine at the East Wind Camp
  5. Talk to Talvish within the Sanctum
    • If you brought flowers, Talvish will ask about them during the dialogue.
      • He will take the item you offer.
  6. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

A Little Miss Understanding

Aine.png Name A Little Miss Understanding NPC Aine 

Oh, it look like you went to wherever it was you were going! I just got back to the camp and there's no sign of Declan or Seafra, but once we're all here, we can share what we learned. I'll bet at least one of us got a red-hot tip, so come on down whenever you're ready! -Aine

  1. Talk to Aine at the East Wind Camp
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, A Hand Ever Extended, where you will role-play as Aine.
      • Simply follow through the conversation.
  2. Talk to Seafra at the East Wind Camp
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, Where the Starlight Shines, where you will role-play as Seafra.
      • Simply follow through the conversation.
  3. Talk to Declan at the East Wind Camp
  4. Talk to Akule in Cor Village
    • He is located south of the Cor Mana Tunnel, before entering the village.
  5. Talk to Declan in Cor Village
  6. Talk to Aine at the East Wind Camp
  7. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Fragment of Metamorphosis

Fragment of Metamorphosis

Generation 26 p1 - Delga's Pendant.png Name Fragment of Metamorphosis NPC Shenon 

Heya, are you all buddy-buddy with those tent-camping fighters now? Great! Actually, I hate to eat into whatever time amount of free time you probably have, but someone came looking for you while you were away. Wonder what they wanted to see you about.... - Shenon

Generation 26 p1 - Freed Beast.png
  1. Talk to Shenon in Port Ceann
  2. Talk to Delga
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, Silent Intrusion. Follow along with the dialogue.
    • You will be prompted: I cannot allow harm to come to this world. or It is my fate, so it is my responsibility. or I must help my friends, who fight for the same ends. or (Remain silent). None of these choices effect title points. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
  3. Talk to Aine in Port Ceann
  4. Examine the Diminutive Divine Beast at the East Wind Camp
    • You will be prompted: Drop the pendant into the cage or Shake your head or (Remain silent). None of these choices effect title points.
    • After examining the Divine Beast, a cutscene will occur without a prompt.
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Where the Trouble Began

Fleta.png Name Where the Trouble Began NPC Delga

Hey. You know, you made such a racket I could hear you from miles away. I like my daily walks to be peaceful and tranquil, so if you could maaaybe be less of a nuisance, that would be great. - Fleta

  1. Talk to Aine on the Sen Mag Plains
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, A Land of Forsaken Hopes.
  2. Talk to Declan in the Northern Fields of Sidhe Sneachta
  3. Talk to Seafra in Port Ceann
    • He is located west of Shenon.
    • You will be prompted: There is still hope! (Peaceful +1) or You give up too easily. (Discerning +1) or I am frustrated too. (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Innovative +1)
  4. Talk to Aine on the Sen Mag Plains
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Undulations in White

Undulations in White

Generation 26 p1 - Lepidopteran Divine Beast.png Name Undulations in White NPC Aine

So, we meet again. You're the one I have business with, so why did you drag everyone else into it? *sigh* ...I guess there's no point in asking someone who just does whatever they want. - Delga

Generation 26 p1 - Seafra bottle.png
  1. Talk to Delga on the Sen Mag Plains
  2. Talk to Delga again
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, Scattered Trio. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
      • Outrun Delga and run across the mercenaries three times each to free them.
        • If Delga catches you three times, the mission will fail.
      • Delga will have slightly faster movement speed than you. The effect of pets on walking speed or other movement boosts will also update her speed, and are ill-advised.
      • Delga will cast a spell to teleport directly onto you if she is too far away.
        • Right after she teleports, she will get a movement speed boost for a certain amount of time. (5 seconds?)
      • The first time Delga catches a pet, she will teleport it away.
        • Leaving a pet out will eventually make the mission fail.
      • Make a beeline for the mercenaries with your regular movement speed and focus on rescuing them.
        • Don't use the terrain as an advantage; if Delga gets stuck on ruins she is sure to teleport onto you.
        • Anchor Rush is extremely useful to make more space between you and Delga.
          • There are a small number of non-respawning Bear Monsters you can use to recover Dorcha.
  3. Talk to Aine
  4. Talk to Delga
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, White Lotus. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
      • Defeat Fuath. It can summon Fuathic Feathers which resemble the Avian Divine Beasts seen earlier.
      • Aine, Declan, and Seafra will assist you. However, they are not able to deal meaningful damage and are likely to fall in battle.
  5. Talk to Declan
  6. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Feelings Unresolved

