- For the character, see Hamlet.
< Generation 12: Return of the Hero Generation 14: Romeo and Juliet >
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- For the Script of this questline, see Script - Generation 13: Hamlet.
- For the contents of the book, see The Tragedy of Hamlet.
Battle after victorious battle, led by a valiant king ushered Denmark into an era of peace. But it was not to last. For the king's sudden death cast a dark shadow, the catalyst to a tragic thread of events. The king's younger brother, Claudius, married the queen, his brother's wife, before the king was even cold in his grave. But there was one who still mourned the king, One who's tears had yet to dry His name was Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark.
—Prologue of Hamlet
- To start Generation 13, you must have completed Generation 12 or get your cumulative level to 510 and talk to Duncan about storyline change.
- All Generation 13 Theatre Missions can only be done solo.
- Avon Drama Crystals will not increase the rewards given for completing the mainstream quests.
Generation 13: Hamlet is a story that revolves around the Shakespearian play, Hamlet, and marks the beginning of Chapter 4. Here, the town of Avon, the Globe Theatre, and Shakespeare are introduced, but Morrighan tries to wrongfully imprison Shakespeare and destroy the play.
Changes in Generation 13 Due to Updates
NPCs involved in Hamlet
The Tragic Bard
Elsinore Castle

Elsinore Castle
Winter at Elsinore Castle is cold enough to freeze the hearts of the cruelest curs. An unexpected request though it was, you stood guard very well. I would speak with you about the happenings in Elsinore Castle. - Marlowe
- Talk to Marlowe. He will give you an Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- Watch the cutscene. You will receive the Royal Letter to Norway. Defeat the monsters that appear afterward.
- You will then be transported to a different area. Afterwards, another cutscene plays.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- Complete the quest.
- You will be awarded 7,500 EXP and 5 HP 30 Potions for completing the quest.
Laertes's Departure
Laertes's Departure
Marlowe, Laertes
What could the monsters roaming the kingdom outskirts want? Nevertheless, you've handled the situation well. The negotiation with Fortinbras seems to have been a success as well.- Marlowe
- Speak to Marlowe. He will give you an Hamlet Act 1 Scene 3.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- Watch the cutscene. Talk to Laertes and defeat the monsters that appear afterward.
- Snow Troll × 4 → Snow Troll × 4 → Giant Snow Troll.
- The trolls in this mission are significantly weaker than average.
- It is not necessary to aid Laertes, because of his decent HP, defense and damage.
- After defeating the monsters, another cutscene plays which ends the script.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 7,500 EXP for completing the quest.
Horatio's Dagger
Ghost of Elsinore
Ghost of Elsinore
Horatio's Dagger... 'Tis the prop I requested. I admit I was worried, as it took you longer than I expected. - Marlowe
- Deliver Horatio's Dagger to Marlowe. He will give you Hamlet Act 1 Scene 4.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- Watch the cutscene. You will then have to fight Elsinore Ghosts with Horatio.
- Elsinore Ghost × 6 → Elsinore Ghost × 5
- Horatio's damage is insufficient, so you must do all the work.
- Horatio has enough HP and Defense, but can fall to an Elsinore Ghost with a spotlight on it.
- Another cutscene plays which ends the script.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 7,500 EXP and 5 HP 30 Potions for completing the quest.
Polonius's Request

Polonius's Request
Marlowe, Duncan
Thank thee for aiding Laertes. I've another task for thee. In my haste I forgot to pack some important items. Deliver this luggage to the docks. My loyal servant awaits thee. - Polonius
- Talk to Marlowe. He will give you Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- Talk to Marlowe. Use the Avon Feather to get to Tir Chonaill.
- Talk to Duncan (he will take the Ancient Avon Relic)
- You will be awarded 7,500 EXP and 5 HP 30 Potions for completing the quest.
Ancient Avon Relic

Ancient Avon Relic
I didn't have much time, but I did manage to investigate a few things. I hope that you can stop by so that we can talk about it. - Duncan
The Prince's Madness
The Prince's Madness
'Twas good of you to aid Laertes's departure. You've gain King Claudius's confidence, as well as that of his chief counsel, Polonius. It also means that you'll be able to do more in Act 2, which is about to being. - Marlowe
- Use the Avon Feather to get to Avon and talk to Marlowe. He will give you Hamlet Act 2 Scene 1.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- Watch the cutscene.
- Defeat 3 Young Goblins that appear.
- Watch the next cutscene, clearing the script.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 12,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Marlowe's Manuscript
Marlowe's Manuscripts
Marlowe, Malcolm
Though you may not realize it, I've been recording the story of Hamlet. I've a request to make regarding it. - Marlowe
- Talk to Marlowe.
- Talk to Malcolm in Tir Chonaill.
- Obtain a Small Gem by hitting either a lamppost, sign, or the various pots found in front of the General Store.
- Note: Gathering the Small Gem before the quest won't count, neither will dropping it and picking it back up. You have to get it from the environment in order for it to count.
- Bring the Small Gem to Malcolm.
- You will be awarded 7,500 EXP for completing the quest.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Marlowe, Shakespeare
Have you obtained a Quill Pen? Just after you left, I realized that I forgot to give you money for it... My apologies. Please come see me. I have more to discuss with you. - Marlowe
- Talk to Marlowe. You will see a cutscene and then receive Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- Watch the cutscene.
- Talk to the Man Afraid of Ghosts. Defeat the three Elsinore Ghosts that appear.
- Talk to the Man Afraid of Ghosts again. The scene will change.
- Talk to the Cleaning Maid. Defeat the three Elsinore Rats that appear.
- Talk to the Cleaning Maid again. The scene will change and you will see a cutscene.
- The Grim Reaper will appear, attacking you and Shakespeare. The Grim Reaper is immune to all damage, so simply avoid its attacks. A cutscene will cut short the fight, ending the script.
- Shakespeare has enough HP and Defense to survive the attacks done by the Grim Reaper.
- The Grim Reaper uses Teleportation. The Reaper attacks by striking the ground across or in front of it which draws unholy energy. It can also dive through the ground to appear behind its target and attack.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 12,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Avon Dressing Room

Avon Dressing Room
Marlowe, Simon
The dressing room of the Globe Theater was flooded, and all of the costumes destroyed. This is a tremendous problem, as a performance is to take place soon. - Marlowe
- Talk to Marlowe.
- Talk to Simon in Dunbarton.
- Shear 5 bundles of wool from Sheep outside the west of Dunbarton.
Using an upgrade Gathering Knife that allows double Wool drops in a single shear will only count as 1, not 2.
- Note: Like Marlowe's Manuscript, pre-gathering won't work.
- Talk to Simon. He will take 5 wool and give you a Stage Costume.
- You will be awarded 10,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Royal Castle Drama Festival

Royal Castle Drama Festival
It appears that the play will resume soon at the Elsinore Castle. The new stage costumes are ready, correct? - Marlowe
- Give the Stage Costume to Marlowe. You will receive Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- Watch the cutscene.
- As soon as a spotlight shines on you, click the yellow button at the bottom center of the screen to 'act'.
- If you don't do this fast enough, the spotlight will vanish, and you will have to restart the entire play.
- After three 'acts', a cinematic cutscene ends the script.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- There will be another cutscene.
- You will be awarded 10,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Unraveling Truth
Unraveling Truth
Didst thou see? How Claudius trembled with fear? He was caught in the trap I set for him. Alas, I was right. The truth to his dark crime has been revealed. Please continue to investigate King Claudius, and let me know if thou findest further evidence. - Hamlet
- Upon receiving the quest, you will also receive Hamlet Act 3 Scene 2.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- You will have to follow Claudius without him noticing you.
- Claudius has a range of vision represented as a blue fan shaped graphic in front of his feet. You are to avoid coming into contact with it.
- You will automatically be in a state similar to Hide, and will only be able to walk.
- If you get too close to Claudius he will notice you, and if you are too far away he will disappear. Resulting in failing the mission.
- On-screen messages will flash, indicating whether you are too close or too far from him.
- You may find a picture of how Claudius walks using the second tab or click here.
- Tip: The animation of the walking can be skipped by holding down the mouse button right in front of your character. This allows you to skip the slow stepping animation and keep up with him more easily.
- When you are successful, you will see a cutscene, ending the script.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 12,000 EXP for completing the quest.