Generation 26 p1 - Delga's Stone.png Name Feelings Unresolved NPC Aine

So... that thing is just a taste of what's to come, huh? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it'd be hard to believe it. I'm just glad we made it through that in one piece, but it really drives home that if we want to stop anything like that from happening again, we've gotta get through to Delga. If she thinks we're just being stubborn as all get-out, well... so be it. - Aine

  1. Talk to Aine on the Sen Mag Plains
  2. Talk to Delga
    • You will be prompted: I have been through many crises already (Peaceful +1) or I would stop it myself (Discerning +1) or I would convince everyone it was coming (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Peaceful +1)
  3. Talk to Aine
    • You'll be prompted to enter the mission, The Cliff Beneath my Feet [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
      • Interact with the three shining spots, and provide 3 Handmade Bandages for Seafra.
        • One spot is on the other side of the wall across Seafra.
        • One is in the building on the same side of the road as Seafra.
        • One is on the other side of the road as the third building but near the opposite edge.
        • If you do not have 3 Handmade Bandages, Seafra will give you 5 Cheap Fabric when you talk to him.
          • If you do not have a Handicraft Kit and speak to him again, he will give you his.
            • If you lose his Handicraft Kit and speak to him again, the Mission will fail.
          • If you lose the Bandages or need more Cheap Fabric and speak to him again, he will give you another 5 Cheap Fabric.
            • If you lose the Bandages or need even more Cheap Fabric and speak to him again, the Mission will fail.
          • You do not need to craft the Bandages inside the mission. Bandages made outside the mission will suffice.
  4. Talk to Shenon in Port Ceann
  5. Talk to Aine at the Qilla Base Camp
  6. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
    • Change Channels or Relog to receive the next quest.

Part 2

The Open Door

The Open Door

Declan.png Name The Open Door NPC Declan

Good timing. Seafra says he's found something big near our new camp. While we're at it, I've gathered all the clues we've got so far in one place. Take a look. - Declan

  1. Talk to Declan at the Qilla Base Camp
  2. Read the Faded Notes for clues
  3. Talk to Declan
  4. Talk to Aine
    • You will be prompted: Wait, where? (Discerning +1) or I...uh...definitely know also! (Peaceful +1) or Look at Seafra (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Discerning +1).
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Laying Hold of Opportunity

File:Suspicious White Thread.png
Name Laying Hold of Opportunity NPC Krug

Word has reached me that you've been poking around my lands in search of something. Something is going on, and I would have you tell me exactly what. - Krug

Generation 26 p2 - White Thread.png
  1. Talk to Krug in Vales
  2. Talk to Seafra in Port Sella
    • You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Please Don't go Overboard. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 Gold]
    • Seasoned Iria Bandits will spawn. They all have 3,000 HP and their usual AI.
    • You will receive a Suspicious White Thread.
  3. Talk to Castanea in Filia
  4. Talk to Declan in Port Connous
    • You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Through Twisted Cracks. Simply watch the cutscene. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 Gold]
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Heroes Out of the Blue

Admiral Owen.png Name Heroes Out of the Blue NPC Admiral Owen
Professor J
Treasure Hunter
Culinary Artist

Ah, (Character Name), it's been a while since I last saw you. I'd heard you've been traveling with some new companions. From the look of it, they're no strangers to fighting. Is something going on I should know about? - Owen

  1. Talk to Admiral Owen in Belvast
    • You will be prompted: I act on behalf of the Crown. (Peaceful +1) or This is a personal investigation. (Discerning +1) or You need not worry about it. (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Peaceful +1).
  2. Talk to Merlin in Belvast
  3. Talk to the Culinary Artist
  4. Talk to Declan
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Memories Etched in Stone

Memories Etched in Stone

Unknown Quest Giver.png
File:Poulnabrone Fragment.pngWhite-haired Doll.png
Name Memories Etched in Stone NPC Researcher

Talk about being in the right place at the right time. You know who I just ran into? That Aine lady you were looking for! Bet you weren't expecting that-- I sure wasn't.