If what thou hast just witnessed is true, it is indeed a shock. We must tell Prince Hamlet that he was right. He has journeyed to meet Queen Gertrude. Please make haste. - Horatio
- Upon receiving the quest, you will also receive Hamlet Act 3 Scene 3.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- You will have to defeat three Elsinore Ghosts and a Castle Wall Golem.
- You will then see a cutscene, ending the script. If the cutscene does not start on its own, step closer to Queen Gertrude to trigger it.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 19,000 EXP for completing the quest.
The Bard's Flute
Sea of Pain
Sea of Pain
Marlowe, Hamlet
There were some unexpected truths regarding the Bard. We may have been mistaken about some things. - Marlowe
- Talk to Marlowe. He will give you Hamlet Act 4 Scene 1 and Horatio's Letter.
- Enter the Globe Theater. It is solo RP mission.
- You must RP as Hamlet and defeat all the spawns to clear the mission.
- A cutscene will play, and a new set of monsters will take role.
- If you die, the mission fails automatically with all the monsters despawning.
- You are aided by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. If either of them die, the mission fails.
- The two NPCs are weak and will not be of much help.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
'Tis thee! I need thy aid. The wretched citizens of the kingdom have surrounded the Royal Castle. Laertes, son of the murdered Polonius, leads the mob. They seek to drive me from the castle. There are too many of them! I need thy help. I beseech thee... - Claudius
- Upon receiving the quest, you will also receive Hamlet Act 4 Scene 2.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- You will see a cinematic cutscene, then you will have to protect the Civilians from the attacking squad of Sentries.
- All the NPCs will do very low damage, whether it is aimed against you or other NPCs. However, the Sentry's Smash and Counterattack are quite lethal, especially if you don't have enough Defense/Protection.
- You must hold out against the Sentries for at least 5 minutes and 15 seconds, in which another cinematic cutscene will end the play.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 5,000 EXP for completing the quest.
The Return of Hamlet

The Return of Hamlet
I am worried about Claudius's plot. What could Laertes be planning? - Marlowe
- Talk to Marlowe. He will give you Hamlet Act 4 Scene 3.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- You will see a cutscene, then have to fight 6 Ghost Cloakers.
- There will be another cutscene, ending the script.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 4,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Claudius hath requested I duel Laertes. Horatio wishes I declined, but I care not. My one concern is that my skill with a blade hath rusted... I hear thou art skilled with a blade. Willst thou be my sparring partner as I prepare for the duel? - Hamlet
- Upon receiving the quest, you will also receive Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- You will see a cutscene, then have to fight Hamlet.
- Another cutscene will cut the play prior to Hamlet's defeat.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
- You will be awarded 10,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Final Act
Final Act
The poison used to murder the former King was also used on the blade Laertes pointed at Hamlet. Prince Hamlet may be caught in a trap from which he won't be able to escape. The time has come for the actors to leave the stage. Once the spotlight is shut off, all will disappear into darkness. - Marlowe

- Talk to Marlowe. He will give you Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2.
- Enter the Globe Theater.
- A long cutscene will play before you fight the Grim Reaper.
- First a cinematic cutscene and then a normal one.
- The Grim Reaper has Teleportation as well as Advanced Heavy Stander. Teleportation allows it to vanish from one spot to another and Advanced Heavy Stander prevents it from being stunned, knocked back or knocked down.
- Fortunately, the Grim Reaper possesses no Passive Defenses, meaning your attacks are not halted by the Reaper.
- To effectively defeat the Reaper, you must run around it while attacking. Using skills that halt you such as Magic or Alchemy may make you vulnerable to the Reaper's attacks.
- If you take a blow from any of the Reaper's attack you will be cursed, causing your HP, MP, and SP to drain quickly. Simply do not take any hits for a while and the curse will fade away.
- Once the Reaper is defeated, Generation 13 is over.
- The Hamlet Script will be updated for the final time and the story of Hamlet will be complete.
- Stage Dungeon Rewards:
< Generation 12: Return of the Hero Generation 14: Romeo and Juliet >
- The Tarot Cards shown during the generation represent actual real-life Tarot cards, and seems to have the same meanings.
Artwork Gallery
Tarot Cards
Storyline Artwork
Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Event | | | Other | |