Generation 26 p2 - Delga and Poulnabrone.png
  1. Talk to the Poulnabrone Researcher, stationed west of Dunbarton
  2. Talk to Declan in the Math dungeon lobby
  3. Clear the Math Dungeon containing the memories of the Poulnabrone fragment
    • On-screen text will periodically show when opening doors, or entering a new floor.
    • All Monsters's HP is fixed at 3,000, have no drops, and is 5 floors long.
      • Floor 1 will spawn Mustachioed Scout, Tall Scout, and Scarred Scouts.
      • Floor 2 will spawn Kobolds, Poison Kobolds and Kobold Archers.
      • Floor 3 consists of spawns of both floor 1 and 2.
      • Floor 3 will spawn Tuatha de Dananns.
      • Floor 5 will spawn renamed Wisps and Elementals: Solitude (Wisp), Emptiness (Lightning Elemental), Futility (Fire Elemental), Loss (Ice Elemental).
      • The Boss Room will spawn Loss x2, Emptiness x2, and Futility x2.
  4. Talk to Aine in the Math Dungeon Lobby
  5. Use the Handicraft skill to make a White-haired Doll
  6. Talk to Aine in the Math Dungeon Lobby
  7. Use the White-haired Doll
  8. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Grasping Hands Amid the Shadows

File:Fir Bolg Hair.png
Name Grasping Hands Amid the Shadows NPC Delga

You're here. How? Why? - Delga

Generation 26 p2 - White-haired doll.png
  1. Talk to Delga in the Fir Bolgs' Last Refuge
    • To enter it, you must use the Fir Bolg Hair while standing on the Dungeon Altar.
      • The item must actually be used while standing on the altar.
      • If you lose the White-haired Doll, speaking with Aine will get you another.
  2. Talk to Delga again
  3. Talk to Aine
    • You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Grasping Hands Amid the Shadows You will have to catch up with Delga and weaken her.
      • Simply run up to Delga and let the cutscenes happen, much like in Part 1's chase game.
      • Delga will teleport away each time you attempt to catch to her, but will accumulate 5 Fatigue while doing so.
        • If Delga's Fatigue goes over 100, she hold her head and become unable to do anything else.
          • Delga is especially vulnerable during this period of time, but her Fatigue will drain and she will eventually ready herself again.
        • After catching her, her Fatigue will reset.
      • Do not use any attacks; Delga will die in a single hit.
      • Delga will periodically spawn walls of Barrier Spikes, Barrier Spikes encirclements around you, as well as Black, White and Blue Poisonous Snakes and Zombie Soldiers. All monsters will explode when killed. Killing one may spark a chain reaction that will kill Delga.
      • You will not be able to summon Pets during this mission.
      • Use Iron Will, Demigod (use it early to avoid letting monsters get caught up in the initial hit), Nascent Divinity's speed boost, March Song, or Shield of Trust with a high-leveled Guarded Footsteps in order to help you cover the distance while ignoring the monsters.
        • Shadow Cloak, Blink, or even Crisis Escape mixed with some of the aforementioned buffs can also increase speed as well as drop aggro of enemies.
          • Moving in circles around the perimeter of the room will help to avoid the aggro of the various enemies.
        • Anchor Rush is a good movement option if you do have a lot of aggro.
        • You may also want to stock up on a few Antidote Potions or use a Poison Immunity Set to cancel out the Snakes' poison, should you get hit by them.
  4. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

That Which Beckons the Shadow

That Which Beckons the Shadow

Name That Which Beckons the Shadow NPC Delga

Very well. You have defeated me. What information do you want? It seems I do not have the power to refuse.

  1. Talk to Delga in the Fir Bolgs' Last Refuge
  2. Talk to Declan in the Fir Bolgs' Last Refuge
  3. Examine the body of the Fuath
    • You will be prompted to enter the Shadow Mission, A Flurry of Black Feathers.
      • Defeat Umbral Fuath. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G, Exclusive Enchant Scroll "Hatred"]
        • Like before, this version will summon Fuathic Feathers, except now it is colored black and it has a wider range of skills it can use.
        • A lot of its attacks focus on your relative position.
        • Things such as Iron Will may help you mitigate the knockback effect from most of the Fuath's skills.
        • If you lack in defense or attack, the use of Catering dishes might help you bridge the gap.
        • Avoid using the skills it has resistances to, as you will do less damage with them.
  4. Talk to the mercenaries in the Fir Bolgs' Last Refuge
  5. Examine the area where Delga was
    • (Look for the glittering spot on the floor.)
  6. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

A Period without Finality

Sundial of Darkness.png
Name A Period without Finality NPC Declan

This has turned into such a headache. Why should Delga be our problem, anyway? But I guess there's no one else who can clean up her mess, so we'd better go talk to that alchemist Dorren in Taillteann. - Seafra

  1. Talk to Dorren in Taillteann
  2. Bring Dorren the Synthesis materials
  3. Create a Transmutated Shadowdial using Synthesis
  4. Talk to Dorren. You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, The Creeping Darkness [100,000 EXP, 10,000 Gold]
    • Fight off waves of Shadow Shires, Shadow Fighters, Shadow Archers, Shadow Lancers, Shadow Warriors, Shadow Alchemists, Shadow Wizard (F) while making your way through the Town Square. All monsters have a fixed HP of 3,000.
    • When you arrive at the Town Square a portal will appear. Your movement speed will be reduced; Pets are unaffected and can be used to ignore the debuff.
    • Use the Shadowdial at the gate of Noitar Arat, within the marked circle.
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Strains of Anxiety

Strains of Anxiety

Declan.png Name Strains of Anxiety NPC Declan

Well, we made it out of the frying pan, thanks to you. Now, I just hope the fire dies down long enough that we can all take a breather. - Declan

  1. Talk to Declan at the East Wind Camp
    • You will be prompted: In front of Math Dungeon (Peaceful +1) or Emain Macha (Discerning +1) or Her hideout in the dungeon (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet does not effect points and will re-prompt you with no timer to pick one of the other options.
  2. Investigate the Fir Bolgs' Last Refuge
    • You will enter the Shadow Mission, All is Still Once More.
    • Use the Fir Bolg Hair once more. Once inside, interact with every gleaming spot. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
  3. Talk to Aine at the East Wind Camp
    • Watch the cutscene.
  4. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Doing What We Can

Lutra Cocktail Set.pngBeef Steak.pngAlmond Strawberry Jam Tart.png
Name Doing What We Can NPC Declan

Hey, it's not easy to get the chance to talk to you one-on-one. There's probably lots of people who would line up for the chance. But not me, so just come see me. - Declan

  1. Talk to Declan in Port Ceann
    • He is located on the western part of the beach.
    • You will be prompted: Sorry, I am busy (Peaceful +1) or Sure (Discerning +1) or I have nothing but time (Innovative+1) or Stay Quiet (Discerning +1).
  2. Talk to Seafra at the East Wind Camp
  3. Talk to Aine in Port Ceann
    • She is located on the eastern part of the beach.
    • You will be prompted: A distraction? (Peaceful +1) or A good night's sleep? (Discerning +1) or To quit being a mercenary? (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Peaceful +1).
  4. Talk to Aine at the East Wind Camp. You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, What Remains of a Smile [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

Taking a Step Back

Taking a Step Back

Etain.png Name Taking a Step Back NPC Declan

Do you think you could spare some time for a visit? This isn't an official request, of course, just the concern of a friend. It would put my heart at ease to know how you've fared. - Etain

  1. Talk to Etain at the Pontiff's Court
    • If Enya is present, you will be required to make her change clothes.
  2. Talk to Eirawen in Rath Royal Castle's Throne Room
    • You will be prompted: Beat around the bush (Peaceful +1) or Quickly get to the main point (Discerning +1) or Tell her the truth (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Innovative +1).
  3. Talk to Sinead in Rath Royal Castle's Reception Room
  4. Talk to Laoire in Rath Royal Castle's Great Hall
  5. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

A Path Best Walked Together

Aine.png Name A Path Best Walked Together NPC Declan

This isn't what I expected we'd hear at the Royal Castle, but I think I've made up my mind. So... do you think Seafra's still asleep? Let's go wake him up! - Aine

Generation 26 p2 - Windfall Mercenaries.png
  1. Talk to Seafra at the East Wind Camp
  2. Talk to Aine
  3. Procure Moonlight Island
    • Only creating the island is required.
  4. Use the Wings of a Goddess (Empty) on Moonlight Island
  5. Talk to Aine at the East Wind Camp
  6. Talk to Declan in the Moonlight Island Plaza
    • You will be prompted: Include me (Peaceful +1) or No thanks (Discerning +1) or ...Could I really be a mercenary? (Innovative +1) or Stay Quiet (Innovative +1)
  7. Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]

< Generation 25: Eclipse
